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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Clairaudient Work-Out

Clairaudience can also be called "clear hearing". This is when we get messages from spirit through our sense of hearing. Most often the messages may seem like they are coming from your own mind; but it's important to trust that these messages are coming from spirit. At times, you may be able to hear audible sounds or voices that come from out of nowhere and not heard in your mind. This is not quite as common as the first type.

So how can we work on developing our sense of clairaudience? What are some ways that we can "work out" this mental muscle?

1. Listen carefully to the sounds around you that you may otherwise not even notice.

Take a moment to close your eyes and really listen to the sounds around you. As I sit here typing this, I am the television on in the other room. When I stretch my hearing even further I can hear the sound of a maniacal crow talking incessantly outside. As you sit and listen to the sounds that are around you, you will undoubtedly begin to hear sounds you never really noticed before. 

2. Train your mind to imagine sounds . 

This seems like an odd activity, but it is one that can be extremely helpful. Sit in a quiet space and close your eyes. Now imagine in your mind a sound. Any sound. But pick something specific. For example, I can sit here at my table and imagine the sound of my cat meowing for food. I can hear it very clearly in my mind. Now, move on to more difficult sounds and even music. Some of the best music to practice with is actually classical type music. In listening to this type of music, you can practice by trying to focus in on specific instruments as the music is playing. 

3. Meditate

You were reading this blog post and I absolutely KNOW that YOU KNEW that meditation would be on this list, didn't you?!?! Meditation is probably the most important exercise to develop ANY of the clair abilities, and that stands true for clairaudience as well! Meditation helps to raise your vibration which is always necessary when communicating with spirit! 

4. Use Crystals and Essential Oils

If you want to utilize crystals to expand your clairaudience there are specific crystals that will offer some benefit. Certainly, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst are always good for enhancing psychic abilities. Two other stones that are helpful specifically for enhancing clairaudience are Selenite, which helps to quiet the external chatter going on in your mind; and Snowflake Obsidian. When using essential oils, opt for scents such as Grapefruit and Bay Laurel.

What are some of the other ways that you practice using your clairaudience abilities? Please share in the comments below!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Do You Think You'd Be a Good Tarot Reader?

Have you often thought about learning to read Tarot? Wanted to be able to read your own cards or even read cards for other people? Have you wondered what it would take to be a Tarot reader?

Let's take a look at some of the qualities and skills that most people believe make for a great reader!

Communication Skills

Probably one of the first things that comes to mind would be having good communication skills. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean having good verbal skills; although that will help if you do readings in person! It could also mean being able to put your thoughts down on paper so you can do email readings. 

Ability to Learn Basic Card Meanings

It is also necessary to learn the cards. This can be one of the biggest hurdles for lots of people actually. There are quite a few cards and each has different meanings! Learning the meanings a bit can help you as you're doing a reading. Never underestimate the power of your own intuition either! You'll also want to use your intuition when reading the cards! This means using your Clair abilities to determine how that particular card relates to your client specifically.

Listening Skills

It helps when reading Tarot for others, to be a good listener when you're giving readings in person. People tend to want to open up and share more of their story when you are doing a reading for them. It's important to try to see their issue from their perspective. That often means holding back on judgement and avoiding imposing your own beliefs onto your client. This also means making sure that you stay objective. 

Always Learning!

As a professional tarot reader, you're always learning! It's important to keep reading about Tarot and interacting with fellow Tarot readers to stay up to date! There is always more to learn with the Tarot, so it's important to step up your game every once in a while! 

This list should provide a starting point for anyone who has ever thought about picking up a set of Tarot cards. Certainly, there's much more to it; but if you've got the right attitude and desire to learn, you could be reading Tarot for yourself, friends and family with a little practice. Which brings me to the final key to being a good Tarot reader... PRACTICE often!!

What are some other qualities that you think make a good Tarot reader? Share in the comments below!! 

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing Divination and on Facebook

Be sure to subscribe to my blog so you don't miss a single post! 

Monday, August 29, 2016

What Will Reiki Look Like in 50 Years?

Ever wonder what Reiki will look like in 50 or 100 years from now? Will we even still be using Reiki? Will it become so common that everyone in the world is taught how to use Reiki?

