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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Clairaudient Work-Out

Clairaudience can also be called "clear hearing". This is when we get messages from spirit through our sense of hearing. Most often the messages may seem like they are coming from your own mind; but it's important to trust that these messages are coming from spirit. At times, you may be able to hear audible sounds or voices that come from out of nowhere and not heard in your mind. This is not quite as common as the first type.

So how can we work on developing our sense of clairaudience? What are some ways that we can "work out" this mental muscle?

1. Listen carefully to the sounds around you that you may otherwise not even notice.

Take a moment to close your eyes and really listen to the sounds around you. As I sit here typing this, I am the television on in the other room. When I stretch my hearing even further I can hear the sound of a maniacal crow talking incessantly outside. As you sit and listen to the sounds that are around you, you will undoubtedly begin to hear sounds you never really noticed before. 

2. Train your mind to imagine sounds . 

This seems like an odd activity, but it is one that can be extremely helpful. Sit in a quiet space and close your eyes. Now imagine in your mind a sound. Any sound. But pick something specific. For example, I can sit here at my table and imagine the sound of my cat meowing for food. I can hear it very clearly in my mind. Now, move on to more difficult sounds and even music. Some of the best music to practice with is actually classical type music. In listening to this type of music, you can practice by trying to focus in on specific instruments as the music is playing. 

3. Meditate

You were reading this blog post and I absolutely KNOW that YOU KNEW that meditation would be on this list, didn't you?!?! Meditation is probably the most important exercise to develop ANY of the clair abilities, and that stands true for clairaudience as well! Meditation helps to raise your vibration which is always necessary when communicating with spirit! 

4. Use Crystals and Essential Oils

If you want to utilize crystals to expand your clairaudience there are specific crystals that will offer some benefit. Certainly, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst are always good for enhancing psychic abilities. Two other stones that are helpful specifically for enhancing clairaudience are Selenite, which helps to quiet the external chatter going on in your mind; and Snowflake Obsidian. When using essential oils, opt for scents such as Grapefruit and Bay Laurel.

What are some of the other ways that you practice using your clairaudience abilities? Please share in the comments below!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

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