Making Connections. This is something so often talked about. I hear it in entrepreneur groups speaking of making meaningful connections with people in business. I hear it in my spiritual community in regards to making solid connections with our ancestors, spirit guides and deities. One is very much on the physical realm while the other is clearly on a more spiritual plane. As above, so below and thus both being of equal importance.
Often times, spiritually minded people may neglect to nurture their relationships on the physical plane. We spend quite a bit of time connecting with our guides in meditation; and experience the incredible bliss that offers, that we spend more time seeking THAT and less time "dealing with people".
Alternately, there are those who spend a great deal of time developing relationships "in real life" (or IRL, as I've come to know!) that they either neglect or just don't find time to work on nurturing their spiritual connections. The connections with other humans on this physical plane brings joy and a feeling of belonging. Furthermore, we actually LIVE on this plane of existence, and, let's face it.... our ideal clients are other humans, not spirit guides!!
As a spiritually minded entrepreneur, I have come to realize the importance of finding a balance in our connections. For me, as an Evidential Medium and probably as an introvert; I find making those spiritual connections a whole lot easier than making those connections on the physical plane. But, I know for many others... (those more extroverted than me).... making spiritual connections and taking time to "just sit" and meditate can be as daunting for them as making physical connections can be for me!
What are some ways you find that balance between maintaining your spiritual connections and still nurturing and growing your physical connections?
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