Reiki has already expanded so much over the last 50 plus years! From the very beginnings when Hawayo Takato first brought the practice of Reiki to the USA. In those days she would teach small numbers of people and it was often practiced in secret. Now, it is thought that there are over 1 MILLION Reiki practitioners in the world and they are practicing Reiki openly!

Reiki continues to grow in popularity with many more people seeking to learn the skills of all the levels. With this in mind, many people believe that Reiki energy will be instrumental in bringing about world peace. Reiki brings people together from all walks of life without regard to religious dogma or political beliefs. With more people engaging in the practice of Reiki, both hands on and via distance healing, that means that there is an even greater amount of Reiki energy being transmitted throughout the world. 

Reiki healing is becoming much more acceptable and prevalent within western medicine and we are seeing more and more hospitals that offer Reiki to their patients. Expanded use of Reiki healing in the western medicine arena certainly means more widespread acceptance and respect for the practice. 

Reiki healing and energy has the positive effect of offering a more cohesive universe. Allowing individuals to better experience and relate to the universal consciousness that connects all of us. This opens us up to being more empathic to one another and other living creatures. The concept of being more inter-connected with the universal consciousness and life force can bring us as individuals to a place of greater enlightenment and understanding of one another and the world we live in. 

What are some of the ways that you see Reiki being beneficial for in our future? Do you feel that Reiki will continue to expand and make a significant impact in our world and universe? Share your thoughts!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

Friday, August 26, 2016

Cheat Sheet to Develop Your Clairvoyance

Many people think that only a select few "special" people can be clairvoyant. I'm here to tell you that it is not true! My mentor Alea Dawn from the Kera Center has said repeatedly that we all in fact have these abilities, and she's right! It's just a matter of developing them. Just like we all have the ability to be super fit and muscular with regular exercise and training, the same holds true for the Clair abilities! 

Today I'm going to give you a little cheat sheet on how to start training your mind and growing your own abilities. In time, this may encourage you to seek out a mentor who can help you to expand them even further! 

First, lets define what it is we're actually talking about here! You see there are several Clair abilities; and clairvoyance is really only ONE of these. Clairvoyance can be called "clear seeing". This is when we see images in our minds that we can't see with our two eyes. We are using our third eye in these cases. 

What can you do to start developing the skill of clairvoyance?

1. Meditate daily ~ This will serve a few purposes. First it allows your mind to relax and be open to receiving messages. Secondly, it helps to raise your vibration which is necessary in order to better communicate with our spirit guides, as they operate on a much higher vibrational pattern than we humans do. 

2. Imagine your third eye opening ~ Clairvoyance is related to your third eye chakra. With this exercise, you'll want to take time, either during relaxation or meditation, to really visualize a big eye in the middle of your forehead. Now imagine that this eye is opening wider and wider. 

3. Practice Visualization ~ This can be akin to daydreaming and is actually a welcome activity! Spend some time with your eyes closed thinking of your third eye area. Ask your spirit guides to begin to show you images in your third eye. Then just sit and let your mind wander, taking note of any images that come into your mind. It may seem like you're "making it up" but trust in what you're seeing! 

4. Keep a dream journal ~ When we're sleeping, our minds are operating on a different wave length, allowing our intuitive mind to be more active than our ego mind. This is a great time to get visualizations in the form of our dreams. By keeping a dream journal, you can notice patterns that may arise for you in terms of the different things you're seeing and what they mean to you. This is going to be an important part of clairvoyance, as often times Spirit will show images as symbols... and its up to you to determine what that symbol means to you!

5. Keep a Symbol Journal ~ Once you've started practicing, you'll want to keep a small journal of the different images and symbols that you see and meditate a bit on what each symbol means to you. 

6. Use Crystals and Essential Oils ~ Sometimes holding onto a crystal can help increase your abilities as well. For clairvoyance you might want to try carrying a Lapis Lazuli stone or a Clear Quartz Crystal with you. Both of those are very good for opening up your third eye chakra. If you use essential oils, adding a bit of Cinnamon, Frankincense or Jasmine to your diffuser or dabbing a bit on your pulse points. (Note that some essential oils can be irritants to skin so use caution! Cinnamon is usually one of those!)

What are some other tips you've used to work on your clairvoyance? If you're new to your abilities, and try some of these techniques, stop back and share your successes!!

