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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Oh Sleep! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me???

Insomnia affects so many of us. Maybe you have more chronic insomnia. Or maybe you just go through "phases" where you can't sleep. Sadly, when you are in the throws of insomnia, it's not the best time to be trying to figure out how to rectify it! It's always best to have a plan of action in place BEFORE the insomnia hits! Your toolbox of tricks, if you will!

So, what sort of things should be in this "toolbox" for insomnia? Now, in this blog post we aren't talking about western medicine type stuff.. we're talking about complementary options. Let's take a look at some!


A few crystals that will aid in restful sleep include AMETHYST, SODALITE and SELENITE. Rose Quartz may also be quite helpful in producing a calming effect. So then it is good to actually know what to DO with these crystals, right?!?! The easiest way to use them is to put a stone under your pillow. You may also consider charging some water with your crystals so that you can take a few sips of that when the insomnia hits. (Some stones can't be placed directly in the water though, so best to check first!). 


There are many different herbs that can help induce a sleepy state of mind. One of the most common is chamomile which can easily be found in tea form in most local grocery stores. Another common herb is Lavender. This is often used in a satchet and placed under the pillow. You may be able to locate a lavender spray or spritz to spray onto the pillow and bedding as well. Some of the more uncommon ones include Valerian Root, Magnolia Bark, and Passionflower. These all have a sedative effect. These are taken in various forms including tinctures, capsules or teas and can be purchased online or in health food stores. A word of caution, when putting ANY potentially medicinal substance in your body, it is advisable to check with your healthcare provider FIRST to avoid any interactions as even herbal supplements can interact with western medications!! 


We discussed in another post a little bit about using Mudra's when meditating. When insomnia hits, there is a specific mudra that can be used for that issue! Remember, a mudra is simply a particular hand position. It is essentially putting your inward thoughts and desires into an outward aspect using your hands. This mudra for insomnia is called the SHAKTI MUDRA. It's purpose is to help relax the body and relax the mind. You can use this nightly to prevent insomnia or use it for about 10-15 minutes when suffering from an insomnia episode. 


Meditation seems to always be a recommendation doesn't it? Well, the reason for it is that meditation has so many benefits that you can never really go "wrong" with it! We know it's good for getting in touch with your sixth sense abilities, helping us stay centered and focused, and it's also pretty good for insomnia! Studies at Harvard have shown that mindful meditation can help with insomnia by promoting our body's relaxation response. Harvard Study It may help to use short, guided meditations during an episode of insomnia when you have physically gotten up and out of the bed. On the other hand, if you are still in bed and awake, you may find a longer, guided meditation more useful as you can more easily drift back into sleep. 

Sleep hypnosis

This is by far one of my favorite methods of combating and dealing with insomnia! We started using sleep hypnosis several years ago and have found it to help in so many other areas. The thing with sleep hypnosis is that it is meant to put you to sleep!! It often has repetitive background sounds or music and the speaker often has a very soothing voice. I have found several great ones on YouTube. The other pretty cool thing with sleep hypnosis, is that you can basically "kill two birds with one stone"! The effect is sleep, which we all need! But the OTHER effect is whatever that particular video is telling your subconscious mind as you fall asleep and as you are sleeping! You see, you can listen to sleep hypnosis videos that deal with particular issues- addiction, confidence, anxiety, lucid dreaming, manifesting wealth; you name it and there's a video that deals with it! And just as with meditation, there have been studies done that suggest that sleep hypnosis has a pretty powerful effect on those suffering from insomnia!


Aromatherapy is often done using essential oils. The important thing about using essential oils is to find the ones that resonate with YOUR body. In other words, there are certain scents that, despite being tauted as relaxing, may in fact be repulsive to certain people. We all have different tastes so you'll likely need to check out each scent before you try it.  As an example, Patchouli is recommended for sleep... and yet I would find it very UN-relaxing to smell patchouli before bed! The other important aspect you may want to consider is if it results in a reaction to your skin if you are planning on using it topically. Again, as with the herbal warning, be mindful of these things. The skin is the largest organ in our body and substances (i.e. medications, ointments, etc.) are absorbed through our skin. When they are absorbed they can effect us systemically. Some of the oils you may try for insomnia would include chamomile, bergamot, Sandalwood, Vetiver, and Lavender. You could also try mixing a few different oils for a more individualized combination! These can be applied to pressure points on your body or used in a diffuser to scent the entire area. 

