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Monday, January 9, 2017

Manifesting and Acceptance... And how to screw that shit up!

As many of you know by now, I am a big believer in manifesting. By this I mean that I strongly believe in the power of positive affirmations, aligning your emotional experience and vibration to that which you desire to manifest in your life, and trusting in the universal response to acknowledge my desires and formulate them into my reality. 

Sounds totally crazy to anyone who isn't familiar with the whole manifesting process... but I've seen it work. Not just once, but many times over. And not just in others, but in my own life as well. 

Now, I've written about manifesting in the past and tried to explain the process in the easiest way I could at the time. I prefer that concepts... any concept... be broken down to the simplest format possible. In this way, it makes it easier for just about anyone to comprehend and master. 

Part of manifesting is using positive affirmations. But those alone will not get you what you desire. I can state every day that I have a million bucks, but that statement alone isn't going to cut it. I need to add substance. That substance is in the form of our emotions. I need to feel it. Feel what it WILL feel like when I have a million bucks. Feel it so deeply and so clearly that I KNOW that feeling and am comfortable with that feeling. And certainly we want to express gratitude to the universe for what we are manifesting... because we KNOW it IS coming. 

Now, as you simmer on that part of the manifestation process for a bit... let's take a look at some of the other parts. Some of the parts that can fuck up the whole process.....  
Because as much as I am able to manifest in my life... I am equally as good at fucking that shit up royally! 

The first way that I tend to screw up my manifestation is when I don't TRUST!
Let's look at this in this way... say I give someone a job to do... and then, before they are even finished, I take it back because maybe I feel like they aren't getting it done fast enough or maybe I'm just a control freak. Either way, I haven't even given them enough time to show me that they CAN get the job done! It's much the same with the universe. We have to trust that the universe CAN get that job done! And then give the universe TIME to actually do the work! 

The next big way to screw up the manifestation process is to allow FEAR to set in... Oh, not you, eh? Let's just see... 

How many times have you tried to manifest a loftier goal... only to have an option present itself that scared the shit out of you? Or... you've been working on manifesting something kind of lofty and an opportunity presented itself... and you went with it... following through... but all the while had this nagging sense of inadequacy and fear that kept creeping in?

It's said that there are really only two emotions: love and fear. And it's that fear that rears its ugly head in the form of anxiety, nervousness, shame, guilt and so many more of the "undesirable" emotions... 

It's so important that we face that fear, acknowledge it and push through it! "hey, fear... thanks for showing up... but you're not needed at the moment!" GTFO FEAR!!!

We can't deny it exists. But we can choose how we respond to it. And since it comes from within US... we can send it to the back seat! Now... even if you push through the fear... we can't let it linger even a little bit. Say you are going to do a TEDx talk. You realize the universe granted you this amazing opportunity! You've prepared for this and now the time has come. Of course fear decides to step up to the plate. Well, you know you're going to push through it and get on that stage anyway. BUT... if you let that fear linger even a bit... it could sabotage your whole speech! Your nerves and anxiety may show through in your words or your lack of enthusiasms. Because when you're focusing on fear... you aren't focusing on your objective. 

The third way we can screw up our manifestations is when we don't have a clear objective. Putting it out to the universe that you want a "good life" is too broad and too subjective. A good life to one person may be a simple cottage by the sea with a wood burning stove and herbs hanging from the ceiling. A good life to someone else may be more along the lines of a Mercedes in the driveway and a ten bedroom house. We need to explain a little bit more when it comes to manifesting. 

But, with that being said; we don't want to be SO specific that we limit the options that the universe has to bring us those desires!  If I wanted to manifest $5,000; I would have better luck simply trying to manifest that money without putting limitations on HOW that money is to come. In other words, I may choose to AVOID saying "I will manifest $5,000 from my job" because that would limit where that money comes from. 

What are some of the ways that YOU tend to mess up YOUR manifestation process? It's okay... you can share them here! Throw them in the comments below!

Don't forget to check out my web page at www.ravenhaze.com for some freebies and amazing deals on readings and healing classes! And be sure to connect with me on Facebook! (Raven Haze Fan Page) and (Raven Haze Group)

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