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Monday, November 6, 2017

Valuing our Female Relationships

Showing Support and Making Connections 

What does it mean really? In days past, we would show support to our community of people and friends by stopping by with a loaf of bread or even picking up the phone and having a heart to heart conversation. 

But, alas, times change, don't they? When was the last time you spoke to a friend on the phone? For that matter, when was the last time you made something and hand delivered it to someone as a caring thought?

Showing support is such an important part of our relationships with other people. Having people to support you allows you to maintain positive coping skills and lead a happier and healthier life. 

Watch out for the pearls....

A long time ago, I worked in nursing homes quite a bit. They were primarily filled with elderly patients. And, guess what? I would say roughly 90% of those elderly patients were WOMEN. I can remember one patient in particular. She used to tell me to value my female friendships. I didn't understand what she was really saying at the time. But with age comes wisdom. 

That lovely little lady was giving me pearls of wisdom... if only I would listen to the melody behind the words. In our life, women will likely outlive our male partners; and it is vital for us to develop and maintain our friendships and connections with other women. 

But in this day and age, showing support can often have a very different "look" to it. And yet... showing support remains just as important NOW as it did in days gone by! So, the question then becomes, HOW do we show support in this electronic age? How do we show support when our friend doesn't live right next door... or even in the same state? 

Just how CAN I show my support?

Let's hash through some of the ways that we can still show support and build connections with others in the digital age. 

Being "present". Just like in days gone by, showing your presence continues to be a vital part of maintaining strong relationships. How can we show our presence online? Well, it's actually pretty easy. And in fact, takes very little time out of our busy lives. It involves clicking a LIKE button. Being present can mean SHARING a friends POST. This shows your friend that you value them and want to help in their success. 

Just shooting someone a quick message via Facebook messenger, Text, Twitter or any other social media account let's that person know that you are still in their thoughts. Letting this be a more individual message, rather than a chain message goes a lot further! I know a few women who have done this for me and if I recall, I didn't even respond. I wasn't in a space to be social at that time as some depression was kicking in and I was simmering there for a bit... but I can promise you- those messages helped. 

What are some of the ways YOU have shown support and strengthened those connections in a digital world? 

Expand YOUR knowledge with my online self-guided courses!!! 

  • Usui Reiki
  • Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki
  • Karmic Reiki
  • Kundalini Reiki
  • Tibetan Reiki
  • Remote Viewing
  • Pendulum Divination
  • Intro to Tarot
  • Cartomancy: Divining with Playing Cards


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