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Friday, August 26, 2016

Cheat Sheet to Develop Your Clairvoyance

Many people think that only a select few "special" people can be clairvoyant. I'm here to tell you that it is not true! My mentor Alea Dawn from the Kera Center has said repeatedly that we all in fact have these abilities, and she's right! It's just a matter of developing them. Just like we all have the ability to be super fit and muscular with regular exercise and training, the same holds true for the Clair abilities! 

Today I'm going to give you a little cheat sheet on how to start training your mind and growing your own abilities. In time, this may encourage you to seek out a mentor who can help you to expand them even further! 

First, lets define what it is we're actually talking about here! You see there are several Clair abilities; and clairvoyance is really only ONE of these. Clairvoyance can be called "clear seeing". This is when we see images in our minds that we can't see with our two eyes. We are using our third eye in these cases. 

What can you do to start developing the skill of clairvoyance?

1. Meditate daily ~ This will serve a few purposes. First it allows your mind to relax and be open to receiving messages. Secondly, it helps to raise your vibration which is necessary in order to better communicate with our spirit guides, as they operate on a much higher vibrational pattern than we humans do. 

2. Imagine your third eye opening ~ Clairvoyance is related to your third eye chakra. With this exercise, you'll want to take time, either during relaxation or meditation, to really visualize a big eye in the middle of your forehead. Now imagine that this eye is opening wider and wider. 

3. Practice Visualization ~ This can be akin to daydreaming and is actually a welcome activity! Spend some time with your eyes closed thinking of your third eye area. Ask your spirit guides to begin to show you images in your third eye. Then just sit and let your mind wander, taking note of any images that come into your mind. It may seem like you're "making it up" but trust in what you're seeing! 

4. Keep a dream journal ~ When we're sleeping, our minds are operating on a different wave length, allowing our intuitive mind to be more active than our ego mind. This is a great time to get visualizations in the form of our dreams. By keeping a dream journal, you can notice patterns that may arise for you in terms of the different things you're seeing and what they mean to you. This is going to be an important part of clairvoyance, as often times Spirit will show images as symbols... and its up to you to determine what that symbol means to you!

5. Keep a Symbol Journal ~ Once you've started practicing, you'll want to keep a small journal of the different images and symbols that you see and meditate a bit on what each symbol means to you. 

6. Use Crystals and Essential Oils ~ Sometimes holding onto a crystal can help increase your abilities as well. For clairvoyance you might want to try carrying a Lapis Lazuli stone or a Clear Quartz Crystal with you. Both of those are very good for opening up your third eye chakra. If you use essential oils, adding a bit of Cinnamon, Frankincense or Jasmine to your diffuser or dabbing a bit on your pulse points. (Note that some essential oils can be irritants to skin so use caution! Cinnamon is usually one of those!)

What are some other tips you've used to work on your clairvoyance? If you're new to your abilities, and try some of these techniques, stop back and share your successes!!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

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