What are some of the methods YOU'VE got in YOUR toolbox to stave off insomnia? I would love to hear your tips and tricks! Share them in the comments below!!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook and if you're looking for some further discussions and interactions... check out my closed Facebook GROUP at Raven Haze Group!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I "Want", I "Need", OR I "Have"??

The Law of Attraction and all that Hocus Pocus

I wanted to talk a bit today about setting your intention out into the universe and the law of attraction. I have heard so many people talk about how the law of attraction is pure rubbish lately. This made me really sit down and reflect on it. In fact, I actually meditated on it and was given (reminded of actually) some valuable insight from my spirit guides that I would like to share with you here.

I believe very strongly in the ability to manifest and I also believe very strongly in the law of attraction. What you put out there WILL come back to you at the same level of vibration that you are working in... whether it's good or bad, in your best interest or not. 

When you repetitively talk about how your job sucks... the universe will happily oblige you; though not likely in the way you anticipated! I've seen many instances where people (myself included) have spoken those kind of words regularly, only to find themselves fired or "let go" with no further job prospects. Guess what? That sucky job you were talking about... the universe has removed that from your life for you! 

I "Want"

When we go around saying or thinking "I want...." this, that or the other thing in our lives; we are putting that intention out into the universe with the idea that it will manifest itself. 

The problem with "I want" is that what you are putting out there is what you will get... more "want". 

I "Need"

The same holds true when we put out to the universe the intention that starts with "I need....". The universe already knows what you need. No point in perpetuating that concept! For example, if I put out my intention that "I need a new car"; what I am really putting out is the constant "need" for a car. And that is exactly what I will get back... continued NEED for a car. 

I "Have"

On the other hand, when we put out to the universe the intention with the phrase "I have" we will attract the same! The universal law of attraction states that "like attracts like". So, it stands to reason that if I put out the intention that "I have a reliable and attractive vehicle that I am blessed with", I will be putting out that intention on the same vibrational level as that which I am truly seeking... a reliable and attractive vehicle! 

I have a client who had come to me in complete frustration over this. She told me she has been putting her intention out into the universe for a solid relationship for the past year and nothing has ever manifested for her! She was at her wits end! We discussed it a bit further and I asked her to tell me what it was she was "putting out there". Her mantra was "I want a committed man who will love me and honor me for a long-term, lifetime romantic relationship". She was a step ahead of the game in making her intention specific; but what was she actually putting out into the universe? The constant feeling of WANT. She was indeed manifesting exactly what she put out there! She had a constant WANT for the past year! We changed her mantra a bit to say "I HAVE" instead, and I am quite confident that this will change her outcome sooner rather than later!

So What's the Take Home Message Here?

In order for the law of attraction to be effective, it's super important HOW we phrase our intentions! Bearing in mind that words have meaning and words have POWER! Does it feel like you're lying somewhat? Probably! But in a way, as the old adage goes: FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT. In other words, put that intention out into the universe as though it has already manifested and REALLY feel the emotion of what it WILL BE like when it DOES manifest! 

Keep your vibration at the same level of that which you want to bring INTO your life. And above all, express GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION for all that you have and all that is to come!

What are some of the things that you've ATTRACTED into YOUR life with the Law of Attraction? Were they good things or have you had some experiences with inadvertently attracting the more negative things? Share your experiences in the comments below!!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook Fan Page. Looking for more discussions? Then check out my closed Facebook group: Raven Haze GROUP

Don't forget to SHARE! Because sharing is caring!! ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Recharge Yourself!

Finding Solace amidst Stressors

Where do you go for solace? Where is your quiet place? Taking time to recharge our souls, our spirit and our mind can make all the difference in the world when it comes to facing the harsher world that we are a part of.

The importance of recharging

Often times we can get so caught up in the negativity of the world. What do I mean by this? Well, we get caught up in negative emotions such as anger or frustration. We can even get caught up in stress and worry; particularly when we are talking about finances! The past several weeks I was getting caught up in a negative mindset brought out by having family with us who would constantly perpetuate a “poverty mindset” by their words and actions. I didn’t want that mindset leaking over into my head, because as you know, what we put INTO our minds is what we will get OUT of our minds. And what comes OUT will surely be manifested~ whether it is for our highest good or not.
For me, listening to someone rant on and on about negative things in their life, is exhausting. In the past, I would have listened like a “good friend” and confidante. In fact, I probably would have encouraged them to release their feelings and maybe even support their thoughts. However, now that I am in a better mindset myself, I don’t do those things. I don’t encourage negative self-talk. I won’t feed into your negative ranting, particularly when you are perseverating on it. And worst of all, I suppose I worry that the negative mindset mentality will; much like a virus; infect my own thoughts, and that makes me nervous enough to shut those conversations right down!