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

Thursday, August 25, 2016

5 Signs You Should Be Investing in Meditation!

We hear it all the time.. "you really should meditate... it will help so much". But for many people, meditation is not an easy task. I've heard time and again from clients and friends who tell me that they just can't sit quietly for that long. Or when I sit so many other thoughts start coming into my mind! Or even... I've tried meditation and I always seem to fall asleep! 

So, that begs the question... Why should we even bother to meditate? Lets look at some signs that your body may be telling you that you need to meditate!

  • You feel tired during the day, run down and seem to be catching every little "bug" that's going around the office.
Regular meditation has actually been proven to increase your immune system! By incorporating regular meditation into your life, you'll help your body to be able to start healing itself with your own immune system; making you that much less susceptible to catching whatever cold or flu bug is making its way around your work and home space. You'll experience more vitality throughout your day and actually begin to feel more energized! 

  • You are moody, irritable and often have difficulty focusing during the day.
Meditation allows you to improve your focus during the day and has been shown to balance out our emotions. During meditation we often are able to let negative emotions and feelings go, replacing them with a sense of calm and peace. Do you find yourself yelling at your children or your spouse for seemingly small things that otherwise would probably not get to you? This is a good sign that your body and mind need to get more centered. 

  • You have high blood pressure, pain or other physical ailments.
Studies have actually shown that meditation can successfully reduce your blood pressure and level of pain! Meditation decreases the adrenaline in your system, thereby decreasing that "fight or flight" thing we've all got going on. This in turn helps to decrease your blood pressure levels. The relaxed state of mind that you experience during meditation releases different chemicals that actually have the effect of decreasing your perception to pain. And while meditation may not be the end all be all for some people; it will certainly allow for a potential decrease in traditional medications to treat these issues. 

  • You want to have a better sex life.
If things in the bedroom department seem to have taken a nose dive, this is another good sign your body could benefit from a meditation routine! Lets face it, it's hard to get in the mood when everyday, mundane life issues are weighing on your mind! Regular meditation makes it easier for your body to get into a state of relaxation, allowing you to more fully enjoy your partner!

  • You can't seem to fall asleep at night!
Insomnia - millions of Americans suffer from it! Much like with improving your sex life, meditation also allows you to more easily relax your body and mind let it know when it's time to shut down for a bit and reset. Studies have been done by Harvard Medical School that show that regular mindfulness meditation techniques can reduce insomnia, depression and anxiety levels compared with those who do not practice regular meditation. 

If you already practice regular meditation, share your motivation for getting started? You're words may be just what someone else needs to hear! 

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

4 Myths About Manifesting

We talk a lot about manifesting the reality that you desire; and we've even discussed some steps to take to implement the process of manifestation into your life. But what happens when things don't seem to be coming to fruition? 

Well, lets talk about some of the myths about manifesting today!

Myth #1: You always have to be thinking positively... 

Well, no.... not exactly. In fact, it's probably highly unlikely that you can even possibly be thinking positively at ALL times. We will all face negative thoughts during our day. Sometimes these thoughts can seem self-defeating. The trick here is to acknowledge the negative though, try to determine where that thought is coming from, and move on from it. We don't want to dwell in that thought pattern. It's normal to have them, but often times we tend to sit and linger in that negativity for a bit longer than we should. Recognize it. Search your mind and heart to determine what place this thought is coming from... most likely a place of fear. And finally, set it aside. Move forward from it. 

Myth #2: We can manifest whatever it is that we want... new car... new relationship... new job.... 

If this statement were true... we would all be driving brand new, fancy cars; be in fabulously perfect relationships and have that dream job making $1000 per hour working one hour per week! It isn't enough to just "want" something. The truth is that we have to "believe" in it. Part of the concept of manifestation is that we have to fully embrace the "thing" as though it is already reality. Knowing it in our minds, feeling it in our very being and experiencing the very emotions that we know we will have, with such reality that it's as if the "thing" is already a done deal. It is more than just a fleeting desire. It is more than a visualization technique. 

Myth #3: Manifesting is self-serving and egocentric.

For the most part, we are manifesting for our own lives... and this may seem self-centered and selfish. But, really, we are only really in control over our own lives. It's not our place to manifest for someone else as we can't truly know where their desires lie. My oldest son lives in Hawaii and works and lives in a small farming community. His lifestyle is primitive in my eyes. He is never online, never checks email, rarely uses his phone.. and has poor service there anyway! Most we look at his situation and wonder why I wouldn't want to manifest a great, high paying job for him. After all, doesn't every parent want their children to be successful? Well, the fact is, in his eyes he has found success. He has found his niche and place of happiness. If I were to successfully manifest something like that for him, he would undoubtedly be miserable! Instead, I could focus on manifesting in my own life, things that I would be able to offer him- giving him the option to accept or not. 

