So, what sort of things should be in this "toolbox" for insomnia? Now, in this blog post we aren't talking about western medicine type stuff.. we're talking about complementary options. Let's take a look at some!
A few crystals that will aid in restful sleep include AMETHYST, SODALITE and SELENITE. Rose Quartz may also be quite helpful in producing a calming effect. So then it is good to actually know what to DO with these crystals, right?!?! The easiest way to use them is to put a stone under your pillow. You may also consider charging some water with your crystals so that you can take a few sips of that when the insomnia hits. (Some stones can't be placed directly in the water though, so best to check first!).
There are many different herbs that can help induce a sleepy state of mind. One of the most common is chamomile which can easily be found in tea form in most local grocery stores. Another common herb is Lavender. This is often used in a satchet and placed under the pillow. You may be able to locate a lavender spray or spritz to spray onto the pillow and bedding as well. Some of the more uncommon ones include Valerian Root, Magnolia Bark, and Passionflower. These all have a sedative effect. These are taken in various forms including tinctures, capsules or teas and can be purchased online or in health food stores. A word of caution, when putting ANY potentially medicinal substance in your body, it is advisable to check with your healthcare provider FIRST to avoid any interactions as even herbal supplements can interact with western medications!!
We discussed in another post a little bit about using Mudra's when meditating. When insomnia hits, there is a specific mudra that can be used for that issue! Remember, a mudra is simply a particular hand position. It is essentially putting your inward thoughts and desires into an outward aspect using your hands. This mudra for insomnia is called the SHAKTI MUDRA. It's purpose is to help relax the body and relax the mind. You can use this nightly to prevent insomnia or use it for about 10-15 minutes when suffering from an insomnia episode.
Meditation seems to always be a recommendation doesn't it? Well, the reason for it is that meditation has so many benefits that you can never really go "wrong" with it! We know it's good for getting in touch with your sixth sense abilities, helping us stay centered and focused, and it's also pretty good for insomnia! Studies at Harvard have shown that mindful meditation can help with insomnia by promoting our body's relaxation response. Harvard Study It may help to use short, guided meditations during an episode of insomnia when you have physically gotten up and out of the bed. On the other hand, if you are still in bed and awake, you may find a longer, guided meditation more useful as you can more easily drift back into sleep.
Sleep hypnosis
This is by far one of my favorite methods of combating and dealing with insomnia! We started using sleep hypnosis several years ago and have found it to help in so many other areas. The thing with sleep hypnosis is that it is meant to put you to sleep!! It often has repetitive background sounds or music and the speaker often has a very soothing voice. I have found several great ones on YouTube. The other pretty cool thing with sleep hypnosis, is that you can basically "kill two birds with one stone"! The effect is sleep, which we all need! But the OTHER effect is whatever that particular video is telling your subconscious mind as you fall asleep and as you are sleeping! You see, you can listen to sleep hypnosis videos that deal with particular issues- addiction, confidence, anxiety, lucid dreaming, manifesting wealth; you name it and there's a video that deals with it! And just as with meditation, there have been studies done that suggest that sleep hypnosis has a pretty powerful effect on those suffering from insomnia!
Aromatherapy is often done using essential oils. The important thing about using essential oils is to find the ones that resonate with YOUR body. In other words, there are certain scents that, despite being tauted as relaxing, may in fact be repulsive to certain people. We all have different tastes so you'll likely need to check out each scent before you try it. As an example, Patchouli is recommended for sleep... and yet I would find it very UN-relaxing to smell patchouli before bed! The other important aspect you may want to consider is if it results in a reaction to your skin if you are planning on using it topically. Again, as with the herbal warning, be mindful of these things. The skin is the largest organ in our body and substances (i.e. medications, ointments, etc.) are absorbed through our skin. When they are absorbed they can effect us systemically. Some of the oils you may try for insomnia would include chamomile, bergamot, Sandalwood, Vetiver, and Lavender. You could also try mixing a few different oils for a more individualized combination! These can be applied to pressure points on your body or used in a diffuser to scent the entire area.
What are some of the methods YOU'VE got in YOUR toolbox to stave off insomnia? I would love to hear your tips and tricks! Share them in the comments below!!
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