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Monday, March 27, 2017

5 Things I Appreciate About My Previous Spiritual Paths

Many people who leave the religious beliefs that they were brought up in harbor a great deal of negativity towards that religion. There are few who can look back on that journey and pick out a few aspects of it that can be appreciated. 

Why should we "appreciate" something we walked away from, you ask? Well, for one thing, that path that we WERE on helped to bring us to the path we are currently on! So, in many cases that path was a necessary part of our journey to bring us to the path we may be on currently. And there's something to be said for that! 

Here are 5 things that I have come to appreciate about the spiritual paths and religions that I was a part of before coming to my current spiritual path!

1. Those paths taught me the meaning of DOGMA!

From Wikipedia... Dogma is an English term transliterated in the 17th century from Latin (Latin dogma) meaning "philosophical tenet", derived from the Greek 'dogma' (Greek δόγμα) meaning literally "that which one thinks is true" and 'dokein' (Greek dokeo) "to seem good."

As I journeyed on my previous paths, it became very clear to me that we were to accept particular "truths" without question. Oh, I know, there are many people in those previous paths that will shout out 'No! Not true! You are always able to question!' But to them I say hogwash! I had seen it first-hand that certain questions were frowned upon or simply left unanswered as the inquirer was made to feel "less than". 

I have seen dogmas defend themselves regardless of the alternative facts presented. And I have seen faithful believers cling to dogmas, creating a false sense of security in their lives. 

And it was in seeing these things that I began to fully understand the meaning of religious dogma and how significantly it impacts the lives of so many people. In this knowledge, I became even more adamant on questioning everything that was presented to me, as I began to equate religious dogma to the image in my head of a horse with blinders on. 

2. Those paths gave me a foundation of "religious knowledge".

I've always believed that knowledge of any sort is powerful. And so it has proven true with religious "knowledge" as well. Despite the fact that I may not subscribe to the "knowledge", having that background has helped me to question things that I had formerly accepted as truth. Had I not had this indoctrinated education, I would not have been able to put some of the pieces together to even begin to question them. 

As an example- if I were to look at a major religion that I have little knowledge about, and someone were to state a "fact" about that religion; I would not be able to debate it or discuss it with considerable certainty as I have little knowledge of those "religious facts" (as they are taught). Knowing the historical basis of certain religions has helped me to see a BIGGER PICTURE in regards to religion and its place in history. 

3. One path showed me the reverence of RITUAL

Fun fact... I went to Catholic High School. I can recall having to attend "chapel" and often bailing out of it to hide out in the Guidance office... or anywhere really! Well, this one day I had nowhere to go and we were all corralled into the chapel. As I surely wasn't interested in what was being said, and couldn't hear most of it anyway; I was whispering about something completely off topic to the friend sitting at my side. It was then that one of the teachers pulled me aside and explained the importance of showing respect and reverence despite the fact that I may not follow that path. 

From that point on, I would attend and sit in respect. And in doing so, I observed those "rituals" and the more active participants. I realized that when performing a ritual of ANY sort, one is showing respect, not just to the faith, but to the energies and deities that you are calling upon. This respect for the reverence of ritual practices made it a natural progression for me when I began to show reverence for my ancestors while on my current path. 

4. My previous religion showed me that what someone does within church walls is not as meaningful as what one does outside those walls.

I can remember sitting in a service years ago and hearing the preacher flat out tell everyone that "we do no good while sitting here, the only real good we can do is that which we do outside of these walls". He then went on to say that it didn't even matter that all of us were sitting in that church if what we did outside of those walls didn't show others that we live our beliefs. 

This was probably the last time I even sat in a "church" to be honest! For it was then that I had the epiphany that how I lived my life was of far greater importance. This realization instilled in me the importance of "living my truth". 

5. I appreciate that one path taught me to "Avoid the Appearance of Evil"... and here's why!

I can remember arriving to an evening church service in my beat up Dodge Aspen with newly applied Grateful Dead stickers plastered all over it. Oh, the looks I got! At the time, I was young and absolutely had no idea what the big deal was! Finally, one of my friends pulled me aside and explained the "evil" in that music and why it "didn't look good" that I had those stickers on my car. 

He went on to share a (hypothetical) story about a man who is seen parked in front of a liquor store even though he had been going into the adjacent food market. Explaining that because he happened to be parked in front of the liquor store, should someone impressionable see his vehicle there; it may cause that impressionable person to lose their faith. 