Myth #4: We must keep our vibration high at all times.

This myth goes hand in hand with the myth about remaining positive at all times. It is unrealistic. Our vibrations will fluctuate throughout a day, a week and so on. I don't think I have ever even known someone who has a "high vibration" at all times. It's human nature to have low periods. But much like the positive thinking issue, the point is not to dwell in that place! Furthermore, not all things being manifested necessarily require a super high vibration. In fact, I have (whether inadvertently or not) manifested many things in my life that I did so in a less than high (but not necessarily low) vibrational state. You need to be at the vibrational frequency of that which you desire to manifest. For my son to realize his dream of living off the land in Hawaii, he didn't need a super high vibrational frequency for that to happen! 

What are some other myths that you've found with the laws of manifesting in your life? 

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and click here to follow me on Facebook

Monday, August 22, 2016

Are Your Ducks in a Row?

Do you have you're ducks in a row?

People seem to always say things like.. "you've got to have all your ducks in a row." Well, sadly (maybe), all my ducks are rarely in a row. In fact, they seem to be like little duck ninjas just rambling all over the place most days! 

Oh, sure, there are those days when I manage to make a list and actually check everything off on it by the end of the day... but those days aren't typical by any means. In fact, many days I seem to be operating in a more "aimless" fashion.

Getting into a routine

I've found that when I try to keep a routine it seems to help me to "keep those ducks in a row" a little bit better! 

But what kind of routine, you ask..

I start my morning kind of early; getting up to get the kids on the bus. And I have always hated waking up like this. Waking up abruptly to the sound of an obnoxious alarm clock. It makes me crazy! If I am dreaming, this makes it really hard to remember the dream and write it down. So, I've gotten in the habit lately of going back to bed for a few hours. 

So, when I wake up from my "second sleep" ;) I am able to focus on any dreams and start off with a meditation. This keeps me grounded and centered for the day ahead. This isn't anything long, drawn out or even guided... just a simple meditation that I do myself before getting out of the bed. 

The next part of my morning ritual that I've found helps make my day more productive and keeps those ducks in check; is setting my intentions for the day. For me, that means writing it down. I suppose this is like a list... but for me; if I don't write it down I'll forget all about it. When it's written in front of me; even on a piece of scrap paper; I am looking at it frequently during the day. Much like a mental mantra. 

All that is good, but now I need to make sure I've got the energy and motivation to work that intention! The best way I can do that is to raise my vibration. And the way I do that is by listening to uplifting music. There are lots of other ways to raise your vibration but that one seems to be most effective for me. Another way is by exercising... but I'm not a fan. I will, at times, do my sit ups really quickly to get a vibrational boost... but at this point it's still more of a chore in my mind than something enjoyable! 

Doing these three steps helps me to keep my ducks in a row, get things accomplished during my day and keep me focused on the bigger picture. And on those days when my ducks are just not cooperating; that's okay... I take those crazy days and allow my soul to rest. I let my mind have the day off. 

What are some of the ways that you keep your ducks in a row everyday? Do you have a routine or morning ritual that helps you? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Just a Random Cat?

Friday morning, I was woken up by some ruckus going on in the kitchen. As I grudgingly dragged myself from bed to see what was going on, I heard "meow". Well now, we do have a cat... But she's not exactly the sweet meowing type. In fact, as a die-hard cat lover for over 40 years, Flower had managed to cause me to re-evaluate my stance in just one short year.


So, anyway, I heard this meow and went to see what madness was taking place in that kitchen. My sig other was in there holding an orange Home Depot bucket and quickly rattling on about how he found this kitten outside and was trying to put him in the bucket. His plan was to take him to his job and pawn him off on someone there. His plan failed miserably.

"But a bucket!" I said... "I'd be scrambling to get away from you too if you were trying to put me in a cold bucket!" Any self-respecting cat lover knows that cats love boxes not buckets!

