Manifesting Shmanifesting!! Why can't I get what I want?!?!
Well, let's start with these two questions to break this down a bit...
1. What sort of things do you WANT in your life?
and then...
2. What sort of things are you actually GETTING in your life?
If these two answers are not the same, then "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do!"
You see, the things that you WANT in your life, should most definitely be the things that you GET in your life! After all, you deserve it. And even more than that; we have the POWER to achieve it!
The fact is, it's all about energy, thoughts and emotions... all combined in a delicate balance...
We are all familiar with the concept of positive affirmations. Think positive thoughts and positive stuff will flow your way, right? Wrong. There's a bit more to it than that. Positive affirmations are wonderful, don't get me wrong. In fact, we should most definitely have our set of positive affirmations that we ingrain in our minds regularly. Our "mantra's" if you will. This is only a part of the equation though.
What you need to go along with the positive affirmations (brain work) is the emotional component (heart work). This means that you need to really feel what it is like as though you already have that which you desire.
So, here is where some visualization begins to come into play. Close your eyes and really visualize that you already have this thing/quality/etc. Consider what it would feel like if this were already true in your life. Think back to a time in your life where you HAVE experienced it and bask in that feeling for a bit. Own that feeling.
Don't even know what that might feel like? Maybe it's something that you truly have never experienced in the past. Well, you'll have to use your visualization techniques a little bit harder then! Imagine how you will feel. But when you do, don't imagine it as something happening in the future. Imagine it as something that has already manifested!
The third part of the equation has to do with energy. This is something that is two-fold. On one hand, it relates to the physical energy that you will put out into the universe in order to manifest your dream. This could mean, putting the energy into applying for particular jobs that get you closer to your goal; or taking whatever steps in the mundane world that you know will bring you that much closer.
On the other hand, it also speaks of spiritual energy. And in this way I am speaking of taking time to meditate and focus on your goal. Lighting a candle, using incense, holding certain crystals or stones... really making a ritual experience out of your time. You are basically doing the spell work needed to help manifest your desire. Putting your desires out into the universe and allowing the elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit to do what needs to be done!
What are some of the other ways that you have been successful in manifesting what you desire into your life? If you've had a difficult time with it in the past, I encourage you to follow this formula and share your results! If you have any questions, I'm only a click away!!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook!
You can also check out my "closed" Facebook group for more discussion at Raven Haze Closed Facebook Group!
Until next time!
~ Heather
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