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Friday, November 4, 2016

Top 5 Reasons Why I Just CAN'T

When it comes to procrastination or spewing out reasons why I can't do something... I've got lots of them. Lot's of reasons.... er, excuses I mean. Because let's face it, they aren't really "reasons" but rather "excuses". 

Here are some of my most frequently used excuses. Some of them I tend to apply to various different issues. Others may only be used once in a while. But the bottom line is... they are EXCUSES. And excuses inhibit PROGRESS!

1. I don't have the money. This is one of my "reasons" for LOADS of stuff! But the fact is, when it comes right down to it... when I DID have the money, chances are I just used one of the many other reasons. Sure, I know money can certainly help with many things... but there are also so many things that can be done without money. And it always seems like when I DO have the money, then I don't have the TIME... or ENERGY.. or pick any of the other reasons... 

I've learned from Tony Robbins actually, that what is more important than the RESOURCES is the RESOURCEFULNESS within myself. I've had to change my own mindset. When I go clothes shopping or furniture shopping, I like to go to Thrift stores and places like that. (even when I have money). Do you know why? Because to me, finding a deal is like a game. When I can find the same or similar trendy clothing in a consignment shop for 1/10th of the cost, it makes me feel as though I've "won" in some crazy way! So, I've begun to apply that same concept with other things- like expanding my business, or doing family activities.  

2. I'm not that outgoing. Recently, I was advised by my reader to put myself "out there more". More specifically, he told me to get out and meet with two specific groups of people in order to expand my business offerings. As soon as he mentioned that, all the "red lights" went off in my head! How could I possibly meet these people? I'm not outgoing. I'm not even that friendly! It was easy for him to say! HE'S outgoing! HE'S friendly! 

But once again, it's just an excuse. Let's face it; I CAN be outgoing... and I CAN be friendly... it just requires some stepping out of my comfort zone to do so. I know I wasn't given these gifts just to keep them hidden within myself. They are meant to be shared with others and used for the highest good. Wallowing in this excuse is actually quite selfish. Well, that's what I tell myself anyway. I am training my mind to view and equate being outgoing and friendly as being UN-selfish.

3. I'm too tired. Well, cry me a river... Aren't we ALL tired?!?! Yes. Most people are tired. Oh, but don't let my cry of "tiredness" fool you. It is not for lack of sleep. No, this "tired" feeling actually comes from stress. Digging further, my stress is often a result of "struggle" and "lack of money". So, does that make it valid? Nah. Not really. Sure I can sit in that emotional state and vibrational state for all of those reasons. But, if I sit there, I'll only get more of the same thing coming back at me! 

So, I do rest when I'm tired. But, I really try to get back up on the horse as soon as possible. Breaking this down helps me to see that raising my own vibration will help to manifest more money into my life. How you say? Well, for one thing, like attracts like. With a higher vibration I am able to be more outgoing and friendly... and in that way I can make better connections with people... people who may one day BE clients or want to REFER clients. 

4. I just don't have enough time. It's true. I've got to clean, cook, take care of kids, and so much more. Where would I ever find the time to do that "thing"? The fact of the matter is that we are each given 24 hours in a day. It's up to us to use them for our highest good! Yes, I still have to do the mundane things in life. But, if I apply my "game" technique to it, I can challenge myself to get those mundane tasks done in less time. 

The other thing that helps me manage my time better is to create lists. It's old school but it works for me! Some days I have to carry over tasks that didn't get done. Trust me when I tell you that after a while, I get sick of seeing that 'task' on my list and that's when I make a more conscious effort to get that "thing" OFF my list!!!

5. I may not be well received. What will people think of me? Oh, this is a beauty!! Classic bull-shite right here! It is correct that nobody likes rejection. It hurts. It makes me shrink back into my proverbial hole like some kind of tortoise. 

But, do you know what I realize when I reflect on this "reason"? The people that I meet and come into contact with .. the ones who are the MOST flamboyant and outspoken and WEIRD... are ABSOLUTELY the people I am the most attracted to! The people who are different and authentic and put themselves out there... those are the people I resonate with! And if I resonate with them, and others resonate with them... then surely there will be people who resonate with me. Me as my "different", authentic and WEIRD self!

What are some of YOUR "reasons" (AKA excuses!) that seem to pop up in your life? What are some ways that you make conscious efforts to blast through them? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

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