I went in to wake my son up so I had some assistance in this unwelcome morning venture, because while I do normally get up that early, I'm not usually functioning at more than a basic, rote, almost robotic level... And I go back to bed after I put the girl child on the bus. I'm pretty sure the synapses aren't firing until after 9am and several cups of coffee.

As I was standing over my sons bed, shaking his arm a bit with one hand and clutching a frightened kitten with the other hand, he looked up at me with partially closed eyes. I need help with this cat I told him- let's go, you've got to get up. "I just had a dream that was so weird" he said "we were out in the garage and we found a kitten." I looked at him a little quizzically.

As we tended to him throughout the day; feeding him, washing him and snuggling with him; we watched as he transformed from a skiddish kitten to a bit more comfortable and accepting of our efforts. It was then that the kids decided to name him Random Cat… because, in their little minds, it was just so random that he showed up in our lives.

We pondered the journey that Random Cat must have been on before coming into our lives. Was he abandoned by his mother who may have been a stray? Was he tossed out of a car window by a heartless owner who didn’t want kittens around? We will probably never know what experiences Random Cat had to go through before he ended up in our carport. We know he was out in the rain and that he hadn’t had much to eat in a few days at least. That much we know. But as for the rest of his journey, we can only guess. But somehow, for some reason, he ended up seeking shelter in our carport.

One of the things that got me really thinking about Random Cat and his story is that my daughter, who is 8, has been trying to manifest another pet into her life for the past six months. She’s gone from wanting a dog to a cat and of those she vacillated between different breeds; switching up every month or so! And when I say she was trying to manifest this, I am dead serious! She used positive affirmations, magic and even went so far as to truly believe that her new pet was already here… she just couldn’t see him yet. I began to wonder a bit- did she manifest her pet… or did Random Cat manifest a better life for himself? Or maybe it was a little of both.

So, you see, Random Cats name is a bit of a misnomer. It serves as a constant reminder that sometimes, just sometimes, the things that seem random aren't really random at all. Sometimes the universe conspires to bring us the exact right people at the exact right time... And there really isn't anything random about that, now is there?

Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook

Friday, August 19, 2016

Full Moon and Energy

The past few days have been surrounding the full moon. This one is known as the Sturgeon Moon. Personally, I tend to have low energy around the full moons. I've been learning how to take back some of that energy from the moon; but I still tend to be very introspective around these times. 

In the past year, I've been making it a point to "not fight it" and allow my body and soul to rest during this time of the month. I've found that it isn't so much my body that needs the rest... my physical body doesn't exert enough energy on a day to day basis to warrant that! But, really, it's my soul and spirit that need to rest. 

I noticed that I experience more mental fatigue during this time and I am more tired. I know this feeling of being tired is not because my physical body is tired, but because something inside of me needs time to recoup and heal. 

Now, most people seem to become more energetic during a full moon; and so I always thought there was something a little "off" with me since I experienced just the opposite. But, this month, I actually had several friends make comments to me that they too had been feeling "low" in the past few days. Someone even told me that he was just feeling really "run down" and couldn't figure out why that was. 

So, what do we do when our bodies and spirits are telling us it's time to slow down and rest? 

Get Quiet: 

This seems to come naturally to me at these times. I tend to avoid conversations with people and I become less "chatty". I get very introverted. And this is good for the soul when the soul needs some quiet time. This means that regardless of what's going on in my life, I take the time to just let things be. I may not be making much "forward movement" in business or home life, but I am keeping things at a standstill for a bit as my soul takes the time it needs to re-energize.

Take "Alone" Time: 

This one is a bit more challenging; particularly with a family who rarely allows for much alone time! During the full moon though, I will make the extra effort to head into the bedroom a bit earlier than usual to spend time alone; either reading, in meditation or just resting. 


Meditation is always a good thing to do regardless of energy levels or moon phases! It can be easy to avoid meditation when you're feeling a bit low vibrationally and energetically; but now is the time you probably need that mediation the most. This is a good time to become more introspective and really connect with your spirit to gain insight into what you need and how to best go about it. 


This is important... I think anyway! Even though it isn't really your physical body that needs to rest, laying down with your eyes closed and your mind turned off for a while, provides much needed rest for your spirit. Let your brain relax; without thinking about what you have to do, what you aren't getting done and all the other busy things in our lives. 

How does the full moon make you feel? Do you become more energized or more introspective? What are some of the things you do during the full moon time?

