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Friday, September 9, 2016

How I Manifested $5,000 in 3 Weeks!

So, I'm going to share a story with you that I hope will inspire you today to manifest in your own life!

About a month ago, I set out to manifest the sum of $5,000 in three weeks time. I chose the amount at random and intended for this money to come from "out of the blue". So, this would be over and above our "regular" income. 

How did I go about it?

The first thing I did was verbalize my intention out loud to the universe as though it had already happened! "I received $5,000 in three weeks from out of nowhere!" (Yeah, I probably sounded like a crazy person... but I was alone at home so I only seemed crazy to the dog and cats!) I also said it out loud to my little Ganesha statue actually!

Next, I wrote it down. This solidified it for me! But I didn't put this statement on the frig or anywhere I could see it. I just wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it aside. In fact, hadn't even looked at it after that! 

Then I took a bill from my Ancestor Money (fake money) and stuffed that inside a clear, blue cup. This was to represent that the money would come out of the "clear blue". 

I set out my Hotei Buddha facing my front door, instructing him to bring money INTO our home and set up my little frog facing inward, instructing him to keep money IN our home. 

So, How did it work??

Well, that first week I ended up with several unexpected readings that brought in about $500. I was ecstatic at that point... mostly thinking about how my business was growing! But it didn't end there! 

In the second week my husband ended up coming home with an extra check in the amount of $4,000. When I asked him what it was from he explained that the bank had funded additional money for their project and this was his portion of it. This was weird, and definitely "out of the blue" because this bank has been notorious for UNDER funding if anything! I counted this as another WIN! So, it had been two weeks and we had successfully manifested almost all of what I had originally intended! At this point I was just thrilled that I was able to manifest THAT! 

In the third week we ended up getting a check in the mail from an old insurance policy that was closed; netting us another $1,200! (Almost didn't even check the mail that day either!)

The Power of Manifesting

So, you see, the power of the mind and our ability to manifest is so strong!  I was able to manifest even more than what my original intention was for! What was the key? I set the intention, verbalized it, wrote it and then LET IT GO. I didn't even think about my little manifestation plan for that month! Totally forgot about it... (until the second week anyway!)

Share YOUR manifest success stories in the comments below!!!

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Love and Light and all that!!


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