How I recharge

So, after several weeks of dealing with the negativity and the poverty mindset, I knew that I had to reset my own mind. I had to get back into my mojo of positivity and abundance mindset. The very first step I took was to clear my SPACE. For me, having a clear space in the physical realm is pertinent before working on the mental and astral realms. To put it in a different perspective, it’s hard to do a surgical procedure in a non-sterile environment, right? So, assuring that the SPACE that I am living in is cleared of negativity was the first step. I do this by first cleaning... yes, literally cleaning. I wipe down every surface and then get to the floors. In the Hoodoo tradition, floors are a primary way that negativity can enter your space. I use a good floor wash to both eliminate negativity (ammonia) and bring in abundance (abundance floor wash) along with a dash or two of Rue Water or Florida Water. Once the physical cleansing is completed, I work on the more “astral” cleansing. I do this using two methods, although it can be done with many more! I use a bell which I ring throughout the house as I chant that “negativity go away; you’re not welcome here any day!” The next step is to use incense to literally change the ions in the air. I normally use a Sage and walk through the whole house. Now, if I feel as though the Sage isn’t going to cut the mustard (because it isn’t the STRONGEST incense one can use) I will burn Frankincense and Myrrh or Sandalwood on a charcoal disc.

The final step in finding my solace and regaining my positive vibe is to meditate. I will take the time to sit quietly and meditate on my intention. I ask my spirit guides to help to refocus my thought patterns away from the poverty mindset. When that is done, I will crank some uplifting music to further raise my vibration!

Meditation is my solace. That is my quiet place! And that is the best way I have found to recharge my soul, spirit and mind. But as you can see, it isn’t JUST the meditation. It is the process leading up to it that is just as important. It involves not only an inward change but also an outward change. And when I change my immediate “outward” surroundings a bit and then alter my inner being – only then am I able to really make the bigger changes!

What is YOUR quiet space where you can RECHARGE? When life is throwing you lemons, how do you RESET your mindset?

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook Fan Page. Looking for more discussion? Check me out at Raven Haze Facebook Group

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What will your "Comments" section say?

When I look on my family tree on Ancestry.com I see a bunch of names. So many names that I know are a part of what has made me who I am, and yet so many names that are just that… names. Names on a family tree. What do I know about them though? Absolutely nothing for the most part. That even includes names that sit in the slots for “maternal grandmother” and “maternal grandfather” … only two generations back.

And my thoughts slowly turn to my own mortality. One day I will be only a name on a family tree. You see, after a few generations, stories stop getting passed on and people move on with their lives. Who will remember anything about me? Surely my children will. And most likely their children (my grandchildren when they come). But beyond that, I will take my place as a name on the family tree. They’ll have a birth date and a death date. They may have places I was known to live and possibly an occupation. But, what will they write about me in the “comments” section of the tree?

As I was growing up there was a man who lived down the street; Mr. Blanchette. Mr. Blanchette lived in the little yellow house with the perfectly manicured lawn. He passed away several years ago. My 8-year-old daughter would visit with him with her grandfather. They would watch as he rebuilt lawnmowers to sell. My daughter remembers Mr. Blanchette and talks about him often enough, but beyond her; who will remember Mr. Blanchette in a generation or two? What will they write in the comments section under his name on the family tree? Will they know that he kept his lawn so immaculate that I’m sure even the bugs treaded lightly? Will they remember that he was amazing at rebuilding old lawnmowers? Or that he was always so good about turning on his light at Halloween, even if only for the few kids that lived on the street? Will they share even ten things about Mr. Blanchette in the comments section near his name?

On Monday one of my uncles passed away. He had said that he was ready to go, as he had been in pain for quite some time. I will remember him. My daughter will remember him especially - she was quite close to him and would visit regularly. Beyond that generation, what will they know of him? His obituary is beautifully written... but it doesn't paint a picture of the man that he was. You see, it doesn't say that he loved ice cream or that he was an amazing tree "cutter downer".  Will they know even ten things about him in a few generations? 

It is said that we are each the result of a thousand loves. All of those names on your tree are a part of you today, somehow and in some way. It is unfortunate that we don’t know more about the person behind the name. What will our family know of us in two generation? Will we just be a name on a tree? Or will we somehow be able to leave them with a glimpse of who we are? What ten things would you want them to put in your comments section?

Be sure to subscribe to my blog! Also, find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook! Looking for more discussions and interactions? Check out my closed Facebook Group Raven Haze Group!