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Friday, January 20, 2017

A Tale of 2 Chicks

There was this chick a few years ago who was sitting home in the depths of depression. Life had taken a huge turn-around for her. It was the TOWER tarot card in its full glory! (Along with his side-kick the MOON). Life went from one of few worries all the way to being a complete shit show! Friends were no where to be found. Life was crumbling all around her and she found herself burying her head in the sand as best she could.. anything to avoid looking at what her life had become. 

Then there was this other girl... She didn't let the crappy circumstances of life define her. She was "down" but not "out"! Well... not yet anyway! She took whatever oomph she had left inside her and pushed forward. Learned some new stuff. Re-learned some old stuff. Made some new friends and slowly.. ever so slowly... began to grow stronger. And she took control of her life like the MAGICIAN card; reaching for the STARS and gaining the WORLD in the process. 

What did it take? Some serious self-reflection like we see in the HERMIT along with major, inner transformation like we see in the JUDGEMENT card. Both of those, coupled with STRENGTH, allowed her to move forward and take the next step. (And a whole lotta time spent in meditation....)

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