Welcome to Raven Haze Healing and Divination! Join me on a journey to spiritual development as we talk about divination methods, natural healing, energy healing and so much more! This blog is to provide spiritual empowerment to help each other on our various paths!
When you know yourself, you are empowered. When you accept yourself, you are invincible!
A simple quote with so much meaning! But... what DOES it mean? What does it mean to "know yourself"? I mean, really know yourself. To know yourself means to know your beliefs, to know what you like and don't like and what you'll stand for and what you won't stand for. In other words- you've set some boundaries. It involves an awareness of WHO you are as a person.
I am a spiritual person who holds various views on spiritual issues that I have come to learn over a period of YEARS. I like staying home and I dislike being excessively social. I am accepting of others views; but I won't tolerate others pushing those views on me. Knowing these things about myself has resulted in a feeling of empowerment. Much like a newly trained employee who is being sent into the workforce... you know, like a college kid! You've got some values and belief and you are excited to stand in your truth. But, often times; we stand in our truth and don't expect the backlash that comes. Maybe we aren't prepared, or as prepared as we thought we were. In those times, a person may begin to doubt their truth. They may become unsure of the position they've taken or the path they've chosen.
The second part is ACCEPTANCE
When we ACCEPT ourselves, however; we become invincible. Accepting ourselves includes accepting that even if our truth or beliefs don't jive with the rest of the worlds; we are okay with that. This is me and I am comfortable with the ME that I am. Acceptance is just that; a trust and confidence in where I stand on certain topics; be they large or small. When I am acting like a "bitch"... I am OWNING that shit!! That is ME. And I am okay with the ME that I am, even if others around me aren't comfortable with it or even LIKE it. The opinions of others are none of my business!! So, I ask you this: Do you KNOW yourself? And even more so, do you ACCEPT yourself for who you are, flaws and all?
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We've all told a lie at some point in our lives... no matter how upright and ethical you claim your life to be or try to be. And I suspect, for many of us, we continue to tell lies.... in fact, I can almost guarantee this! You see one of the biggest lies I've ever told is this... "I'm fine" And I have a strong feeling that 90% (or more) of the people reading this have told that very same lie!
For so many, when asked how they are doing; the rote answer of "I'm fine" is what comes out of their mouth. We wonder 'does this person truly want to know?' Saying anything else may bring a slew of questions with it. "I'm lonely" would likely bring comments telling the person all the reasons they SHOULDN'T be lonely or shouldn't feel that way, rather than validating the emotion. Other friends may offer up recommendations on how to NOT be lonely. All of these with good intentions of course. But none of them acknowledging the emotional response and simply allowing for space to be held. Plus, let's face it; the mere thought of a different response causes us to consider how uncomfortable it will make not only us, but the other person as well.
What might change on an interpersonal level, if we eliminated the phrase "I'm fine" from our lingo? How would our relationships be changed if instead we allowed our authentic emotion at that time to be shared and exposed? I have pondered those questions a bit here and there. On one hand, I wonder if in being more authentic in that regard would alienate people from each other. After all, most people don't want to be face to face with uncomfortable feelings and issues in themselves, never mind in another person. On the other hand, quite possibly, being more authentic in our response has the ability to allow us to have a more human experience. Allowing us to serve and help each other on a more intimate level. Do you find yourself responding with "I'm fine" when you truly don't mean it? What do YOU think would happen if, instead, we answered with how we really feel?
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I know many of you have heard of this before! If you could sit down and give your "Younger You" some advice... what would it be? As I sit in meditation, it occurs to me that I have so much I would want to say to my younger self that it is rather difficult to pin point just ONE thing! I do believe that the one point I would want to drive home is the instruction to QUESTION EVERYTHING!
Everything? Yes, everything. Every little fact that the world presents as truth. Every single story you are taught in school as "truth". Every single statement that is told to you and every single concept or idea you encounter. When you go through the journey of life and people tell you 'that's just how it's done'... question it. When you read a historical story... question it. Train your mind to look at every story and every fact from an alternative viewpoint.
Throughout history, governments, media, and people in power have been the ones to write and document that "history"; those "facts". And those facts have been told from their perspective. By questioning these things, we allow our minds to open to other possibilities. WHAT IF... everything we believe to be true was ingrained in our minds from the OPPOSITE perspective? How different would our lives be? I honestly feel that just by entertaining that concept, we open our minds so much and allow our brain to develop an increase in neurons and electrical connections; increasing our knowledge, awareness and overall wisdom. What is one thing that YOU would tell your younger self? Share in the comments below!
Expand YOUR knowledge with my online self-guided courses!!!
During my weekly journal prompts the topic came up of taking a serious look at certain beliefs that we hold and how they may have changed over the years. Looking at various topics or issues and writing down your belief about that issue that you had in childhood, as a teenager, as a young adult and then now as an older adult. The process allowed me to see the pattern of changes that have occurred over time. Some of those beliefs remained constant throughout; but many others changed quite drastically over time! Today I'm going to focus only on ONE of those beliefs!
One of the most prominent beliefs that came up was that of being the "good wife". As a young woman my views around this revolved around having to be submissive and somewhat of a "home-body". Unfortunately, this whole idea of what a good wife was just didn't fit with the PERSON I was! In my mind the good wife was quiet and submissive. Someone who was unconditionally supportive of her husband... (who just happened to always have the best of intentions and acted in the utmost way both ethically and morally). She was someone who baked cookies and made sure dinner was ready for her husband. She would never do or say anything that her husband found offensive or remotely inappropriate. She was a stepford wife... and trying to fit that ideal was so far removed for me. I was loud and opinionated. I was terrible in the kitchen! And quite frankly, didn't feel like I should have to take on ownership for the way someone else responds or feels or reacts to something I say or do (within reason).
Fast forward to mid-level adulthood and my beliefs on this issue have done a drastic 180'! Well... that's not to say I've become a TERRIBLE wife!! But, more so an empowered woman! I've learned to re-evaluate my own interpretation of what a "good wife" entails. I've accepted that I am not a submissive, quiet person; but rather an opinionated and, quite frankly, a rather loud individual. And those qualities are OKAY.... and that they mesh well with certain people even if they don't jive with others!
What brought about this change in this belief? The short answer is enlightenment. And the little bit longer answer is that I went through so many crappy, controlling relationships that I was (finally) able to recognize what a crappy relationship LOOKED like... so I could actually be on the lookout for the complete opposite! In this particular instance, I believe that the change in my belief around what a good wife is, has been a positive one. It is empowering and liberating on so many levels and has allowed me to flourish in so many other areas of life. What is ONE belief you had that eventually CHANGED over time? Has it been a positive or negative change? Share in the comments below!
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