You know that old saying... it goes something like this: Not everyone in your boat may be helping you paddle.... some may be drilling holes when you're not looking. It speaks to the importance of truly knowing the people in your "tribe"; those that are supposed to be on your "team". We all have "haters" in our lives... but when those "haters" are people you THOUGHT were supporters... it stings a bit.
I suppose I shouldn't be so naive! I've lived long enough to have seen this happen over and over again. The fact is, it seems inevitable that there will be people that (for some reason) choose to remain in your circle, despite the fact that they really don't want to see you succeed.
And, once again, this was made abundantly clear to me just the other day. People I had thought were on the same projectory to a successful team... showed that they were in fact on a very different plane that I was. Words meant to inspire and create action were met with disdain and disgust.
It was a tough pill to swallow; but the harsh reality was that these were not "my people". They were not a part of my "tribe". Oh, they may have been at one time. But just like energy flows ever changing, so do people and thus so does our tribe. Sometimes, as you're in a forward moving momentum- those around you choose not to keep the same pace. And that's okay. Every one of us is trekking our journeys at our own personal pace.
But alas, it happens. And we can't allow that vibe to keep us in a place of low vibration or stagnation. And so we press forward... But, how best to deal with it? Well, I'm never REALLY sure. I do believe that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. So, with that being said- all the prodding and inspiring in the world won't make some people stick with you. And so with those people I try to dissociate. Make a space between us; a separation.
In some cases, we simply aren't able to remove those people from our lives. Maybe they are family or people that we work with. For those people, I try to distance myself as much as possible. After all, their presence in my life only serves to hold me back. And by ALLOWING them to hold that space... I am ALLOWING them to keep (or try to keep) me in a place of stagnation and slow growth... to meet THEIR perception of success.
It is vital to keep your passion burning regardless of the "haters". Because ultimately, the vibe you keep putting out will undoubtedly attract the tribe that's meant for you. Those with the same mindset - who are operating at a similar vibrational frequency. They will gravitate towards you, while others fade away. Remembering yet another saying: Your vibe attracts your tribe!
In some ways we can think of it like high school. I always told my teenage children- don't worry who does or doesn't like you in high school, in 5 years you'll never even hear from any of those people - friend OR foe. And I find it similar with our "tribes" or circle of friends throughout our life. Only a select few will remain with you for the long haul, often waxing and waning in and out of our lives throughout. The rest will fade away, replaced by people who are walking the same path at the same time as us. And that is just how it is meant to be.....
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