Find me on the web at my website and on facebook

Thursday, August 18, 2016

When it rains it pours, but when things go right... look out world!! How Like Attracts Like!

Doesn't it always seem like when one thing goes wrong, all of a sudden it seems like everything starts to tumble down? 

But on the other hand, when good things happen, it seems like more good things seem to follow?

Everything in life is made up of energy. When we put off negative energies, we tend to get more of the same coming at us. However, when we are putting off positive vibrations, more positive seems to come into our lives. This is the law of attraction in action! 

So, what do we do to change the negative into positive? And how can we keep that positive energy coming in?

Well, it's important that we use positive affirmations... but those positive affirmations are not entirely effective unless you really put in the emotion behind them. If you just lost your job, simply saying out loud "I have amazing and fulfilling employment" probably won't get you a new job. But if you add the emotion behind that affirmation- really FEELING what it will be like when you have that new job... feeling it as though you already have it... that puts added power behind that affirmation. Couple that with the down and dirty mundane work of applying for positions; and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish! 

When the negative stuff starts trying to weed its way into our lives, that's when we have to step back and refocus on what energies we're putting out there. About a month ago, a clients' business prospects were at a point where they were looking pretty bleak. We looked at the comments he was making and the thoughts he was having surrounding this set-back. He was encouraged to change his mindset about the business and the financing issues. He spent time every day saying his positive affirmation and really feeling what that success was going to feel like when it happened. He visualized loans going through and buyers clamoring to purchase his product. Within two weeks, loans that he had applied for had gone through and new buyers seemed to come out of the woodwork! 

Remember that we need to put out into the universe that which we want to be plentiful in our own lives. If you want more love, you've got to put out more loving vibes. If you want more money (yes, money is just another energy) you've got to break free from your fear of losing or not having money. Visualize that which you desire in such clarity that there is nothing else for it to do but to materialize in front of your very eyes! 

What are some other ways that you're able to put out into the universe more positive energies and vibes? What tips and tricks have you found for those times when the negative starts to creep back in? 

Find me on the web at Heather Alfonso and on my Facebook Page

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What is the difference between a "regular" medium and an EVIDENTIAL medium?

There are people, even in my own circle, who scoff at the idea that I am a medium. I know the thoughts and comments that they have because I've heard them before. 

"You could be talking to anyone! How do I really know it's my family member?"

"Anybody could say that the spirit is saying 'I love you' and 'be strong'; how can I believe it's really coming from the spirit?"

That's where being what's called an EVIDENTIAL medium comes in. Just as the title describes, an evidential medium is able to provide EVIDENCE that the spirit we are communicating with is in fact the spirit that you intended to speak with! 

When I first started out, I really had no structure to my readings. I would give messages as they came, without regard to who this spirit even was or how they knew the person getting the reading. Furthermore, I would ask the person getting the reading questions after giving them information. This method is NOT providing evidence! 

So, what makes the difference? What kind of evidence does an evidential medium actually give? 

The way I was taught by my mentor is to first describe the spirit. This description includes as much detail as possible! Only then, after you've said "ah, ah... yes... I think I know who that is!" will I move on to giving some evidence. The evidence will be memories and things that I, as the medium, have absolutely zero knowledge of. These will come to me as images in my mind or words spoken in my mind which I will pass on to the person getting the reading. Very often, they come in images that are symbolic of something meaningful. 

This evidence part is the part that makes an evidential medium very different than other mediums. It isn't until the evidence is provided that I can then pass on any messages- and by then you know without at doubt that the spirit we are connecting with is in fact the one you intended to connect with! 

It seems like a long way to go to get to a few messages, but in the end, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you've made the connection you wanted; makes for a much more personal and deeper session. 

Have you ever experienced a session with an evidential medium or a medium that did not use a method that provided evidence? I would love to hear your experiences!

Find me online at Heather Alfonso Evidential Medium and on Facebook.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Finding Happiness in Unexpected Places

Most days we trudge through our day, doing everything basically through rote memory. We don't even think about the things we do or say; or even the things we see regularly. 

We wake up and brush our teeth, get dressed and drive to work. We go about our day without thought about the different sights, sounds, or smells that may even just be "the usual" stuff. 

