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Monday, December 11, 2017

Celebrating Happiness- Do You Do It? Lessons from The Chimp Paradox

Happiness is in fact a choice. And for the most part I have always thought that I WAS happy. I mean- it's one thing to be "happy" when things are going good. I think most of us have that part down pat. It's another thing to choose to be happy even when our outward reality looks like crap. And in the past few years, I certainly worked on THAT!! And pretty much feel like I have been doing a good job at being happy despite outward circumstances. 

Even with the ups and downs in life, there are those who CHOOSE to be happy among even the tough times; and these are the people I chose to emulate.

But the other day I read through the Chimp Paradox book and it dawned on me that maybe, just maybe, I was doing something wrong. Maybe I was missing a huge piece of this puzzle. This is a fantastic book that deals with our mindset. And more importantly, how we can take better control of our mindset!

You see, the book stated that pushing to do too much can actually push us to want even MORE "things" to bring about happiness. In other words, we focus so much on the goals, the end result and the "steps" to that ultimate goal; that we are essentially conditioning our minds to always WANT. So what happens is that when we finally do reach that "ultimate goal", we are UNABLE to truly have happiness with it. 

Consider this example from the book: 

An athlete who never celebrates the "smaller" accomplishments on the way up to getting that Gold medal, will likely not feel that happiness she is expecting when she does get the gold. She'll want to move to the next potential win.

When I read that, I realized that this was something I had been doing for a long time now. I never truly celebrated the moments in life that I should have. (All those stepping stones to that ultimate goal). When I got my Associates degree, I was happy on the inside. But, at the same time, I immediately began to focus on the next goal... the Bachelor's degree. And so on and so forth. Each time, I realized that I had never truly celebrated each accomplishment and allowed myself the experience of being and expressing happiness. And then when I finally reached that final goal, it wasn't quite as sweet as it could have been. 

So, from this point forward, I will allow myself to CELEBRATE the wins. I will bask in the FEELINGS of happiness with each success. And I challenge all of you to do the same! Forget being humble and not wanting to "brag"! Share your successes! Share your moments of happiness! And bask in that happiness for each of those precious moments in your life! 

Try this exercise from the book... I've added a few things to it!

Make a list of all the things in your life that you believe that you need to be happy. Next to this list, write down how you can bring those things into your life. Next you'll want to work that list. Bring those things into your reality. And finally- be sure to celebrate each success! 

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