"Push through the fear... for what lies on the other side is success".
This simple quote has been one of my go-to mantras for the past year or so. On the surface, it is simply a quote. Nothing more. And many may wonder how a simple quote, thought of regularly, can actually produce tangible changes in ones life.
A while ago, my spiritual mentor gently encouraged me to begin doing "LIVE" Facebook videos. The mere thought of that scared the shit out of me! In retrospect, I'm not really sure exactly WHAT I was afraid of. Oh, sure, I had my "reasons"!
"What if nobody showed up?" Or even worse... "What if ANYBODY showed up?!?!" "What would I talk about?" "What if someone asked a question and I didn't know the answer??"
I'm not really sure WHY these issues were my concern, but for some reason, they were. And the thought of pressing that LIVE button left me with a knot in my stomach that was akin to an ulcer!
So, even though I knew in my mind that my fears were unreasonable, the fear itself was valid. It was real. And through the months... yes, MONTHS... of contemplating this task... I began to realize that this particular fear was holding me back. Even more than that, I was ALLOWING this fear to have power over me!
I realized that I wasn't getting to the root of this issue. I wasn't able to figure out WHY I had this particular fear and WHY this particular fear seemed so out of proportion to any other fear at the time. And each time I would do a Channeling Session for myself or Meditate and connect with my own Spirit Guides for insight I would get the same response: Just do it, Push through.
Just Do It!
Finally, one day, I looked at this quote yet again and decided to "just do it". Enough of trying to analyze it and get to the root of the issue. Because, quite frankly, my own avoidance of a task was beginning to annoy ME!!! So, I started by doing a sort live session in one of the smallest and inactive groups I have! I then moved on to slightly larger groups and for just a little bit longer of a time. Before I knew it, I began to actually LOVE doing videos!
From that point on, I realized that whenever I got that "pit" in my stomach, that irrational "pit" of fear; that was my cue to break through that "fear barrier". I had to trust that only in breaking through it, would I be met with success.
I challenge you to think about that one thing that you are afraid of doing. Put all of your "reasons" aside and just "DO IT"... even if it means that you are doing it AFRAID. Push through, get it done and meet me on the other side!
Please feel free to Share this blog post to anyone you think will benefit! Sharing IS Caring!!
Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination
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