Lately, I've been trying to really see, hear and feel the beauty in life that I feel like I had been neglecting. The beauty and happiness that lies right in front of me everyday that I so often just looked right past. Despite the mundane. Despite any perceived or actual negativity that may be around me. I have been determined to actively look for that beauty and find that happiness. 


I started by making a point to NOTICE more of the beauty that surrounds me. I looked at the large tree in my backyard more closely. Noticing the aging bark and wondering how this old tree keeps such strength and fortitude throughout so many years. I sat outside and took in the scent of fresh cut grass as my neighbor mowed their lawn; rather than grumble at the noise of the lawn mower. I listened with awe and a new found wonder at the music of the cicada bugs in the evening. 

I encourage you to take the time to really notice the beauty in things today. Look for the happiness among the mundane. And I encourage you to share how this makes a difference in your life! 


Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to stay positive in a negative world

So many friends lately seem to be challenged with staying positive when it seems like they are surrounded by a ton of negativity in their life. Dealing with family members who, often inadvertently, will give off some serious negative vibes, crummy work situations and even tough living situations. So, what's a person to do when all this seemingly negative crud is being thrown at you and you're just over here trying to keep a good attitude?

It's important to remember that what we put into our minds is what we exude. So, if we are putting negative stuff in; negative stuff is going to come out. Conversely, if we fill our minds with positive messages, that's what we'll be putting out to the world. 

With that concept in mind, we can see how it's important to limit the amount of negativity that's going IN. This includes limiting the time spent around the people that are giving off those negative vibes. It also means watching what we put in our minds in terms of words and images. Have you ever noticed that when you watch the nightly news, you tend to get some of those negative emotions stirred up within you? That's because most often on the news we're not hearing and seeing positive messages! While we should know what's going on in the world, it can also be a good idea to limit the time we're exposing ourselves to that sort of stuff. 

If you want to test it out; here's a little experiment you can do... One night, watch the news right before you go to bed. Another night, read something uplifting before you go to bed.... notice the difference in how you sleep each night, what dreams you have, and even how you feel the next morning. Pay attention to your emotions. 

Once we've begun to limit the amount of excess negativity, it's important to replace it with the positive! This includes surrounding yourself with uplifting people, reading books and articles that bring out more positive emotions and feelings, and watching shows on television that bring a smile to your face!

Some other steps you can take are to actively practice "gratefulness". Taking time each day to look around you and make note of what you are grateful for; and taking it a step further to verbalize this out loud! 

Taking time to meditate will help you to stay centered and grounded even when everything around you seems to be crashing in. As part of your meditation, and even separately, we can practice deep breathing. Deep breathing brings oxygen into our cells and has been proven to decrease anxiety. 

When I was learning Shamanic Meditation, I was taught to do some deep breathing in this way: 
Take a deep breath in through your nose... counting as you do... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.. (count as high as it takes you to take a full deep breath).
Then you want to hold that breath for the same count that you did when you were breathing it in.
Next you'll exhale through your mouth... again, counting to the same number and until all the air has been exhaled.
Finally, you'll HOLD for the same count... (holding without inhaling just yet).
And... REPEAT!

Another exercise you'll want to try is visualizing the outcome you want to see. It's like daydreaming. Just imagine how you want things to be in as great a detail as you can. Now that you've got a clear image in your mind, you want to add the emotion that goes along with it. Really FEEL how you will feel when that outcome becomes reality. What emotions will you be experiencing? Feel them as though it has already happened! This is the part of visualization that is often missed and incredibly necessary as it adds that extra power to your visualization.

And remember: Don't look at the CIRCUMSTANCES, look for the SOLUTION!!

What are some of the things you've done to keep positive when you're surrounded by negativity? 

Find me on the web at www.RNLIFESAVER.wix.com/HeatherAlfonso
And on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

New Book Just Released!

So, I have determined that often times when children are reading books, they seem to do better with hand held "real" books than they do with Kindle e-books... at least mine do! So, with that in mind, I took the four Morgan the Littlest Witch e-books- updated them and converted them to "real book" format! 

This newest edition consists of a compilation of all four of the short stories and makes for a wonderful gift. I hear so many in the pagan community talk about how there isn't a whole lot out there in the way of pagan children's books and thought that we could fill in this gap a bit! 

I hope your children enjoy this edition! If you have any other ideas for Morgan's "adventures" that your children have expressed an interest in, please share!

