It is in those times that we have given up a piece of our personal power. Given it up to others, to our job or even to our perceived responsibilities.
What IS Personal Power anyway??
Personal power is our SELF-ASSERTION. It is our ability to have self-realization and find meaning in our own little piece of this world. It speaks of our vision and our competence and passion for striving towards that vision. It is, in essence, a mastery over oneself vs. the concept of holding power over another person.
And while we often, unknowingly or knowingly, give up some of our personal power in our everyday lives; it is important to know that we ARE able to step back and reclaim that power! And furthermore, it's important that we DO reclaim that power! Continually giving up pieces of ourselves can ultimately lead to depression, anxiety and a multitude of other symptoms and illnesses. It is truly detrimental to our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Reclaiming that power may not happen over-night, but there are some steps that we can take to begin to make the changes in our lives that will help us to take it back.
Watch here for THREE easy steps YOU can take today to begin to reclaim YOUR personal power!
Taking those steps is just the beginning to reclaiming your power! And I know, it may seem uncomfortable at first. You may experience feelings of selfishness, self-doubt, shame, or unworthiness as you implement these changes in your life. Your family and friends may chastise you or wonder why you are being "such a bitch" lately. When people are so accustomed to you being a GIVER, they tend to react harshly when the "giving" stops. That's okay! Stand strong in your truth, find your voice and KNOW that reclaiming your personal power is ultimately for your highest good!
I challenge you to put these steps into ACTION in YOUR life!! (Today!!) If this is something you've already put into practice, PLEASE share your initial experience in the comments below so that others may find comfort in your words!!
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