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Monday, November 28, 2016

Signs, Signs, Everywhere there's signs!

I need a SIGN!!

We often ask for signs. We ask our deities to show us signs for things. We ask our spirit guides to show us a sign. We, as humans, seem to need to see "signs" of so many things. Signs of the future. Signs that we are on the right path. 

I do believe that spirit gives us these signs. But I also believe that we oftentimes neglect to notice the signs that we are given. 

Most recently, I have been meditating on a certain topic repeatedly. I am not sure why I do it repeatedly, especially after having been shown signs already. Maybe I am looking for more concrete direction? A step by step breakdown of what's to come. But, alas, spirit will not hold my hand and walk down my path for me. That feat of humanity, I must do on my own. Hence, I have had to be grateful for the signs I requested, despite not being necessarily HAPPY with them! 

My Recent Signs...

Lately, the signs for me have been continually saying "4 months". I have had the four month concept come up on four separate occasions over the weekend. Four months... Spring time.... March... and for someone who lives in this day and age, waiting four months is a bit of a challenge to be honest. 

The first sign came when I was analyzing a friends' dream in which there was a birdhouse. A birdhouse in your dream can signify quite a few different things, but one of the things it signifies is the springtime. (Spring in the USA is around March and April). The next sign came when my significant other was telling me about HIS dream. In his dream, he was dismayed that his college aged daughter had kept the heads of lettuce that he had given her for FOUR months! In his dream, he kept explaining to her that "that lettuce is four months old, you have to get rid of it!"  Then, the same sign came to me more directly; not once, but TWICE; in my own dreams- with my spirit guides repeatedly telling me "four months". 

But, four months for WHAT exactly? And you see, that's just the tricky thing about getting signs... they are often much like getting clues to a hidden treasure- cryptic to say the least! 

Of course, it stands to reason that the answer of "four months" is the answer to the issue I was meditating on. And, I can also tell you that four months just seems so far away

In contemplating this - it occurred to me that the reason for my anxiety about it being four months away, lied more with the anxiety of what I would be doing for the three months BEFORE that time. And as we know, all emotions really only stem from TWO emotions - fear and love. This anxiety was clearly the result of fear. A fear of the unknown that was to occur within the next three months leading up to that fourth month. 

Let's Take a Second Look Here....

But then I looked at it from a different angle. I looked at it from the eyes of my spirit guides who showed me that information. If I were them, having just given a message of HOPE to someone, I would feel as though they were ungrateful for that message if they continued to perseverate on the unknown three months prior, rather than revel in the beauty and knowledge of the prize that is coming in four months. 

Well, I certainly don't want to be ungrateful. It's bad enough I had to be told four times in four different ways! So, I am making a conscious choice to NOT constantly think about the next three months and instead to revel and be appreciative of what is to come in four months! Will it be easy? Absolutely not!!! Not for this worry-wort!! It will be a challenge for sure. But if my spirit guides were patient enough with me to keep repeating the sign; then I can be patient with them and trust that the universe has a plan; and trust that the path that I am on is going to work out... 

What signs have been coming YOUR way lately? Have you been able to discern what they mean?

Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com (and get a FREE PDF file!!) and on Facebook HERE... AND... if you want to join the closed Facebook Group for even more discussion.. click HERE FOR RAVEN HAZE GROUP!

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