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Monday, November 14, 2016

Recharging with your Tribe

There are times when I am in a down swing. Now that I have grown more spiritually, I am better able to notice when these periods come and to recognize that during those times my vibration is much lower than it usually is. And when these "down-swings" come along- it's never been very easy getting OUT of them! 

A long time ago when I was a teenager, someone told me to be mindful of who you hang around with; who your friends are. The reason, they said, was because it is always so much easier to be "dragged down than it is to be lifted up". 

This stuck with me and I think of it often. It holds true not just for friends, but for life in general. It is so much easier to be brought down to a lower vibration than it is to be lifted into a higher one. 

This makes sense to me on a scientific level as well. It takes more energy and effort to throw a ball UP into the air than it does for that ball to drop back down. 

But sometimes, just sometimes, the universe brings people into your life that make it much, much easier to be lifted into a higher vibration! Those are the people to cherish. Those are the people in your tribe!

This weekend I had the privilege of spending three full days online with some really fabulous and talented people! These people, each in their own special way, unknowingly helped me to be lifted from my funk and raise my vibration! It's so important to surround yourself with people like that! People who lift you up. People who are, what I call, "encouragers". 

Even though we may be miles apart and on different continents, having that much needed time to connect with my tribe helped me to recharge and renew my own focus! Think about the people in your tribe... Think about those that seem to help you to "recharge" when you're feeling low... The people you seem to have a "soul" connection to... and make time to connect with them! It is one of the most therapeutic things you can do!

Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com (and get a FREE guide to working out YOUR psychic abilities!)  and on My Facebook Business Page. Looking for some more in depth knowledge and discussion? Try my group at Facebook Group Raven Haze

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  1. Love it! Yes, I sometimes feel that I have to increase the number of people with positive vibes. That is the challenge of moving to a new country I guess. So I will at least try to do things that recharge me. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am constantly working on this, trying to hang out with positive people and I'm trying to focus more on myself and lifting myself up through meditation and yoga. Great post!


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