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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Reiki and Your Cells

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, there lived a man and that man's name was Emoto... Dr. Emoto in fact. Have you heard of him? He did several experiments showing the affects that both negative and positive intentions had on water molecules. 

"The results strongly suggested that positive vibrations, whether it was from images, music, words or prayer, affected the molecular structure of the water, changing each one into something beautiful. It was also found that negative vibrations caused the water molecules to become disfigured."   One World Healing.

Much like Dr. Emoto's studies, there have been studies done that show the results of two different jars of rice given different intentions and having different words spoken to them for several days. The rice which was spoken to in a positive way stayed healthy. The rice jar that was spoken to in a negative manner showed signs of decay and rot. 

Debunk the Debunkers

Now when you begin to do some further research into this phenomenon you will find multiple sources indicating that Dr. Emoto's research may be considered psuedo-science. And right now, in this day and age, it may very well be. But bear in mind, there was a time when theories about a round earth were considered ludicrous. And it was only in our lifetime that those who thought that an atom could be split were considered a little off their rockers! 

The fact of the matter is, we are all made up of cells and energy; energy that has the ability to affect other energetic beings. Thus, when you send out positive energy to someone, it can affect change at the molecular level. You can check out the "science" of it here: Sarah Petrunos Shamanism

If positive affirmations, thoughts and energy sent to a glass of water can alter those water molecules; just imagine the effect it can have on the human body. Making changes at the cellular level is the basis of healing; both physically and emotionally. These are the building blocks of our entire being. 

Several months ago, my own husband came home with a huge gash on his finger - the result of an injury on the construction site. Now, most times, I will be the last person to tell anyone to seek medical treatment for anything if I am confident that I can fix it up at home with natural remedies! But, in this case I wasn't sure that gash would close up without stitches; so I encouraged him to go to the walk in clinic at least. Of course, he refused. Just had me bandage it up with a clean dry dressing and change it daily. I didn't even use antibiotic ointment; only because I didn't have any as I recall. What I did manage to do was three 30 minute sessions of Reiki healing to the injured finger that week. Remarkably, that finger is completely healed and you can't even tell there was ever an injury. 

Do you have a Reiki Healing or Energy Healing story you can share? I'd love to hear about it!! Please share in the comments below! 

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook Page. Want a more discussion oriented group? Head over to the closed Facebook group at Raven Haze Group!


  1. Great article! The power of the mind is amazing!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for sharing this article! Dr Emoto´s research and findings regarding the power of emotions are just so eye-opening. I think I first heard of his research in the documentary What the bleep do we know. Great article Heather!

  3. I love your articles! Always learn something new and walk away reminding myself of the power of mindset and positive emotions.

    Very interesting information on the study about positive and negative vibrations affecting water. Thanks for sharing. <3


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