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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Reclaiming your POWER- 3 Tips You Can Do NOW!

There are times in our lives when we feel like we are just not in control anymore. We are over-worked, over-stressed and feel pulled in so many different directions! 

It is in those times that we have given up a piece of our personal power. Given it up to others, to our job or even to our perceived responsibilities. 

What IS Personal Power anyway??

Personal power is our SELF-ASSERTION. It is our ability to have self-realization and find meaning in our own little piece of this world. It speaks of our vision and our competence and passion for striving towards that vision. It is, in essence, a mastery over oneself vs. the concept of holding power over another person. 

And while we often, unknowingly or knowingly, give up some of our personal power in our everyday lives; it is important to know that we ARE able to step back and reclaim that power! And furthermore, it's important that we DO reclaim that power! Continually giving up pieces of ourselves can ultimately lead to depression, anxiety and a multitude of other symptoms and illnesses. It is truly detrimental to our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being. 

Reclaiming that power may not happen over-night, but there are some steps that we can take to begin to make the changes in our lives that will help us to take it back. 

Watch here for THREE easy steps YOU can take today to begin to reclaim YOUR personal power!

Taking those steps is just the beginning to reclaiming your power! And I know, it may seem uncomfortable at first. You may experience feelings of selfishness, self-doubt, shame, or unworthiness as you implement these changes in your life. Your family and friends may chastise you or wonder why you are being "such a bitch" lately. When people are so accustomed to you being a GIVER, they tend to react harshly when the "giving" stops. That's okay! Stand strong in your truth, find your voice and KNOW that reclaiming your personal power is ultimately for your highest good! 

I challenge you to put these steps into ACTION in YOUR life!! (Today!!) If this is something you've already put into practice, PLEASE share your initial experience in the comments below so that others may find comfort in your words!!  

Looking for my Facebook Group? It's here: www.facebook.com/groups/ravenhaze Can't wait to see you there!!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Push Through the FEAR... Go LIVE!!

"Push through the fear... for what lies on the other side is success". 

This simple quote has been one of my go-to mantras for the past year or so. On the surface, it is simply a quote. Nothing more. And many may wonder how a simple quote, thought of regularly, can actually produce tangible changes in ones life. 

A while ago, my spiritual mentor gently encouraged me to begin doing "LIVE" Facebook videos. The mere thought of that scared the shit out of me! In retrospect, I'm not really sure exactly WHAT I was afraid of. Oh, sure, I had my "reasons"! 

"What if nobody showed up?" Or even worse... "What if ANYBODY showed up?!?!" "What would I talk about?" "What if someone asked a question and I didn't know the answer??" 

I'm not really sure WHY these issues were my concern, but for some reason, they were. And the thought of pressing that LIVE button left me with a knot in my stomach that was akin to an ulcer! 

So, even though I knew in my mind that my fears were unreasonable, the fear itself was valid. It was real. And through the months... yes, MONTHS... of contemplating this task... I began to realize that this particular fear was holding me back. Even more than that, I was ALLOWING this fear to have power over me!

I realized that I wasn't getting to the root of this issue. I wasn't able to figure out WHY I had this particular fear and WHY this particular fear seemed so out of proportion to any other fear at the time. And each time I would do a Channeling Session for myself or Meditate and connect with my own Spirit Guides for insight I would get the same response: Just do it, Push through. 

Just Do It!

Finally, one day, I looked at this quote yet again and decided to "just do it". Enough of trying to analyze it and get to the root of the issue. Because, quite frankly, my own avoidance of a task was beginning to annoy ME!!! So, I started by doing a sort live session in one of the smallest and inactive groups I have! I then moved on to slightly larger groups and for just a little bit longer of a time. Before I knew it, I began to actually LOVE doing videos! 

From that point on, I realized that whenever I got that "pit" in my stomach, that irrational "pit" of fear; that was my cue to break through that "fear barrier". I had to trust that only in breaking through it, would I be met with success. 

I challenge you to think about that one thing that you are afraid of doing. Put all of your "reasons" aside and just "DO IT"... even if it means that you are doing it AFRAID. Push through, get it done and meet me on the other side! 

Please feel free to Share this blog post to anyone you think will benefit! Sharing IS Caring!! 

Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Be Grateful for Struggles??

They say that the teacher will come when the student is ready. 

In retrospect, this always makes so much sense. But as we are going through our struggles we can often wonder why we had to wait so long!

For the past several months I have been struggling with my Adsense account! Now, to many people this may seem quite trivial! But to me, somehow, in some way, this was akin to a thorn in my side! With each denial, I struggled to figure out exactly what I was doing wrong. Each time, researching various topics and basically coming up against a brick wall. 