Hmmm..... well, I can tell you it didn't change my mind about the stickers OR the music; but it did bring to light a more powerful message in my eyes. People will judge you based on what they see, even if they aren't seeing the whole picture. 

What are some of the things that YOU appreciate about the spiritual paths you have been on in your life? (The ones that you are no longer following that is!)

Sharing is Caring! Share this post if it resonates with you!! 

Find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination and in my group at www.facebook.com/groups/ravenhaze or on the web at www.ravenhaze.com

March Madness Readings ends soon! Book your "Double Whammy" reading this week!! Get 30 min or 60 minutes psychic reading, spirit guide reading or medium reading via phone, Skype or FaceTime AND a detailed emailed Tarot reading for a SHOCKINGLY low rate!!! Check Out Specials!

Be sure to check out the newest Reiki course!! KUNDALINI REIKI!!!! www.ravenhaze.com

If you're shopping online... why not earn some extra cash while you're at it!!! Click here to get in on that action!!  EARN CASH

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sound Vibrations and Energetic Healing... What a Combo!

Have you ever noticed how certain music makes you feel a certain way? When you listen to lively, upbeat music it gets you in a better mood. And when you listen to more mellow music- it offers a sense of relaxation. The vibrations that these sounds put out effect us on a deep level.. spiritually, mentally, emotionally and yes... even physically! 

When I began to incorporate sound vibrations into my healing sessions, I noticed that the effects of the healing became so much stronger. I often use recorded sounds of drumming and even Tibetan Singing Bowls to enhance the energetic healing. 

As a Reiki practitioner, we can utilize the Reiki symbols to "charge" the music with the intention that the vibrations will aid in the healing of our client. Doing this adds yet another element to our treatment session and offers our client an added layer of healing in so many ways. 

Learn how to add the Reiki symbols to YOUR next healing session here: 

Do you add the element of sound vibrations to your healing practice? Have you noticed a difference? 

If you don't practice Reiki- of course, I encourage you to learn!!! But... in the meantime... check out my FREE course on Elenari Healing! This is a channneled energy healing technique that works with the Fae Realm. You can find more info at https://www.facebook.com/groups/422720494736594/

Interested in Online, Self-Guided Courses? Check out my online courses in Reiki, Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Divining with Playing Cards (Cartomancy), Remote Viewing and Pendulum Divination!! www.ravenhaze.com (Payment plans available for Reiki courses!)

This month I am offering a Spirit Guide Adviser Session via phone, Skype, FaceTime or Facebook Messenger Chat (1 hour... discover what YOUR guides have to say to you!) ALONG with a detailed emailed tarot reading for the crazy low price of $65 USD! 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Message from Spirit: Visualize Your Future So Clearly... it is ingrained in our minds like the back of our hand!

It's always welcome and wonderful when spirit visits in our dreams with advice and inspiration! Many nights, when they come- the messages are so cryptic and the symbolism can be fairly deep and challenging to comprehend. 

Last night, however, I was blessed with a pretty clear-cut dream with easy to understand symbols! Now we're talking!

In this dream, I was being told that I had to visualize so clearly;-in fact, I was to memorize-  the second and third floors of a mall. I had to be able to see each and every store in my minds eye; with the entire third floor being full of restaurants. Once I was able to do that- I was shown that I would be able to obtain a position in a small shop that wasn't even attached to the mall. And despite my feeling (in the dream) that I was ill equipped to run that shop- I was shown that the line would be quite long at the register. 

Does this seem rather cryptic to you? Well, thankfully, I was awakened in the morning with such a clear understanding of the meaning and a certainty surrounding that. When we dream of a mall that often indicates the choices and decisions that we have to make in our waking life. It speaks of the plans we have and is a positive indication that we are on the right path. 

When we dream of a restaurant or several in this case, we are being told that we should be of service to others or that we are seeking service from others. In this case, having to memorize each restaurant seems to speak more to the point of being of service in the chosen path. 

The image of running a small shop with a long line of customers speaks of being successful in business and able to handle that resultant success. 

The overall meaning seemed to suggest that visualization is of utmost importance when we are trying to manifest success in our lives. Being able to see with perfect clarity, how we desire things to be. WITHOUT worrying about the "HOW". Just visualize it. Never mind how it will happen - much like the dream, I wasn't concerned with HOW I would memorize each of the shops and locations, I just knew that it was important that I was able to see each one in my minds eye as clear as day. And that the result of this intense visualization would be success. How we serve others will be welcome and well received. 

