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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Book Review: The Goodly Spellbook ~ Olde Spells for Modern Problems

Probably my second most reached for book on the shelf would have to be this book: The Goodly Spellbook ~ Olde Spells for Modern Problems by Lady Passion, High Priestess and Diuvei, High Priest (Dixie Deerman and Steven Rasmussen). I have this book in soft cover format. I don't quite recall why I chose to purchase this particular book, but I suspect it had something to do with the description on the back! 

"The Goodly Spellbook traces the history of magic and teaches you how to create spells for your own needs and circumstances. Relying on ancient tried and true material as well as on the authors' real-life experiences and anecdotes, this book details global Craft history, teaches hands-on magical techniques and provides ancient and modern spells." 

If you are strictly looking for spells- no doubt you will find those here! But what you also find so much more in the entire first half of the book. The authors begin by discussing the "how to's" of spell workings. They delve into topics such as divination and planetary correspondences. They show the magic that can be found in musical notes and how to create effective sigils and seals. That is just a sampling of what is covered in the first half! It is fairly in-depth and offers quite a bit of information that you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere. 

The second half of the book details the spells. They cover healing, protection, attraction, discernment, concealment and repulsion. They often show spell variations as well, which is useful for many practitioners. What I particularly like is that they detail the origins of the spell and the magical theory of each spell. I tend to like to know the "why" of what I'm doing and have always loved the historical aspect. 

I think the only thing that keeps me from reaching for this book more than any other is the grouping of the spells in the table of contents. I know it seems petty, but seriously, that's all I've got! It could just be that I'm getting older and prefer bolder font... or that I am too lazy to consider which category a particular spell might fall under! By taking half a second to use my brain and think- it's clear that money spells, for example, would be located under spells of attraction. But, I am so often used to seeing them under the topic "MONEY". So, technically, it isn't even a negative towards the BOOK, but rather my own "issue"!! 

Overall, I think this book has a great deal of merit. It's very good for beginners as it allows the reader to learn some of the basics. At the same time, an advanced practitioner will undoubtedly learn at least ONE new thing! This will likely be one of those books that you keep going back to intermittently as you grow in your path. 

Share your thoughts on this book in the comments section!!! I'd love to hear what YOU have to say!

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