OK, so by now we've gone through a few of the other CLAIR abilities and gathered some info on how to develop each of those ones... now let's move on to the fourth CLAIR ability ~ Claircognizance!
Claircognizance is also known as "clear knowing". This is when you just KNOW something, but you may not have any valid reason WHY you would know this thing.
So, what are some ways we can develop and work on improving our claircognizance?
1. Automatic Writing- This allows your intuitive mind to work while you keep your ego mind at bay. This is a great way to practice letting the intuitive mind "take over" for a bit!
2. Meditation! (And you knew that would be on this list, didn't you??) Like with all of the clair abilities, meditation plays a huge role in developing them. To start with, it would be a good idea to do a chakra opening meditation. You will want to state your intention before you start... "I ask that my crown chakra be opened and balanced to better receive claircognizant messages from the universe".
3. Use Crystals! Since claircognizance comes from the crown chakra, you'll want to use crystals that relate to that chakra. Try working with labradorite crystals to help open up this chakra. You can hold them as you practice automatic writing, sleep with them under your pillow at night or (if you've got a head full of hair like I do...) you can stick it inside the bun on top of your head!
4. Use Essential Oils to help open up the crown chakra! You might try Frankincense, Sandalwood, Vetiver or even Lavender essential oils on pulse points behind the ears. By putting it behind your ears or on your temples, you are getting it close to the crown chakra and are still able to inhale the scents.
What are some other ways that YOU'VE developed your claircognizant abilities? Give these four methods a try and see how much more developed your abilities get in the upcoming weeks! I'd love to hear your success stories!
Check me out on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination or on my Facebook Business Page. Looking for more education and discussions? Then check out the closed Facebook group: Raven Haze Closed Group!
Search This Blog
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Hell Money and Honoring Our Ancestors
Many cultures participate in some sort of ancestor veneration; or honoring of their ancestors. This is something that I do as well.
Part of honoring the ancestors involves setting up a specific altar or shrine for them. This may be set up on a small table or shelf in your home. You'll want to include a white candle, a glass of water, some incense, and photos of your loved ones.
Some other items that you may include would be any items that they may have liked when they were alive: a treasured watch or an item that belonged to them. If you don't have anything like that, you could always use something that they would have liked. One example might be if your grandmother enjoyed sewing, you may keep a small sewing kit on the altar.
As part of honoring them, we may also leave offerings on a regular basis. Some offerings might be incense or Florida Water. We can also leave food and libation. I often leave alcohol in a small shot glass and will at times leave some sort of food.
But there's something else that might be important to add to your offerings! And that is HELL MONEY. This is also known by other names such as Ancestor Money, Heaven Money, Joss Paper Money and a few other names!
Well, it's faux paper money in a multitude of denominations that are burned as offerings to your ancestors. It often has the image of the Jade emperor on the bill. This is a higher god in the Taoist pantheon and is considered to be the deity who is in charge of ALL of the money in the world.
It is thought that when our ancestors cross over they bring with them their debts and that energy is then distributed among the living. So, burning the money allows the ancestors to dissolve any negative debt or debt karma. It also allows them to have an easier time on the other side.
Do you honor your ancestors with an ancestor altar or shrine? Have you ever burnt Ancestor Money for them? Do you think that by offering Hell Money, your ancestors may be able to assist you better? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts!
~ Heather
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook. Wanting a more discussion oriented group? Check out my closed group on Facebook as well: Raven Haze Group
Ancestor Altars
Part of honoring the ancestors involves setting up a specific altar or shrine for them. This may be set up on a small table or shelf in your home. You'll want to include a white candle, a glass of water, some incense, and photos of your loved ones.
Some other items that you may include would be any items that they may have liked when they were alive: a treasured watch or an item that belonged to them. If you don't have anything like that, you could always use something that they would have liked. One example might be if your grandmother enjoyed sewing, you may keep a small sewing kit on the altar.
As part of honoring them, we may also leave offerings on a regular basis. Some offerings might be incense or Florida Water. We can also leave food and libation. I often leave alcohol in a small shot glass and will at times leave some sort of food.