Well... most of us already know the importance of visualization; so what's so special about this? Was it simply a reminder... a nudge in the right direction? Or was it something a bit more? Well, I believe that it suggests that we have to "up our game" somewhat! It isn't enough to just visualize our goals randomly whenever we feel "stuck"... we need to visualize them as though it's part of our JOB! Much like we are studying for a test. When we study for a test we set aside time each and every day to ingrain those facts in our mind and so we must do this with our goals as well. Take time each day to memorize what that future will look like. 

Do you take the time each day to visualize your goals and what you want your future to look like? Or are there days when the mundane aspects of our current life get in the way and we neglect to spend a few minutes visualizing it? Can you imagine the changes that we could manifest if we made visualizing our dreams and goals a priority?? I challenge you to spend 5 minutes each and every day visualizing your goals this month. 

Are you on Facebook? Find me here: www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination or here: www.facebook.com/groups/ravenhaze Prefer Instagram: www.instagram.com/ravenhaze_healing_divination

Interested in Online, Self-Guided Courses? Check out my online courses in Reiki, Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Divining with Playing Cards (Cartomancy), Remote Viewing and Pendulum Divination!! www.ravenhaze.com (Payment plans available for Reiki courses!)

This month I am offering a Spirit Guide Adviser Session via phone, Skype, FaceTime or Facebook Messenger Chat (1 hour... discover what YOUR guides have to say to you!) ALONG with a detailed emailed tarot reading for the crazy low price of $65 USD! 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Cleansing OURSELVES! 3 Methods you can do Today!

In a previous post, I discussed cleansing of our personal spaces... our homes... and the impact that has on our health and well-being. But what if you've done all that and still feel that negativity? Quite possibly, that negativity and energetic "crud" is actually coming from YOU! 

Now, this in no way means that you're a "bad person" or that you're "cursed"! It could simply mean that you have picked up some negative energies when you go to work, or go out anywhere. It could be that you've been in a slump for a while. Maybe you've felt sluggish or withdrawn. Or you may find that despite repeated house cleansings, you are still irritable and grouchy. It happens. We've all been there. 

In this case, it is important to do a cleanse on OURSELVES! And I'm not talking about jumping in the shower with the Dial Soap and giving ourselves a good scrub! I'm speaking here about a more spiritual cleanse. A cleanse to eliminate the negative energies. Remember, that negative energies will undoubtedly rear their ugly head in the way of physical symptoms, as I discussed in a previous post. This speaks to the seriousness of doing a spiritual cleanse regularly. We don't want to let the "crud" fester and turn into physical ailments! 

In fact, oftentimes, a spiritual cleanse- designed to eliminate negative ENERGIES- will result in an improvement on the PHYSICAL level! I have been witness to stories of pets who were unable to walk or diagnosed with tumors; being completely healed following a spiritual and energetic cleansing. I know people... yes, human people.. that have had remarkable results on the physical level following a spiritual cleanse. 

So, how does one go about performing a spiritual or energetic cleanse on themselves? 

Herbs to the Rescue!

There are many methods to choose from! One of the most common ways is to use herbs. You can boil the appropriate herbs in a pot on your stove. Charge the herbs for their purpose or pray over them as you do this. After it comes to a boil, let the water cool completely. Then strain the herbs out. This water can then be added to your regular bath water or simply poured over your head if you are more inclined to shower. 

Everyone has an EGG!

Another method is called a Limpia. This is a Spanish word which means "cleanse or cleaning". This method uses a simple EGG from your refrigerator. You can learn about the Limpia here: 

Use Some Incense

A method which uses incense is also appropriate. If you have loose incense or resin of Frankincense and Myrrh you can burn them on a charcoal disc. As you do this, you will want to remove all of your clothing and sit in a chair. Place the burning resins beneath the chair (on the floor). Then wrap yourself completely in a sheet- allowing the smoke from the incense to rise up and immerse your entire body. 

There are many other methods to do a Spiritual Self-Cleanse! These are just a sampling! What other methods are YOU familiar with?

I challenge you to try one of these methods and experience the difference in how you feel! 

Don't forget to meet me on Instagram!! You can find me here: www.instagram.com/ravenhaze_healing_divination

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Know Your Circle.... Not Everyone Is Rowing With You.

