Now, this in no way means that you're a "bad person" or that you're "cursed"! It could simply mean that you have picked up some negative energies when you go to work, or go out anywhere. It could be that you've been in a slump for a while. Maybe you've felt sluggish or withdrawn. Or you may find that despite repeated house cleansings, you are still irritable and grouchy. It happens. We've all been there.
In this case, it is important to do a cleanse on OURSELVES! And I'm not talking about jumping in the shower with the Dial Soap and giving ourselves a good scrub! I'm speaking here about a more spiritual cleanse. A cleanse to eliminate the negative energies. Remember, that negative energies will undoubtedly rear their ugly head in the way of physical symptoms, as I discussed in a previous post. This speaks to the seriousness of doing a spiritual cleanse regularly. We don't want to let the "crud" fester and turn into physical ailments!
In fact, oftentimes, a spiritual cleanse- designed to eliminate negative ENERGIES- will result in an improvement on the PHYSICAL level! I have been witness to stories of pets who were unable to walk or diagnosed with tumors; being completely healed following a spiritual and energetic cleansing. I know people... yes, human people.. that have had remarkable results on the physical level following a spiritual cleanse.
So, how does one go about performing a spiritual or energetic cleanse on themselves?
Herbs to the Rescue!
Everyone has an EGG!
Another method is called a Limpia. This is a Spanish word which means "cleanse or cleaning". This method uses a simple EGG from your refrigerator. You can learn about the Limpia here:Use Some Incense
A method which uses incense is also appropriate. If you have loose incense or resin of Frankincense and Myrrh you can burn them on a charcoal disc. As you do this, you will want to remove all of your clothing and sit in a chair. Place the burning resins beneath the chair (on the floor). Then wrap yourself completely in a sheet- allowing the smoke from the incense to rise up and immerse your entire body.
There are many other methods to do a Spiritual Self-Cleanse! These are just a sampling! What other methods are YOU familiar with?
I challenge you to try one of these methods and experience the difference in how you feel!
Don't forget to meet me on Instagram!! You can find me here:
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