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Monday, February 20, 2017

Healing the Inside to Manifest on the Outside

When it comes to manifesting the life we want, it's important to realize that many times our own mind, inner thoughts and beliefs, and even our feelings on a particular subject; may in fact be presenting a blockage of sorts. 

Let me give you an example. If I want to manifest financial success in my life I may use positive affirmations daily. I will also make sure that those statements that I am putting out into the universe are very clear and accurately paint a picture of what it is I am seeking. And, because I am so well versed in this whole manifestation process, I will even make sure that I am really FEELING the emotions that I will expect to feel once my reality manifests. In fact, I will be doing everything to make sure that my vibration matches the vibration of that which I'm trying to manifest. 

But, what if I've got some underlying issues from when I was growing up that I haven't yet dealt with? Hmmm.. what do I mean? Well, let's say that growing up I was ingrained with the belief that society is classed into the rich and the poor, with no in between. What if, growing up, I was always told that in order to make money you had to work very hard for it?

Even though, as an adult, I have read and educated myself enough to know that those are not factual statements; their message continues to resonate within the very cells of my body. My mind will tell you otherwise. My words will show that success can be easy because the universe will allow whatever you desire into your life as soon as you are a vibrational match. But, deep within my soul, my cellular makeup doubts all of this. Deep within, that very deep seeded thought that one has to work harder to make more money or that I will always be among the lower half of society  in terms of success, continues to simmer. 

On the other hand, I may not have those ingrained issues from my upbringing. I may, however, still have them deep rooted within my psyche from past lives. For those that subscribe to the theory of past lives, we know that when we come into this incarnation, we don't bring with us the memories of our past lives, but we DO bring with us parts of those lives... particularly parts that we still need to work on! So, while I may have successfully dealt with the issues of my upbringing in this incarnation, I may still have the same or similar issues that I've brought with me from a past life. 

It's important to recognize these potential blockages. One can also refer to them as LIMITING BELIEFS. And I am certain there are other names that can be attributed to them. Looking at your life and the areas you are doing manifestation work is a great place to start. Next, you'll want to determine if you have any limiting beliefs in that area. As a Diviner and Healer, I often use a pendulum or muscle testing to figure out which ones may be impacting me. This can be done in one setting, or repeated over time as you consider additional beliefs that may be limiting you that you hadn't thought of. 

After I have determined which limiting beliefs may be affecting my manifestation in this lifetime, I move on to CLEARING them from my system. There are many ways to do this; some even saying that their method can clear the limiting belief in one sitting. The methods I tend to use are Pendulum Healing (which is a form of dowsing) and Karmic Reiki Treatments. Both have proven to be significantly effective in clearing the negative beliefs that I've accumulated throughout lifetimes.  

I challenge you to identify some of YOUR limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from being your highest self! Heal the inside and watch the changes that happen on the outside!! 

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