Emotional Pain? Not I...
I do believe that many of our physical illnesses are made that much worse by the addition of emotional hurt and pain. I also believe that the only two (main) emotions that all of the other emotions come from; are fear and love. So, it makes sense to me that emotional pain stems from a place of fear and an absence of love, at a particular point in our lives.
When someone hurts us it leaves an emotional scar deep in our inner most being. And this hurt and pain manifests itself in our lives through depression, sadness or withdrawn behavior. It may even rear its head through expressions of anger or resentment or even unkind words.
Most days I don't consider myself to be in need of emotional healing. 'That's okay for others, but I'm good!' as I focus on growth and manifestation and all that positive stuff. But, then something happens. I may see a post on Facebook that is quite hurtful and hits a nerve. Or someone says something when I'm at the grocery store that has an air of nastiness to it. And it's at those times that I realize, that I, too, could use some emotional healing. Clearly, there are old wounds that open up during certain situations.
Today I did some meditation as I normally do; but this time I took it a step further and channeled the goddess energy for insight. The primary message that I kept getting was to focus on love. But what the heck does that mean??
Often spirit speaks in a vague way! Mainly through symbols or short phrases, which can be a bit frustrating for left brain people! But what she was saying was so simple, in fact; that I just needed to accept it for its simplicity.
She spoke of being kind and simply letting kindness enter your being.. your mind, your thoughts, your speech. As I am sarcastic by nature, showing kindness on a daily basis can be quite a challenge. That probably sounds very odd to the people that DO show kindness daily!
So, what exactly does it mean to show kindness?
Part of showing kindness means to give of yourself. Even if all you can give is your time. By giving of yourself you are opening doors and making connections; human connections. And by showing kindness to others, you are in fact; showing kindness to YOURSELF.
Not only does an act of kindness make someone else happy- it also does the same for you. When you show kindness, your brain releases a chemical called dopamine which produces happiness in YOU. Studies have also shown that acts of kindness can actually reduce stress levels; and we all know the health benefits of THAT! I was shown that this simple act can actually OPEN DOORS to emotional healing.
It sounds almost too simple. And yet, even though it IS simple; I realize that I have seen the effectiveness of it. You see, I use a pendulum to change energy in that way regularly. Using a pendulum, we can eliminate a negative and bring in a positive. When using it for emotional healing, we eliminate the negative emotion present and add in the corresponding positive emotion to replace it.
Replacing emotional hurt and fear with love and kindness.
But stepping outside of your comfort zone to show kindness can leave you open and vulnerable... vulnerable to even more hurt, right? No doubt, it is hard to show kindness when we are hurting emotionally. And yet, showing kindness is one way that we can begin to heal ourselves. Focusing on love and kindness rather than focusing on our inner pains and fears. Essentially, sending our energy outward to produce a positive effect INWARD.
Just for today, let's be vulnerable and try to show some kindness to someone! In fact, let's challenge ourselves to make an effort to show ONE person some kindness each day. And watch the changes that occur in OURSELVES as we begin a journey towards emotional healing.
Share your experiences in the comments below! What act of kindness did you show? How has it impacted YOU?
Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com and on Facebook HERE. Don't forget to join the closed Facebook group for more videos and discussions... Raven Haze Group
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