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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Do you KNOW yourself? Do you Accept yourself?

When you know yourself, you are empowered. When you accept yourself, you are invincible!

A simple quote with so much meaning! But... what DOES it mean? What does it mean to "know yourself"? I mean, really know yourself. 

To know yourself means to know your beliefs, to know what you like and don't like and what you'll stand for and what you won't stand for. In other words- you've set some boundaries. It involves an awareness of WHO you are as a person. 

I am a spiritual person who holds various views on spiritual issues that I have come to learn over a period of YEARS. I like staying home and I dislike being excessively social. I am accepting of others views; but I won't tolerate others pushing those views on me. Knowing these things about myself has resulted in a feeling of empowerment. Much like a newly trained employee who is being sent into the workforce... you know, like a college kid! You've got some values and belief and you are excited to stand in your truth. 

But, often times; we stand in our truth and don't expect the backlash that comes. Maybe we aren't prepared, or as prepared as we thought we were. In those times, a person may begin to doubt their truth. They may become unsure of the position they've taken or the path they've chosen. 

The second part is ACCEPTANCE

When we ACCEPT ourselves, however; we become invincible. Accepting ourselves includes accepting that even if our truth or beliefs don't jive with the rest of the worlds; we are okay with that. This is me and I am comfortable with the ME that I am. Acceptance is just that; a trust and confidence in where I stand on certain topics; be they large or small. 

When I am acting like a "bitch"... I am OWNING that shit!! That is ME. And I am okay with the ME that I am, even if others around me aren't comfortable with it or even LIKE it. The opinions of others are none of my business!!

So, I ask you this: Do you KNOW yourself? And even more so, do you ACCEPT yourself for who you are, flaws and all? 

Expand YOUR knowledge with my online self-guided courses!!! 

  • Usui Reiki
  • Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki
  • Karmic Reiki
  • Kundalini Reiki
  • Tibetan Reiki
  • Remote Viewing
  • Pendulum Divination
  • Intro to Tarot
  • Cartomancy: Divining with Playing Cards


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