It wasn't until this recent time that I sat down to research some solutions that I discovered the need for various pages on the blog. Now, why on earth hadn't I noticed this in the past?? Was I not ready? It didn't make sense!

Or... is it possible that I needed to look at this from a different perspective? 

Maybe it isn't so much that I wasn't ready, but that I needed to go through the struggle in order to arrive at this exact point? The "teacher" or "expert" in this field came to me when I needed it in the form of the correct web page and information. Were the others that I had encountered prior to this simply "bad" or "un-usable"? Absolutely not! They also helped me on this leg of my journey, to grow, learn and realize smaller pieces of the puzzle. 

When I give readings, I share what I am seeing with my intuition/clairvoyance/etc. with my clients. Oftentimes, what I am seeing may not be what they are ready to hear. Someone may come to me seeking insight into a relationship that they so desperately want to come to fruition. Yet, the images I am seeing suggest that this isn't the case. The relationship won't last. And many times the client will not want to hear that information, and so it is presented in as gentle a way as possible. 

You see, in that case, the client is not ready to realize that the relationship will not blossom as they hope. My ego mind may believe wholeheartedly that it is in their best interest to realize this fact and move forward with their life. But spirit has a very different idea. The client needs to travel down this path in order to reach the next path in their journey. There are lessons and trials that she will need to work through during this part of the journey that will better prepare her for the next part. In this case, my job as "teacher" or "guide" is to help her gently navigate this part of her journey.  To help her to realize smaller pieces of the puzzle. 

This reminds me of something my mentor Alea Dawn has spoken about on many occasions. As we go through our various life paths and journeys, it's important to remember that even when we are dealing with what appears to be a struggle in our life, it may well be that this is a necessary part of our path to prepare us for what's ahead. And rather than curse and swear about our struggle... (as I so often do!), instead let us try to express gratitude and appreciation. That sounds absolutely crazy to ask anyone to express gratitude and appreciation for struggles! But, if we are looking at it from a different perspective: that this is preparing us for the next phase; then surely we can see that we should be grateful for the "training"! And quite possibly it will make the road that much smoother! 

I challenge you to try expressing gratitude when you're in the middle of a struggle! Whether something small and mundane or something a bit more serious and involved. Share in the comments below how the change in perspective has helped you on your journey! 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Healing the Inside to Manifest on the Outside

When it comes to manifesting the life we want, it's important to realize that many times our own mind, inner thoughts and beliefs, and even our feelings on a particular subject; may in fact be presenting a blockage of sorts. 

Let me give you an example. If I want to manifest financial success in my life I may use positive affirmations daily. I will also make sure that those statements that I am putting out into the universe are very clear and accurately paint a picture of what it is I am seeking. And, because I am so well versed in this whole manifestation process, I will even make sure that I am really FEELING the emotions that I will expect to feel once my reality manifests. In fact, I will be doing everything to make sure that my vibration matches the vibration of that which I'm trying to manifest. 

But, what if I've got some underlying issues from when I was growing up that I haven't yet dealt with? Hmmm.. what do I mean? Well, let's say that growing up I was ingrained with the belief that society is classed into the rich and the poor, with no in between. What if, growing up, I was always told that in order to make money you had to work very hard for it?

Even though, as an adult, I have read and educated myself enough to know that those are not factual statements; their message continues to resonate within the very cells of my body. My mind will tell you otherwise. My words will show that success can be easy because the universe will allow whatever you desire into your life as soon as you are a vibrational match. But, deep within my soul, my cellular makeup doubts all of this. Deep within, that very deep seeded thought that one has to work harder to make more money or that I will always be among the lower half of society  in terms of success, continues to simmer. 

On the other hand, I may not have those ingrained issues from my upbringing. I may, however, still have them deep rooted within my psyche from past lives. For those that subscribe to the theory of past lives, we know that when we come into this incarnation, we don't bring with us the memories of our past lives, but we DO bring with us parts of those lives... particularly parts that we still need to work on! So, while I may have successfully dealt with the issues of my upbringing in this incarnation, I may still have the same or similar issues that I've brought with me from a past life. 

It's important to recognize these potential blockages. One can also refer to them as LIMITING BELIEFS. And I am certain there are other names that can be attributed to them. Looking at your life and the areas you are doing manifestation work is a great place to start. Next, you'll want to determine if you have any limiting beliefs in that area. As a Diviner and Healer, I often use a pendulum or muscle testing to figure out which ones may be impacting me. This can be done in one setting, or repeated over time as you consider additional beliefs that may be limiting you that you hadn't thought of. 