This is available on CreateSpace at the moment @ Morgan the Littlest Witch Book

I hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback! And, as always, thank you for your continued support!

~ Heather

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Fire Cider.... A Must Have for the Season!

So, for the past several years I've made this remarkable "stuff" every autumn. I have to say that I swear by it! Fire Cider is super easy to make and I have found that daily use of it can stave off cold and flu symptoms during the fall and winter seasons. If we do happen to catch something, it usually doesn't last as long as it normally would have. In those cases, we amp up our "dosage"! 

What is Fire Cider? Well, as the name suggests, it's not the tastiest treat in your kitchen! Fire Cider is made by letting certain veggies and roots soak for a week or two in some apple cider vinegar. The original recipe was developed (I think) by Rosemary Gladstar. You can watch her preparing it in this YouTube video: Fire Cider Video by Rosemary Gladstar

If you aren't into watching the whole thing, I'll offer my version here!
Cut up the following in big chunks and put in a container. I use a glass container. 

HORSE RADISH ~ I have used the kind in a jar with good effect, as I seem to have a hard time finding this!
TUMERIC (I use powdered for this)
CAYENNE (I use powdered)

Next cover all of it with Apple Cider Vinegar and let that stuff sit and soak for a few weeks. I don't refrigerate mine although I suspect some people do. After two weeks, strain the chunks of "stuff" out and keep the liquid. (The original recipe says 4 weeks, but I've found two is OK) Some people shake it up daily. I shake it up a bit whenever I remember to.... ;) 

Add raw honey and some lemon if you'd like for taste. Definitely the honey though! I don't often add the lemon. 

Now this ends up being a bit of an acquired taste, but it's well worth it! We tend to take about a tablespoon full per day as a preventative and jack that up to 3 tablespoons a day if we happen to catch something!!

Have you ever used Fire Cider? What are your experiences with it? Do you add anything else into your recipe? Please share in the comments below!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Using Mudras in Meditation

What is a mudra? And more importantly, what's so great about them? 

Mudras are different hand positions that can be used during meditation. Mudra means 'seal' in Sanskrit. So you are essentially creating a seal while meditating. 

But are hand symbols really that powerful? Well, consider this; we often use hand signals in our daily life. We give people the "thumbs up" sign. We give people the "middle finger" when we're angry. We even may put our palm up to say "speak to the hand!" So, yeah, hand symbols have meaning! 

When we use mudras in meditation we allow the energy to be a more complete circuit. We are able to basically speak with our hands that which we are meditating on or manifesting. Mudras have been used for thousands of years for healing to help spiritual people who practice certain Indian traditions. They represent an outward presentation of your inward desires and intentions while meditating.

There are MANY mudras to use; some being super simple and probably well known to many people; and others which are far more complex. We'll go through some of the more simple, yet powerful, healing mudras in this post. Hopefully, that will peak your interest and encourage you to research mudras that may be specific for your issue!

The laughter mudra is used for prosperity and wisdom. This can bring a feeling of completion and joy. This is also called the Hansi Mudra. 

The Joint Mudra can be used to alleviate some joint pain as its name suggests. This can help with arthritic pains to knees, shoulders, fingers and more. It can decrease stiffness and allow for ease of movement. "To do Joint mudra you need to connect thumb and ring finger of your right hand (form Prithvi mudra); and thumb and middle finger of your left hand (form Akash mudra)." joint mudra

The Rudra Mudra is good for when you're feeling worn out, exhausted, weak and fatigued. This mudra is very powerful and named after Shiva, the Hindu God. It can help with lowering blood pressure and even over-eating. When you're stressed, this is the go-to mudra!

The Kalesvara Mudra is the one to use to help in your recovery process from addictions. This mudra is one that encourages change. It can help with most addictions and negative habits. This one is easy to remember because it looks like a heart. Reminding us to love ourselves in spite of our addictions and bad habits. 

Surya Mudra is one that is used for weight loss. It increases the fire element in the body and allows for increased metabolism. 

Mudras should be done using both hands. They should also be done on a regular basis. Sometimes several times each day for short periods of time each session. Starting with twice a day for 10-15 minutes should allow you to begin to notice the effects as you work up to longer sessions. 

Have you incorporated mudras into your meditation or yoga practices? Have you noticed results? What are some other mudras that you find useful? Please share in the comments below! I'd love to hear your thoughts!