In the past year, I've been making it a point to "not fight it" and allow my body and soul to rest during this time of the month. I've found that it isn't so much my body that needs the rest... my physical body doesn't exert enough energy on a day to day basis to warrant that! But, really, it's my soul and spirit that need to rest.
I noticed that I experience more mental fatigue during this time and I am more tired. I know this feeling of being tired is not because my physical body is tired, but because something inside of me needs time to recoup and heal.
Now, most people seem to become more energetic during a full moon; and so I always thought there was something a little "off" with me since I experienced just the opposite. But, this month, I actually had several friends make comments to me that they too had been feeling "low" in the past few days. Someone even told me that he was just feeling really "run down" and couldn't figure out why that was.
So, what do we do when our bodies and spirits are telling us it's time to slow down and rest?
Get Quiet:
This seems to come naturally to me at these times. I tend to avoid conversations with people and I become less "chatty". I get very introverted. And this is good for the soul when the soul needs some quiet time. This means that regardless of what's going on in my life, I take the time to just let things be. I may not be making much "forward movement" in business or home life, but I am keeping things at a standstill for a bit as my soul takes the time it needs to re-energize.
Take "Alone" Time:
This one is a bit more challenging; particularly with a family who rarely allows for much alone time! During the full moon though, I will make the extra effort to head into the bedroom a bit earlier than usual to spend time alone; either reading, in meditation or just resting.
Meditation is always a good thing to do regardless of energy levels or moon phases! It can be easy to avoid meditation when you're feeling a bit low vibrationally and energetically; but now is the time you probably need that mediation the most. This is a good time to become more introspective and really connect with your spirit to gain insight into what you need and how to best go about it.
This is important... I think anyway! Even though it isn't really your physical body that needs to rest, laying down with your eyes closed and your mind turned off for a while, provides much needed rest for your spirit. Let your brain relax; without thinking about what you have to do, what you aren't getting done and all the other busy things in our lives.
How does the full moon make you feel? Do you become more energized or more introspective? What are some of the things you do during the full moon time?
Find me on the web at my website and on facebook
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