After I have determined which limiting beliefs may be affecting my manifestation in this lifetime, I move on to CLEARING them from my system. There are many ways to do this; some even saying that their method can clear the limiting belief in one sitting. The methods I tend to use are Pendulum Healing (which is a form of dowsing) and Karmic Reiki Treatments. Both have proven to be significantly effective in clearing the negative beliefs that I've accumulated throughout lifetimes.  

I challenge you to identify some of YOUR limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from being your highest self! Heal the inside and watch the changes that happen on the outside!! 

Sharing is Caring!! Please share this post!!

Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination or in my private group at www.facebook.com/groups/ravenhaze
If you're on Instagram you can find me here: www.instagram.com/ravenhaze_healing_divination

Monday, February 6, 2017

Goddess Channeling Message from Aradia

The Goddess Aradia has a bit of a sorted history. Some say she was a powerful goddess; others claim she was a witch and still others were happy to give her saint-hood. 

This morning when I was channeling the Goddess aspect, it was Aradia who came forth with a message for the week. 

She spoke of gathering ideas and thoughts during the "quiet times" in our lives. Many times, when things are quiet... in our lives or our businesses... we equate that with a sense of stagnation. As though things are not moving forward as fast as we'd like them to. At least that is often how I perceive them! And, yet, she offers a reminder to relish those times when things seem quiet or stagnant. And this concept seems so foreign to me! How can I relish in stagnation??

Aradia reminds us that these quiet times in our life, these times when WE feel stagnation, are in fact necessary. These are the times that help us to recharge and to prepare for the rougher weather. In the channeling she equates it to the sea. And reminds us to enjoy the calmness of the sea when it comes. We are being fashioned and prepared for the rougher waters. 

She speaks of abundance and success coming soon, but we need to be in a place where we are open to receive it. And these quiet times allow us to better prepare ourselves to be open to receiving the abundance that is to come. 

And in the process of relishing in the quiet periods of our life, she tells us to take the time to help others on their journey. Lifting them up and helping them to grow as someone once helped you. 

Watch the recorded Channeling here on my YouTube page: (Don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button!!)

What do YOU do in the "quiet" or stagnant periods of your life or your business? How do you make this part of the journey fruitful? Please share your story in the comments below!

Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Imbolc? What is THAT?

In a few days the pagan sabbat of Imbolc will be upon us! This is one of the four major "holidays" or sabbats in the wheel of the year.  (The others are Beltane, Lammas and Samhain) This year, I have seen sites indicating that we celebrate Imbolc on February 1st though it is traditionally celebrated on February 2nd. 

Many people will say the word Imbolc exactly as it is written or phonetically. And this has become quite acceptable in our modern age. The traditional way to say the word involves a silent "b" and a silent "c" making it pronounced like "ee-mole"; with the accent on the first syllable. 

Other holidays and festivals that occur at the same time include Candlemas, Groundhog day and St. Brigid's Day. Imbolc has been celebrated by Ancient Celts, Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians in years past. This holiday honors the Celtic Goddess of fire, fertility and the young as it seeks to usher in the spring weather. It marks the decrease in winter and the increase in spring time when days become longer. 

One of the traditional customs of this day is to ritualistically light all of the candles in the home in an effort to lure back the sun and longer days. This is where the term Candlemas was derived from. In modern days, we can honor this tradition by lighting candles in our home in each of the windows or in a circular pattern to form a "candle wheel". Alternately, one could turn all of the lights on in the house for a short period in honor of the returning sun. 

Much like the American tradition of Groundhog day, when we look for the groundhog to see its shadow to mark the coming of spring; in the Celtic lands it is common that if they should hear a lark singing on Imbolc it was a sign that spring was nearing. Another Imbolc custom relates to the creation of Grain Dollies. These are little dolls made from sheaves of grain together. 

As with most holidays, pagan or otherwise, there is always an element of food involved! Since this is a holiday that marks the coming spring season, the foods involved are related to what our ancestors would have had available at the time. Now, the term Imbolc means "In the belly" or Ewes Milk" so we see that this is a time when the livestock would begin lactating, and thus dairy and milk are integral aspects to the feast. Other foods would include honey and seeds.

What are some of the modern day ways you can think of to celebrate or honor this time of year when winter is coming to an end and spring time is nearing? 

I would LOVE to connect with you! Take a browse through my web page at www.ravenhaze.com and let's connect on Social Media!! Find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination, in my GROUP at www.facebook.com/groups/ravenhaze and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/ravenhaze_healing_divination

And PLEASE SHARE this blog post!!! Because Sharing is Caring!!!