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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Push Through the FEAR... Like a 9 Year Old!

For the past several MONTHS... (yes, you read that right... MONTHS) I have vacillated about doing LIVE videos in my Facebook group Raven Haze Healing and Divination Group. I seemed to have some sort of blockage or fear about doing it. I've been told that really there are only 2 different emotions that everything else stems from: FEAR and LOVE.

This fear really had no basis. I have no idea where it came from or why it decided to manifest in that way. You see, I had already posted videos in the group that were pre-recorded and I had already done live videos in one of my other groups for addiction recovery. So, why this mental blockage kept me from going live in this particular group was beyond me! 

Then, one day after I had posted a pre-recorded video to the page, I had a newer member ask me if she could share it. And it seemed that the only way she could share the video was if it were posted to YouTube first so she could embed the link. Well, I'll be honest, she caught me off guard! But, I didn't even give myself TIME to think about it! I just went and quickly uploaded the video to my YouTube account and sent her the link. 

So, since I had just "put myself out there" by posting a pre-recorded video to a public forum; I knew it was time to move forward and get that live video done! (And I did!) 

What really intrigued me though was that when my 9 year old daughter came home from school that day; I told her that I had uploaded a video to YouTube. Now, this child has been harping on wanting to be a "YouTuber" for about a year now and I've been putting it off for just as long! Well, since I had just uploaded my own videos, I told her that I'd upload a video for her that day if she wanted. 

Without batting an eyelash, she ran to the table, set up the iPad and began recording herself! No Fear!! No preconceived ideas of rejection ever entered her mind! Like the Nike commercial says... she "just did it!" 

My personal mantra for the past several months has been something along the lines of "Push through the fear, because on the other side is SUCCESS". And that day my own 9 year old embodied that affirmation right before my eyes. 

But How Do We Do It??

It isn't an easy thing to do by any means. I think the most important way to push through the fear has got to be to just dive right in! Try not to even think about the "what if's". You'll have plenty of time to do that afterwards! 

Something to consider on the flip side. By letting those fears get the best of you; essentially you're allowing yourself to be controlled by them. You're giving the fear the power! And I don't know about you; but I want to be in control of myself... I don't want to allow some emotion to be the one in control!

Another way to help overcome the fear is to use certain crystals. Carry them with you, stick them in your pocket or bra, or if you're like me; stick them in the bun on the top of your head! Let yourself be guided to stones that are red in color as a general rule; such as Carnelian or Ruby. 

Share an experience you've had where you've PUSHED THROUGH the fear and found success on the other side!!!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook. Looking for more discussions and interaction? Check out my closed Facebook group then: Raven Haze

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