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Monday, January 16, 2017

Here's my why.... what's yours?

BORING material!!! UGH!!!

How many of you have sat in a class and found yourself practically falling asleep from boredom? And then years later, being shown that same subject and suddenly being inspired to learn more about it? 

Many moons ago I remember sitting in my high school history class, bored out of my mind. Oh, I passed the class alright, but it certainly didn't inspire a passion in me to learn more about history. 

Fast forward to my adult years, and I can tell you now that I LOVE history! So, what changed? Well, quite simply, watching channels such as The History Channel brought the subjects to life for me and inspired me to WANT to learn more. 

You see, it wasn't necessarily the subject matter that I found un-inspiring; but rather, it was the delivery! Had the material been presented differently, I'm sure I would have had that "spark" at a much earlier age! When someone brings that information to life for you and shows their own excitement for the material, it seems to ignite a flame within us as the students! 


How about this... have you ever sat through a course and just didn't "get it"? Maybe everyone else seemed to have complete understanding of the concepts, but you just felt lost somewhere? As students in any class we all want to come out on the other side successful. I've sat through so many classes where a few students, myself included, had a hard time grasping the concepts. And sometimes, we would have a teacher who would make it his or her mission to make sure we "got it". But other times, we were simply left by the wayside. The attitude seemingly, "hey, maybe if you just studied more....". 

Shouldn't every student be successful? I feel, as a teacher, that if even one student doesn't "get" the material, then maybe I need to take a second look at the way I am delivering the content. 

So, when I became a teacher of various subjects... I made it my personal mission to make sure that every one of my students was able to come out on the other side successful and with a good understanding of what I was teaching. I honestly didn't ever want anyone to feel that they were on the side-lines. And more importantly, I wanted to inspire a passion for the subject in the same way someone inspired that passion in me!

But, Why These Crazy Subjects???

I have this strong belief that, as human beings, we ALL have the innate ability to heal ourselves as well as others. I also have this crazy notion that we all have the ability to use our "sixth sense"... if only we would develop it. I really feel that these skills lie dormant in us. I know you've heard this statement: "If you don't use it, you lose it!" and that is pretty much my feelings on these special abilities that only a select few seem to hone. But I do believe that once you start to work on these abilities, not only will they develop, but we become so inspired to keep on growing with them! It's almost like unlocking a secret door that you just recently found and watching in child-like wonder at what's on the other side!

When I first began to work on my abilities... the awe and excitement I experienced is something I hope that EVERYONE can experience! It has made such a significant difference in my life on so many levels that I want nothing more than to share that excitement with anyone who is open to it! And that is my why! Why I teach at all and why I teach the things I teach! To inspire YOU to grow! To inspire YOU to want to expand your mind and abilities! To instill in others that same excitement that I found when I was taught! 

What is YOUR why? Share in the comments below!!

Follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination  and find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com

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