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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

5 Ways to Fail with your Spell Work

1. Willy Nilly Substitutions

Now, before everyone starts bashing me for this one, let me clarify! On one hand, I do believe that those tried and true spells that have been passed on for generations should be left as is. After all, they have a proven success rate. On the other hand, I do realize that many times we may not have a particular ingredient and may NEED to substitute something else. The thing is, when we are making substitutions, it's extremely important to research the QUALITIES of the ingredient we are needing to find a substitute FOR and making sure that we choose an ingredient that matches those qualities. I've seen so many comments and posts that haphazardly ask for a substitute for a particular ingredient and well meaning people sharing what they would substitute with. I can only hope that the person asking will then take the time to research for themselves to be certain. You wouldn't want to inadvertently substitute with something that may offer slightly different qualities. 

2. Lack of Focus

There are many new practitioners who wrongly believe that simply lighting a candle and walking away will produce the desired results. Sadly, this is not the case. Focusing on your intention as your spell is working can be a rather important part in the process and one that is often neglected. It is so important to clearly visualize the outcome you are shooting for. Seeing it as though it is real in your minds eye. And even more than that- FEELING it. Allowing yourself to actually experience the emotions that you KNOW you will have once this manifests. 

Now, here's the thing with focus.... 

When I say it's important to have focus... I mean, WHILE you are doing your spell. When you've consecrated, anointed and lit your candle (for example); you may find better results if you sit in front of that candle and do your meditation- visualizing the outcome, etc. Even if you have to leave the candle for a time (because it's a taper candle or simply takes longer to burn down); you'll want to be sure that you remain nearby and at the very least, intermittently look at your candle and focus on your outcome. 

AFTER your candle has burned down- you'll want to TRUST and have FAITH that your spell has been successful. KNOW that the universe has things in the works to bring about your desired outcome. ACT as though this is already happening. 

3. Being a Micro Manager

You walk into work Monday morning and your boss gives you ONE task to do for the entire week. You're pretty excited about doing this because you know you've done it so many times before and you know exactly how to get it done. You got this! 

A few hours later, your boss is looking over your shoulder questioning your methods. All week he's popping his head in your office checking up on your work and offering his advice on how to do it better. So, what was meant to be a quick and easy work assignment turns into an absolute nightmare for you! You want to turn around and shout at him "If you think you can do it better, then just DO IT yourself!!"

Nobody likes a micro-managing boss. Remember, "as above, so below".... same holds true for the spirit realm! When we start micro managing HOW our spell is supposed to manifest, we are micro managing! When we get a new job, it often comes with a JOB DESCRIPTION. We are supposed to be responsible for what's listed on that job description and avoid taking on the duties and tasks that aren't in our job description. The "HOW" part of spell workings is NOT in our job description! That's the universe's job. (Or whatever deity you've called upon for help). When we do a spell and then constantly look for the outcome to come to us in the way WE expect it to.... we are imposing limits on a limitless universe. When Jeff does a spell for an extra $500 bucks to come his way in the month of December and then only focuses on whether or not he's getting that Holiday Bonus from work- he's placing limits on the universe. Quite possibly, the universe planned on bringing that money in a very different way. Maybe it was coming in smaller amounts from other sources. Maybe it was coming in the form of winning a new flat screened television in a raffle he had entered. Poor Jeff will never know since he's only looking at the HOW that HE was planning for. 

4.  Being a "Doubting Thomas"

Consider this scenario-- it's been four days since Janice did her candle spell and she hasn't seen any indication of it working yet. Her ex-boyfriend is still dating someone else and hasn't responded to her last text message. Out of frustration, she tells her best friend "he's never coming back! he'll probably even marry this new girl!" ..... What did Janice just do here? I'll tell you what she did... she just screwed up her entire spell. In fact, she just spoke into existence the exact OPPOSITE of what she wanted! Don't be like Janice!!!! Cut out the negative talk, texts and posts!! There is NO room for doubt in spell work! 

5. Getting super disappointed 

So, you've done your spell and nothing happened. You did that money spell 3 weeks ago and with one week left in the month, you've gotten a whopping $0 .... So you start getting depressed. And anxious about how you're gonna pay those bills. And even though you don't actually SAY anything negative (because you know damn well you don't wanna SPEAK that negativity into existence!)... your inner self starts thinking of what you're going to do when you can't pay those bills. Our thoughts and emotions play a big part in our spell workings. Remember the old saying... If you think you CAN, you're right... and if you think you CAN'T... well, you're right, too! Allowing that sadness, melancholy, and anxiety to creep into your thoughts can have a negative impact on the outcome you're trying to achieve. And believe me, I know it's normal to have those feelings and thoughts. We've been conditioned all of our lives with those thoughts. But I also know how important it is to recognize them, acknowledge them for what they are and then symbolically PUSH them out of your mind. They do nothing to serve you. Instead, think of all the possibilities that the universe may bring your way in that final hour!!!  

Eliminating these 5 bad habits from your spell casting will help you to experience the results that you're looking for! There's a lot more to spell workings than just what I have posted here, but these issues have been the most common ones that I have seen in people who struggle with success. Share in the comments below- any other ways that you've seen or experienced with spells that don't seem to manifest! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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