Ho'oponopono- it sounds funny rolling off the western tongue. This is actually a Hawaiian word with profound meaning. It is about forgiveness at its core. Forgiveness of others and forgiveness of self in order to heal and move forward. Basically, a mental cleansing of sorts.
In the simplest form, Ho'oponopono is practiced in just four easy steps.
"I'm Sorry" ~ The first step is to identify a problem or issue that you're dealing with. Acknowledge that it is an issue. Accept that it is an issue. Don't rationalize it or make excuses for it. Simply put, acknowledge it and apologize for it. Who are you apologizing to exactly? Well, that's the thing, you put it out to the universe; to the divine. Say it out loud with meaning and emotion behind it.
"Please forgive me" ~ Once you've identified the issue you are going to work on and expressed remorse in the first step; the next step is to ask forgiveness. This is done by asking out loud, once again, with sincerity and a true heart. Put it out into the universe or into your prayer by asking the universe, the divine, your God or your Goddess to 'please forgive me".
"Thank you" ~ You've recognized and accepted the issue, expressed remorse and sought forgiveness. The third step is to express gratitude! Know that you are forgiven and show the universe that you are grateful for that forgiveness.
"I love you" ~ Say I love you. Say it out loud. Who are you saying it to? You say it to the universe, to your God or to the divine. It doesn't matter who you are saying it to, just say it! Put it out there!
Using this process will help you to self-heal in so many ways. Several years ago, I experienced a great deal of guilt at not being able to financially support my adult children in the way that I had been. It was an abrupt change when it came and probably affected me more than it did them in retrospect. I used the mantra of Ho'oponopono several times a day during that time, focusing on each of them individually as I was saying it. It wasn't very long before the guilt I was feeling subsided and I was able to move forward. Think of this as a "clearing" of your mental and emotional baggage.
You may be asking yourself, how can this work when you are just saying these things into the universe and not directly to the person? Well, remember that what happens on a spiritual level can manifest on a physical level. Hermes Trismegistus said "As below, so above and as above, so below". Most spiritual paths recognize this basic premise, including the Abrahamic religions. The bible verse that comes to mind is Matthew 18:18 which states "...whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven".
Now that isn't to say that you can't say these words directly to a particular person. In fact, I suspect using them in face to face conversations will allow for even greater healing of not only yourself but also your relationship with the person involved.
Have you had the opportunity to use the principles of Ho'oponopono in your life? Please share your experiences! If not, do you feel like this is something that you can easily implement?
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