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Thursday, August 25, 2016

5 Signs You Should Be Investing in Meditation!

We hear it all the time.. "you really should meditate... it will help so much". But for many people, meditation is not an easy task. I've heard time and again from clients and friends who tell me that they just can't sit quietly for that long. Or when I sit so many other thoughts start coming into my mind! Or even... I've tried meditation and I always seem to fall asleep! 

So, that begs the question... Why should we even bother to meditate? Lets look at some signs that your body may be telling you that you need to meditate!

  • You feel tired during the day, run down and seem to be catching every little "bug" that's going around the office.
Regular meditation has actually been proven to increase your immune system! By incorporating regular meditation into your life, you'll help your body to be able to start healing itself with your own immune system; making you that much less susceptible to catching whatever cold or flu bug is making its way around your work and home space. You'll experience more vitality throughout your day and actually begin to feel more energized! 

  • You are moody, irritable and often have difficulty focusing during the day.
Meditation allows you to improve your focus during the day and has been shown to balance out our emotions. During meditation we often are able to let negative emotions and feelings go, replacing them with a sense of calm and peace. Do you find yourself yelling at your children or your spouse for seemingly small things that otherwise would probably not get to you? This is a good sign that your body and mind need to get more centered. 

  • You have high blood pressure, pain or other physical ailments.
Studies have actually shown that meditation can successfully reduce your blood pressure and level of pain! Meditation decreases the adrenaline in your system, thereby decreasing that "fight or flight" thing we've all got going on. This in turn helps to decrease your blood pressure levels. The relaxed state of mind that you experience during meditation releases different chemicals that actually have the effect of decreasing your perception to pain. And while meditation may not be the end all be all for some people; it will certainly allow for a potential decrease in traditional medications to treat these issues. 

  • You want to have a better sex life.
If things in the bedroom department seem to have taken a nose dive, this is another good sign your body could benefit from a meditation routine! Lets face it, it's hard to get in the mood when everyday, mundane life issues are weighing on your mind! Regular meditation makes it easier for your body to get into a state of relaxation, allowing you to more fully enjoy your partner!

  • You can't seem to fall asleep at night!
Insomnia - millions of Americans suffer from it! Much like with improving your sex life, meditation also allows you to more easily relax your body and mind let it know when it's time to shut down for a bit and reset. Studies have been done by Harvard Medical School that show that regular mindfulness meditation techniques can reduce insomnia, depression and anxiety levels compared with those who do not practice regular meditation. 

If you already practice regular meditation, share your motivation for getting started? You're words may be just what someone else needs to hear! 

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

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