But there's something else that might be important to add to your offerings! And that is HELL MONEY. This is also known by other names such as Ancestor Money, Heaven Money, Joss Paper Money and a few other names!
So what is this Hell Money?
Well, it's faux paper money in a multitude of denominations that are burned as offerings to your ancestors. It often has the image of the Jade emperor on the bill. This is a higher god in the Taoist pantheon and is considered to be the deity who is in charge of ALL of the money in the world.
Well, why would they need money???
It is thought that when our ancestors cross over they bring with them their debts and that energy is then distributed among the living. So, burning the money allows the ancestors to dissolve any negative debt or debt karma. It also allows them to have an easier time on the other side.
Do you honor your ancestors with an ancestor altar or shrine? Have you ever burnt Ancestor Money for them? Do you think that by offering Hell Money, your ancestors may be able to assist you better? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts!
~ Heather
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook. Wanting a more discussion oriented group? Check out my closed group on Facebook as well: Raven Haze Group
Friday, September 9, 2016
How I Manifested $5,000 in 3 Weeks!
So, I'm going to share a story with you that I hope will inspire you today to manifest in your own life!
About a month ago, I set out to manifest the sum of $5,000 in three weeks time. I chose the amount at random and intended for this money to come from "out of the blue". So, this would be over and above our "regular" income.
The first thing I did was verbalize my intention out loud to the universe as though it had already happened! "I received $5,000 in three weeks from out of nowhere!" (Yeah, I probably sounded like a crazy person... but I was alone at home so I only seemed crazy to the dog and cats!) I also said it out loud to my little Ganesha statue actually!
Next, I wrote it down. This solidified it for me! But I didn't put this statement on the frig or anywhere I could see it. I just wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it aside. In fact, hadn't even looked at it after that!
Then I took a bill from my Ancestor Money (fake money) and stuffed that inside a clear, blue cup. This was to represent that the money would come out of the "clear blue".
I set out my Hotei Buddha facing my front door, instructing him to bring money INTO our home and set up my little frog facing inward, instructing him to keep money IN our home.
About a month ago, I set out to manifest the sum of $5,000 in three weeks time. I chose the amount at random and intended for this money to come from "out of the blue". So, this would be over and above our "regular" income.
How did I go about it?
The first thing I did was verbalize my intention out loud to the universe as though it had already happened! "I received $5,000 in three weeks from out of nowhere!" (Yeah, I probably sounded like a crazy person... but I was alone at home so I only seemed crazy to the dog and cats!) I also said it out loud to my little Ganesha statue actually!
Next, I wrote it down. This solidified it for me! But I didn't put this statement on the frig or anywhere I could see it. I just wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it aside. In fact, hadn't even looked at it after that!
Then I took a bill from my Ancestor Money (fake money) and stuffed that inside a clear, blue cup. This was to represent that the money would come out of the "clear blue".
I set out my Hotei Buddha facing my front door, instructing him to bring money INTO our home and set up my little frog facing inward, instructing him to keep money IN our home.
So, How did it work??
Well, that first week I ended up with several unexpected readings that brought in about $500. I was ecstatic at that point... mostly thinking about how my business was growing! But it didn't end there!
In the second week my husband ended up coming home with an extra check in the amount of $4,000. When I asked him what it was from he explained that the bank had funded additional money for their project and this was his portion of it. This was weird, and definitely "out of the blue" because this bank has been notorious for UNDER funding if anything! I counted this as another WIN! So, it had been two weeks and we had successfully manifested almost all of what I had originally intended! At this point I was just thrilled that I was able to manifest THAT!
In the third week we ended up getting a check in the mail from an old insurance policy that was closed; netting us another $1,200! (Almost didn't even check the mail that day either!)
The Power of Manifesting
So, you see, the power of the mind and our ability to manifest is so strong! I was able to manifest even more than what my original intention was for! What was the key? I set the intention, verbalized it, wrote it and then LET IT GO. I didn't even think about my little manifestation plan for that month! Totally forgot about it... (until the second week anyway!)
Share YOUR manifest success stories in the comments below!!!
Share YOUR manifest success stories in the comments below!!!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook or follow along in my closed group at Raven Haze Group
And don't forget to subscribe to my blog!!
