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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Do you stay PRESENT even in the UNCOMFORTABLE times of life??

I can remember being pregnant with my fifth child and one of the biggest "lessons" I learned from that time. As so many people who have had children know, when you are pregnant with your first child everything is so new and "unknown"... Then as you are pregnant with subsequent children, you really FEEL everything so much more. You feel those Braxton Hicks contractions more. You seem to feel everything MORE

Well, during the time I was pregnant with my fifth and last child, I went through a period during the final three months where I was just done! I can remember feeling as though if I could just take this heavy belly OFF for a little while and pack it away in a closet... just for some relief. I was quite large... rotund... heavy.... ;) and I was tired! 

As I was driving in the car one day the thought occurred to me... 'this is where you're meant to be right now'. It was a tough pill to swallow at the time when I was FEELING all of the discomforts of pregnancy so vividly! But I let myself simmer with that thought for a bit and started to have a lovely realization. Yes, this IS where I am meant to be at this moment in life. I am exactly where I needed to be. And I could lament the discomforts... OR I could savor them, knowing that I would never be here again. 

Through the remainder of that pregnancy, I revisited that thought many more times... including when I was in labor! And it was then that I began to train my mind to be more PRESENT in each moment. EVEN the moments that don't seem comfortable! I began to really apply this principle to every area of my life. The good times AND the not so good times!

I am here and I am present. This moment in time may not be one of the most comfortable moments, but I am here for a reason. It may be a lesson to learn. It may only be to experience the contrasts in life. But it is THE MOMENT that I am meant to be in at this time in this life. And I will FEEL all of the feelings that come with that moment. And I will allow myself to experience those feelings in their fullest, being grateful... and appreciative... that I am able to experience this moment so fully. And I will own them... if only for that moment; because, good or bad,  I know that the moment will not last forever! 

I challenge you to acknowledge the moment in time that you are experiencing right now! Allow yourself to be totally present in the moment! 

Check out my website for a ton of useful information and free videos! www.ravenhaze.com and while you're at it... let's connect on Facebook!! www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

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