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Monday, January 23, 2017

Do You Talk To The DEAD?

Many people wonder how they can talk to their passed loved ones themselves... and I also hear many frustrations from people that DO talk to their loved ones, but don't seem to get a response! Let's take a look at some of the ways we can open up that communication!

The first thing we want to do is to actually reach out and make that connection with our passed loved ones. Let them know "hey, I'm here and would really love to hear back from you!". We can do this in a variety of ways. The simplest way is to just TALK to them! Talk out loud as though they are still with you. Now, if you want to get a little more intimate and really get the convo flowing, we can use a journal to write down our thoughts and questions that we have for our loved ones. We can also sit in meditation and mentally express ourselves. When sitting in meditation, ask any questions or express any concerns that you have at the time. And then sit and be still. 

So that's one part of the conversation! But communication is a two-way street baby!! And our ancestors definitely WANT to communicate... and they DO communicate... but we have to listen a little closer! You see, once they're dead, they don't communicate the same way as they did when they were living! They can't just come right out and make sounds with a voice box... because they are no longer a soul in a meat suit... they are now just a soul! 

So, they communicate in different ways. They may come to you in a dream. Now, they may NOT come to you in the dream looking as they looked when you remembered them! This is why it will help for you to keep a "dream journal" by your bedside. You'll want to jot down any details of your dreams and then take a look at them later to determine what the message is. 

Another way our ancestors may communicate with us is through symbols. We may see synchronicities in our lives. A butterfly lingering around, a dragon fly in an unusual area, finding dimes or pennies regularly, or even having a feather placed in your path. These are often signs that your loved ones have heard you and are reaching out to make contact, telling you that they are around. 

You may see repeating numbers throughout your day. These are sometimes called Angel Numbers and each number has significant meaning. So, if you find yourself seeing a particular number fairly regularly, chances are, someone in the spirit realm is wanting you to take a second look. You may see 11:11 when you look at the clock, or 4:50 each day. Whatever the number or combination of numbers happens to be; take a moment to research what it means. This is one way that our loved ones may respond to us! 

One of the best ways to tune in to the spirit world is to develop your clair-abilities. Spirit will often let you know that they are around with various scents that remind you of them; be it a cigar smell, perfume or cologne. You may get a "feeling" or "just know" something your relative may be trying to share with you. 

Some people don't feel as though their connection is that good and will seek out a Medium to be the "go between" for them. This is another way to effectively communicate with the dead. Using an outside source can be tremendously helpful in these cases! A Medium should provide EVIDENCE to you of WHO the spirit is that they are connecting with. This means they should be able to share with you details that they would not otherwise know- such as a name, favorite things to do, habits, cause of death, etc. 

Certainly, many people have communicated with the dead using physical devices throughout the years! The Ouija board is probably one of the oldest methods to open up those lines of communication. However, many people have also had less than desirable experiences with that, so it is super important to be sure you are well versed in the safety measures to put into place prior to using one! The biggest question with this method seems to be "how do I know it's my relative??" Well... same way really. Ask questions that only they would know. Get evidence! Other devices include various Instrumental Transcommunication methods such as Spirit Boxes. The most basic of these use radio waves to allow the spirits to communicate with us. 

So... let's try a challenge!! Grab a candle and a quiet space! Make sure you've got about 20-30 minutes to spend and make yourself comfortable. Light your candle and as you sit in the quiet of your space, focus on the flame a bit. Think about your loved one that you'd like to communicate with. Visualize them in your minds eye. Speak to them, either out loud or in your mind. If you ask a question, pay attention to the candle flame. Does it move side to side in a "no" direction? Or does it grow larger, upwards in a "yes" direction? Do you sense a presence with you? Pay attention to images that come into your mind or words that you may hear in your mind. These may sound like they are coming from YOU, but trust that they are coming from your loved one. If the images seem weird- know that spirit often communicates in symbols, so make note of what the image is and research the meaning later on. If you are visualizing your loved one, you can watch to see if your image shakes its head no or yes when you ask a question. 

Use your intuition. Use your Clair-abilities. And in time, you will be able to really open up those lines of communication!

Check out the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

And.. hey... if you're serious about this shit... head over to my web page and grab your FREE PDF on how to develop those Clair-abilities! www.ravenhaze.com

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