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Monday, January 23, 2017

When Times Get Tough... The Tough KEEP GOING!

As I was meditating the other day and channeling the Goddess, it occurred to me that one of the common themes lately is that of perseverance. I'm being shown the importance of being steadfast, consistent and having tenacity! And I know that this message is as much for me as it is for others!

It wasn't too long ago that the theme I was getting was that of "pushing through the fear" and to "just do it!" And, being the procrastinator that I am, I'm guessing that was the theme because I just wasn't getting my ass in gear and DOING IT!! 

And so it is with the current theme of "sticking with it". Only, this time, I don't want to be stuck on the same theme for months on end; especially due to my own shortcomings! So, this time, I intend on actually DOING what the Goddess is suggesting! 

But, alas... let's delve deeper into what she actually means by perseverance! Looking at the actual definition of the word we can see that perseverance is: steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. 

What does this mean in terms of our spiritual life? In terms of waiting for things to manifest? Well, to me this means continuing to SHOW UP and be present-- even though we may not see immediate results that its been successful. Even though it may be hard to do because we are "too tired", "too depressed" or "too anything [insert excuse here!]

It means making a commitment to yourself to be determined in your efforts. NO. MATTER. WHAT. 

This concept seems so easy. I'm sure you're sitting there reading this and saying "well, duh!!!" But in our current society of instant results -- sometimes sticking with it is a little more challenging than it sounds. Sometimes "showing up" and "being present" isn't always the easy thing to do. 

For me, being consistent is a huge part of perseverance. And I think this is probably the biggest part of this concept that I fall short on. Maintaining regular contact with people in a meaningful way. And, so I work on this... and make lists each week and each day; reminding myself that I am committed and I am moving forward... albeit slowly! And part of those lists include my little reminders to "show up" and "be steadfast". 

I challenge you today to remind yourself to PERSEVERE by being consistent and "showing up", despite the perceived difficulties and despite the lack of perceived results... stay the course! I would love to hear your story! Share a time when you really weren't seeing the fruits of your labor and maybe, just weren't motivated to "show up"... what was it that motivated you to persevere and press on?

And then... check out the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination    and stop by the web site for some freebies!! www.ravenhaze.com

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