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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I "Want", I "Need", OR I "Have"??

The Law of Attraction and all that Hocus Pocus

I wanted to talk a bit today about setting your intention out into the universe and the law of attraction. I have heard so many people talk about how the law of attraction is pure rubbish lately. This made me really sit down and reflect on it. In fact, I actually meditated on it and was given (reminded of actually) some valuable insight from my spirit guides that I would like to share with you here.

I believe very strongly in the ability to manifest and I also believe very strongly in the law of attraction. What you put out there WILL come back to you at the same level of vibration that you are working in... whether it's good or bad, in your best interest or not. 

When you repetitively talk about how your job sucks... the universe will happily oblige you; though not likely in the way you anticipated! I've seen many instances where people (myself included) have spoken those kind of words regularly, only to find themselves fired or "let go" with no further job prospects. Guess what? That sucky job you were talking about... the universe has removed that from your life for you! 

I "Want"

When we go around saying or thinking "I want...." this, that or the other thing in our lives; we are putting that intention out into the universe with the idea that it will manifest itself. 

The problem with "I want" is that what you are putting out there is what you will get... more "want". 

I "Need"

The same holds true when we put out to the universe the intention that starts with "I need....". The universe already knows what you need. No point in perpetuating that concept! For example, if I put out my intention that "I need a new car"; what I am really putting out is the constant "need" for a car. And that is exactly what I will get back... continued NEED for a car. 

I "Have"

On the other hand, when we put out to the universe the intention with the phrase "I have" we will attract the same! The universal law of attraction states that "like attracts like". So, it stands to reason that if I put out the intention that "I have a reliable and attractive vehicle that I am blessed with", I will be putting out that intention on the same vibrational level as that which I am truly seeking... a reliable and attractive vehicle! 

I have a client who had come to me in complete frustration over this. She told me she has been putting her intention out into the universe for a solid relationship for the past year and nothing has ever manifested for her! She was at her wits end! We discussed it a bit further and I asked her to tell me what it was she was "putting out there". Her mantra was "I want a committed man who will love me and honor me for a long-term, lifetime romantic relationship". She was a step ahead of the game in making her intention specific; but what was she actually putting out into the universe? The constant feeling of WANT. She was indeed manifesting exactly what she put out there! She had a constant WANT for the past year! We changed her mantra a bit to say "I HAVE" instead, and I am quite confident that this will change her outcome sooner rather than later!

So What's the Take Home Message Here?

In order for the law of attraction to be effective, it's super important HOW we phrase our intentions! Bearing in mind that words have meaning and words have POWER! Does it feel like you're lying somewhat? Probably! But in a way, as the old adage goes: FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT. In other words, put that intention out into the universe as though it has already manifested and REALLY feel the emotion of what it WILL BE like when it DOES manifest! 

Keep your vibration at the same level of that which you want to bring INTO your life. And above all, express GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION for all that you have and all that is to come!

What are some of the things that you've ATTRACTED into YOUR life with the Law of Attraction? Were they good things or have you had some experiences with inadvertently attracting the more negative things? Share your experiences in the comments below!!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook Fan Page. Looking for more discussions? Then check out my closed Facebook group: Raven Haze GROUP

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