The most common method of Reiki that the general public knows about is of course the traditional Reiki treatment that humans get while laying on a massage table. Some may even be aware of Distance Healing Reiki which they can get from afar. But what many are not aware of is that Reiki can be used for virtually anything. A few weeks ago we discussed using Reiki on our pets and other animals; but did you know that you can use Reiki healing energy on your plants? Or how about sending some Reiki to your car when it's acting up?
These ideas may seem a bit "out there" to some; but to many Reiki practitioners this is absolutely "normal" and not only that, but EFFECTIVE! There have been experiments done in which one set of plants was given Reiki energy daily while the second set was not given any. The results of those studies showed that the plants who received Reiki had better growth, stronger root systems and were able to grow taller. Reiki can be used on the seeds you use in your garden, on the soil that you are planting in and even the water that you are providing for your plants. Taking some time to send some healing Reiki energy to your potted plants in your home as well as your garden plants will undoubtedly result in stronger, more fruitful plants! Plants are living organisms and as such they welcome that positive energy and healing.
So, it can be easy to see why a plant would respond to Reiki. After all, they are living organisms, right? So, how then is it possible that Reiki healing energy can cause any effect on an inanimate object like your car? It does. How do you use Reiki with your car... or any other inanimate object for that matter? Well, lets start with the car as our example. You can send Reiki energy through the steering wheel to help keep your car running smoothly. You can use the Reiki symbols (taught in Reiki level 2 courses) to keep your car protected both while you are NOT in it and while you are driving. On several occasions, when I was driving my older car that was in rough shape, I would send Reiki through to the steering wheel which I believed helped that little car to last a lot longer than it did!
If you are already a Reiki practitioner, have you used Reiki on your plants or car? I'd love to hear where you've used Reiki, especially those areas that are "non-traditional"! What were your experiences with it? If you aren't already a Reiki practitioner, or other healing modality, can you think of areas in your life that may benefit from Reiki energy?
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