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Friday, September 2, 2016

8 Things You Can Use Your Pendulum For!

Pendulum dowsing has a long history of use in so many different cultures. As a child, I can remember using a ring attached to a string to determine how many children we were going to have and whether they would be boys or girls! 

But did you know there are so many other uses for a pendulum?? 

1. Asking Yes/No Questions... and even more detailed questions!

This is the basic one that most people who know about pendulums would say is what they can be used for. In fact, when I do pendulum readings, this is the most common way that I use my pendulums! If you have a more detailed question or need to know the answer based on a set of choices, you could also make a pendulum chart to get those answers a little bit faster than going through each one and asking in a yes/no question way. 

2. Find things!

Lost something in your house? Can't find your keys for example? A pendulum can be used to determine where they are located! The other day my husband lost his keys... literally as cliche as it seems! We were able to use the pendulum to find out that he had left them in the TRUNK of the car of all places, just by asking a series of questions! You can use the pendulum to guide you in the direction you need to go to locate something by asking it to "show you north, east, south, west, and then; once calibrated; asking it to show you the direction you need to go to locate XYZ!

3. Check your Chakras.

There are many ways to determine if your chakras are out of balance; but what many don't know is that you can check them out with a pendulum to get an idea of which chakras need some help! This can be done for yourself and for other people by holding the pendulum over the area of the body where each chakra is located and determining the direction it moves. Once you determine which ones need some balancing; you can do your meditation and chakra balancing in that area and then re-check with the pendulum!

4. Locate areas of potential concern in your body or your pets body.

One caveat here: It's always a good idea to see your healthcare practitioner! Don't let the pendulum be your sole diagnostic criteria! But, with that being said: you certainly can use it to get a better idea of where things might be going awry in your body! Let me give you an example... let's say you've been feeling "under the weather" and aren't really sure what area of your body to focus on healing first. It could be helpful to go over your body with the pendulum and get an idea of where you should focus your healing. Or maybe you just want to do a monthly or yearly "check-up" before you make your annual physical appointment. This could give you an idea of any areas of concern that you would want to question your healthcare provider about. If you do Reiki healing or any other energetic healing modality, often a pendulum can help determine where you would want to focus your healing energies on your client. 

This technique can come in handy when dealing with pets as well. Especially since they can't tell us what's wrong! The other day my older cat had a bit of stomach sickness. This isn't something that happens with her very often at all. I had a few ideas of what may have caused it, but just to be sure, I ran the pendulum over her body to get the root cause of it. Now, I would have expected it to move in a positive direction over her abdomen... but alas, that was not the case. It did however move in a positive direction over her head. Oh, no worries, she isn't physically battling anything... in her case it's mental. She is severely passive aggressive and anti social... and we recently took in a stray kitten which has been distressing to say the least to the older cat! In this case, she spent the whole day sitting in the screened in porch (in the warm weather) in protest; which likely contributed to her stomach upset!

5. Determine which foods won't be "toxic" to your body.

We all know the obvious ones! Certainly processed foods are toxic and fruits and veggies are not toxic, right? Well, maybe. You actually may use a pendulum to determine if an apple will be toxic to your body and get a positive answer! Hmmm... wonder why? Well, if that apple was sprayed with pesticides, that may be why you'd get that answer. Once you wash it off and recheck with the pendulum, odds are you'll get the answer that it's NOT toxic! 

Another example might be to use the pendulum over foods with gluten to determine if your body would be sensitive to them. Or even to see if you should really be drinking that next glass of wine!

6. When gambling... 

This is one can be tricky and not advisable unless you've been practicing and gotten good at using a pendulum! Taking a pendulum to the casino, you can effectively use it to figure out which table will offer you the best odds of winning!

7. When determining which type of ritual or offering to give.

So, you're doing a ritual or working with a deity or Saint and are unsure what type of offering you should leave... use your pendulum to determine what would be the best choice! Trying to influence someone in your favor and unsure if you should do a candle working or a honey jar? Consult your pendulum to determine the best choice for your situation!

8. To communicate with spirits, demons and more.

This one may freak some people out, but it is a valid use for a pendulum! We have a female spirit lingering in our house and I will often use the pendulum to try to connect with her and figure out what she wants when she's clearly trying to get our attention! One time my son became frustrated because his electronics were "acting up". He came into the living room demanding that I "banish the ghost!" because in his eyes, she kept messing with his electronics! Of course, he's young and his wording was far from compassionate! Well, that night long after they went to bed; and as I was walking down the hall to go to bed myself; I noticed a small pile of his clothes sitting smack dab in the middle of the hallway! I reached for the pendulum and asked a few questions; realizing that my son most likely ticked her off a bit! We were able to talk to the spirit and ask her in a nicer way to leave the electronics alone and haven't had an issue since! 

What are some of the other things you've used a pendulum for? I'd love to hear about them!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

Interested in learning how to use your pendulum? I will have an upcoming workshop (done in an online format) in September through the Kera Center! Stay tuned!

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