You know that old saying... it goes something like this: Not everyone in your boat may be helping you paddle.... some may be drilling holes when you're not looking. It speaks to the importance of truly knowing the people in your "tribe"; those that are supposed to be on your "team". We all have "haters" in our lives... but when those "haters" are people you THOUGHT were supporters... it stings a bit. 

I suppose I shouldn't be so naive! I've lived long enough to have seen this happen over and over again. The fact is, it seems inevitable that there will be people that (for some reason) choose to remain in your circle, despite the fact that they really don't want to see you succeed. 

And, once again, this was made abundantly clear to me just the other day. People I had thought were on the same projectory to a successful team... showed that they were in fact on a very different plane that I was. Words meant to inspire and create action were met with disdain and disgust. 

It was a tough pill to swallow; but the harsh reality was that these were not "my people". They were not a part of my "tribe". Oh, they may have been at one time. But just like energy flows ever changing, so do people and thus so does our tribe. Sometimes, as you're in a forward moving momentum- those around you choose not to keep the same pace. And that's okay. Every one of us is trekking our journeys at our own personal pace. 

But alas, it happens. And we can't allow that vibe to keep us in a place of low vibration or stagnation. And so we press forward... But, how best to deal with it? Well, I'm never REALLY sure. I do believe that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. So, with that being said- all the prodding and inspiring in the world won't make some people stick with you. And so with those people I try to dissociate. Make a space between us; a separation. 

In some cases, we simply aren't able to remove those people from our lives. Maybe they are family or people that we work with. For those people, I try to distance myself as much as possible. After all, their presence in my life only serves to hold me back. And by ALLOWING them to hold that space... I am ALLOWING them to keep (or try to keep) me in a place of stagnation and slow growth... to meet THEIR perception of success. 

It is vital to keep your passion burning regardless of the "haters". Because ultimately, the vibe you keep putting out will undoubtedly attract the tribe that's meant for you. Those with the same mindset - who are operating at a similar vibrational frequency. They will gravitate towards you, while others fade away. Remembering yet another saying: Your vibe attracts your tribe!

In some ways we can think of it like high school. I always told my teenage children- don't worry who does or doesn't like you in high school, in 5 years you'll never even hear from any of those people - friend OR foe. And I find it similar with our "tribes" or circle of friends throughout our life. Only a select few will remain with you for the long haul, often waxing and waning in and out of our lives throughout. The rest will fade away, replaced by people who are walking the same path at the same time as us. And that is just how it is meant to be.....

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Cleansing Away the Negativity

Is your house "Clean"??

Did you know that it is pretty important to cleanse our personal living spaces? Oh, I'm not talking about the cleaning that you think I'm talking about! Yes, it's also important to maintain a CLEAN living space! But, what I am speaking of here is more the energetic cleansing that should be done. 

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the air just seems "heavier" than usual? Maybe there's been a lot of negativity in the house? The family is more argumentative? Or even when you've had family or friends over to visit and notice that after they leave, the energy seems "off" or "different"?

Hey, I didn't invite your CRUD in!!

As much as we try to live more spiritually minded lives, it is inevitable that some negativity and "crud" will seep through. When we invite people into our space, we are unwittingly inviting in their energy as well. And many people bring with them some negative baggage, in the form of anger, depression, higher energy levels akin to anxiety or restlessness and more. And when the physical person leaves, they end up leaving behind the essence of their energy. 

This is why it is so important to do a regular "cleansing" of our space! To literally change the ions in the air. Releasing and removing the ones that are less than desirable and making way for the more positive energies to move in. 

There are so many ways to do this and they are generally pretty easy, for the most part! Smudging the house with Sage is probably the most common method, but there can be drawbacks to using Sage. Some people can be sensitive to the smell or even the smoke, particularly those with asthma and other respiratory symptoms. Thankfully, there are options! Sage is not the only way to go! Check out some other methods here: 

What are the benefits to me???

The benefits of cleansing the negative energies from your living space are incredible! You should notice a "lightening" of the air almost immediately after you implement any one of these methods. You will experience more peace and tranquility in your home, outwardly expressed by seeing less arguing, agitation and anxiety among your family members and yourself! You will likely even notice that things just run smoother! The morning rush isn't quite so rushed. If you have pets, they will most likely appreciate the effects and feel them even before the humans do! (Animals are very perceptive to energetic changes). 

So.... here's the challenge!! Implement at least ONE of these cleansing techniques! And then share your experience! 

Do you do something DIFFERENT to cleanse your space? If so... I'd LOVE to hear about it!! Share in the comments below!!