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Monday, December 19, 2016

Are you in a CREATIVE SLUMP?? Add Fire!

Fire Qualities 

Have you ever sat in front of a bon-fire or fireplace and found yourself mesmerized by the flames? Or even lit a candle and found yourself getting into a sort of trance state as you focus on the candle flame? 

Fire gazing can actually put you in a meditative state. One of the qualities of fire is that it is both creative and destructive. Fire is one of the five elements (fire, water, earth, air and spirit). The element of fire can spark creativity within us and drive us forward with passion. Consider the old adage of "lighting a fire within her"; which speaks of that spark of passion and creativity within a person. Fire is a motivator! It is loaded with energy that is just begging to be released! This release could come in a destructive form; or, if directed so, can come in a much more creative and empowering form. 


So, why should I care about this in MY life???

Often we may have a clear plan (for our business or spiritual life or relationship or whatever it is you're focusing on at the moment)... this is the earth element at work

But lack of forward progress, or feeling like you've hit a plateau, would mean you may want to add more of the fire element into your life. You need to get that spark of passion and get those creative juices flowing ~ and this is where the fire element comes in! And we've all been there! You know the steps you need to take to work your business or grow spiritually, but you're just not feeling it! Motivation has left the building! 

Every week I make a list of each of the things I have to do to work my business, for example. (Yes... every week it is- for the most part - the same items on that list!) But some weeks I'm just not feeling that spark to create a video, or even a blog post for that matter! I've hit a plateau. Nothing creative is coming to mind when I try to think of what I want to write about or speak about. And even worse than that, I am not "excited" about doing any of it! These are the times I need to add that fire element into my life! And I can tell you from my experience, that it is tremendously helpful!

How do you bring the fire element into your life?

In my opinion, the best way is to sit in front of a fire or even a candle flame and meditate a bit. Unfortunately, we don’t always have access to a bon-fire or even a fireplace in the home; but we often have candles around! While the heat is not nearly as intense, the flickering of the flame is just as mesmerizing. However, knowing this is not always practical and certainly not something that you can do all the time, there are some other ways to incorporate the element of fire into your life when you need a little more passion and spark!

Adding colors that correspond to the fire element to your wardrobe can have a significant effect. Wearing shades of red, orange, and yellow offer a constant reminder to your subconscious. Set your intention as you put that red shirt on in the morning, that you are asking for the fire element to be infused into your life today. 

Prepare foods with herbs that are associated with the fire element; again asking that as you consume these foods, that the fire element aids in bringing that spark back to your life that you desire. Some common herbs that are associated with fire include cinnamon, chili's, ginger and even garlic. 

Carry stones and crystals with you that are associated with the element of fire. It is best that they be near your body and touching your skin- if wear a bra they can be placed in there! If not, consider jewelry with these stones. You can place a few tumbled stones in your pocket and reach for them throughout your day, thereby touching them with your hands as well. Look for stones such as Jasper, Ruby and Bloodstone when looking for those associated with the fire element. Some of the less common options might be Volcanic Stone or Fire Opal. 

I challenge you to make a conscious effort to add the fire element into your life this week! Try one of the ideas we talked about above and watch the passion and creativity spark in your own life!

Share your experiences in the comments below! Check out my YouTube video which provides an overview of ALL of the elements!!

Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com and grab your FREE PDF file on developing your own clair-abilities! 
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