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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Women: Take Back Your Power! 5 Steps to Empowerment

There's a buzz word going around and it is "empowered". Now as a woman and small business owner, I have had many different experiences of being and feeling empowered. And that got me thinking... were these experiences just random? Or are there specific things I can do in my own life to feel empowered all the time? (Or at least MORE of the time!)

Let's take a look at some of the best tips for feeling empowered! Ladies, it's time we took back our power and lived in that reality!!

1. Set your boundaries... and KEEP them!

This one is something I've been working on lately myself. Oh, I am pretty good at setting my boundaries, but keeping them and sticking to them is another story all together! So, what this means is figuring out what you will and will not accept from others. We know that we can't change someone else, but we CAN change our response to other people. That's what is important. This means knowing when you need to say "no" to other people. Knowing what behaviors and actions from other people that you will or will not accept. The harder part of this, for me anyway, is sticking to these boundaries. What this involves is really standing up for yourself. Being able to verbalize that you are not able to do the thing that may be asked of you; and knowing that you don't owe anyone an explanation as to why that is!

2. Surround yourself with other people who appreciate and respect your boundaries.

What this means in a nutshell is - surround yourself with your tribe! These are the people that support you. The people that treat you as an equal and not as someone lesser than they are. And on those occasions when you do meet someone who tries to treat you "less than"; you'll have the backing of your tribe for support and to help you to feel more empowered. These are the people that will cheer you on in your endeavors!

3. Treat YOURSELF like the Queen that you are!

You are beautiful and powerful! But that doesn't mean a damn thing if YOU don't believe it! It's important to realize your own worth and value. Accept that you are gorgeous in your own rite and own that! Take time during your day to work on YOU. That means taking time to become the best version of YOU that you can be. Maybe that means working out a bit, taking a course, or even just taking the time to relax in a quiet, soothing tub. Whatever you need to do to treat yourself the way you would expect a queen to treat herself is what you should be striving for here! You are worth it!!

4. Be your own best cheerleader!

We all have those negative thoughts that creep into our heads on a daily basis. "I can't do that because XYZ", "I'm just not that good yet", and so on. It's normal. But those thoughts don't define us and we don't want to dwell on them. Make a conscious effort that when those thoughts enter your mind, you'll replace them with a positive thought. For example: when the self defeating thought of "I can't possibly do a live video recording" pops into your mind; you'll want to recognize it as a self-defeating thought and replace it with a positive thought such as "I have worked hard and that training has absolutely equipped me with the knowledge and confidence I need to do a live video recording!". You control your mind! 

5. Know your truth... and OWN it!

What does it mean to know your truth? Well, that simply means that you accept who you are, what you do and what you hold true and dear. It means living authentically without concern for other peoples expectations for you. It involves being comfortable with those things and you won't feel guilty about what your truth is!

What are some other ways that you've stepped into your own empowerment? If you've done any of the things mentioned above; what were your results? Share your success stories in the comments below!

~ Heather

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

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