Friday morning, I was woken up by some ruckus going on in the
kitchen. As I grudgingly dragged myself from bed to see what was going on, I
heard "meow". Well now, we do have a cat... But she's not exactly the
sweet meowing type. In fact, as a die-hard cat lover for over 40 years, Flower
had managed to cause me to re-evaluate my stance in just one short year.
So, anyway, I heard this meow and went to see what madness was
taking place in that kitchen. My sig other was in there holding an orange Home
Depot bucket and quickly rattling on about how he found this kitten outside and
was trying to put him in the bucket. His plan was to take him to his job and
pawn him off on someone there. His plan failed miserably.
"But a bucket!" I said... "I'd be scrambling to
get away from you too if you were trying to put me in a cold bucket!" Any self-respecting
cat lover knows that cats love boxes not buckets!
I went in to wake my son up so I had some assistance in this
unwelcome morning venture, because while I do normally get up that early, I'm
not usually functioning at more than a basic, rote, almost robotic level... And
I go back to bed after I put the girl child on the bus. I'm pretty sure the
synapses aren't firing until after 9am and several cups of coffee.
As I was standing over my sons bed, shaking his arm a bit with
one hand and clutching a frightened kitten with the other hand, he looked up at
me with partially closed eyes. I need help with this cat I told him- let's go,
you've got to get up. "I just had a dream that was so weird" he said
"we were out in the garage and we found a kitten." I looked at him a
little quizzically.
As we tended to him throughout the day; feeding him, washing
him and snuggling with him; we watched as he transformed from a skiddish kitten
to a bit more comfortable and accepting of our efforts. It was then that the
kids decided to name him Random Cat… because, in their little minds, it was
just so random that he showed up in our lives.
We pondered the journey that Random Cat must have been on
before coming into our lives. Was he abandoned by his mother who may have been
a stray? Was he tossed out of a car window by a heartless owner who didn’t want
kittens around? We will probably never know what experiences Random Cat had to
go through before he ended up in our carport. We know he was out in the rain
and that he hadn’t had much to eat in a few days at least. That much we know.
But as for the rest of his journey, we can only guess. But somehow, for some
reason, he ended up seeking shelter in our carport.
One of the things that got me really thinking about Random Cat
and his story is that my daughter, who is 8, has been trying to manifest
another pet into her life for the past six months. She’s gone from wanting a
dog to a cat and of those she vacillated between different breeds; switching up
every month or so! And when I say she was trying to manifest this, I am dead
serious! She used positive affirmations, magic and even went so far as to truly
believe that her new pet was already here… she just couldn’t see him yet. I
began to wonder a bit- did she manifest her pet… or did Random Cat manifest a
better life for himself? Or maybe it was a little of both.
So, you see, Random Cats name is a bit of a misnomer. It serves
as a constant reminder that sometimes, just sometimes, the things that seem
random aren't really random at all. Sometimes the universe conspires to bring
us the exact right people at the exact right time... And there really isn't
anything random about that, now is there?
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook
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