Love and Light and all that!!
Trust Your Gut! Work on CLAIRSENTIENCE in 4 Steps!
It wasn't too long ago that I would get these "gut feelings" and, in true Heather format, just ignore them; assuming I was being paranoid or too sensitive. It wasn't until I started taking more time in my day to really pay attention to these feelings that I began to realize... Hey, they really ARE legit!
These feelings that we get have a name... it's called Clairsentience. Otherwise known as "clear feeling". Consider those times that you're walking down a quiet street and just get a funny feeling that you should look behind you... maybe the hairs on your arms stand up...only to look and there's someone walking a few yards away. Or when you get in your car and suddenly experience a cramping pain in your stomach area; only to have a fender bender on your way to work. That is your clairsentience at work!
We all have this ability; some of us just listen to it more than others. So how can you go about developing YOUR clairsentient abilities?
Let's Work Out Our Clairsentience!
1. Practice by looking at a photograph of someone you know or touching an object from someone else and pay attention to the feelings that come to you. Do you feel like the person in the photo was happy, sad, angry? Are you feeling or sensing positivity or is it more negative in nature?
2. Meditate and get more in touch with your chakras. There are many different chakra opening meditations that you can do; but the objective in this case is to really visualize and imagine each individual chakra and how it is spinning. Notice each one and how it feels as you concentrate on it.
3. Work on maintaining an open and well balanced solar plexus chakra. This is the chakra that is just above your naval area and its color is yellow. Visualize a clear, open, yellow, spinning chakra and really try to get a sense for what that chakra feels like.
What are some other ways that you've developed your own clairsentience abilities? Have you found these exercises to be effective in growing your intuitive abilities? Share in the comments below!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook. Want to get in on some more discussions? Check out my closed Facebook group at Raven Haze Facebook GROUP
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Reiki and Your Cells
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, there lived a man and that man's name was Emoto... Dr. Emoto in fact. Have you heard of him? He did several experiments showing the affects that both negative and positive intentions had on water molecules.
"The results strongly suggested that positive vibrations, whether it was from images, music, words or prayer, affected the molecular structure of the water, changing each one into something beautiful. It was also found that negative vibrations caused the water molecules to become disfigured." One World Healing.
Much like Dr. Emoto's studies, there have been studies done that show the results of two different jars of rice given different intentions and having different words spoken to them for several days. The rice which was spoken to in a positive way stayed healthy. The rice jar that was spoken to in a negative manner showed signs of decay and rot.
Now when you begin to do some further research into this phenomenon you will find multiple sources indicating that Dr. Emoto's research may be considered psuedo-science. And right now, in this day and age, it may very well be. But bear in mind, there was a time when theories about a round earth were considered ludicrous. And it was only in our lifetime that those who thought that an atom could be split were considered a little off their rockers!
The fact of the matter is, we are all made up of cells and energy; energy that has the ability to affect other energetic beings. Thus, when you send out positive energy to someone, it can affect change at the molecular level. You can check out the "science" of it here: Sarah Petrunos Shamanism
If positive affirmations, thoughts and energy sent to a glass of water can alter those water molecules; just imagine the effect it can have on the human body. Making changes at the cellular level is the basis of healing; both physically and emotionally. These are the building blocks of our entire being.
"The results strongly suggested that positive vibrations, whether it was from images, music, words or prayer, affected the molecular structure of the water, changing each one into something beautiful. It was also found that negative vibrations caused the water molecules to become disfigured." One World Healing.
Much like Dr. Emoto's studies, there have been studies done that show the results of two different jars of rice given different intentions and having different words spoken to them for several days. The rice which was spoken to in a positive way stayed healthy. The rice jar that was spoken to in a negative manner showed signs of decay and rot.
Debunk the Debunkers
Now when you begin to do some further research into this phenomenon you will find multiple sources indicating that Dr. Emoto's research may be considered psuedo-science. And right now, in this day and age, it may very well be. But bear in mind, there was a time when theories about a round earth were considered ludicrous. And it was only in our lifetime that those who thought that an atom could be split were considered a little off their rockers!
The fact of the matter is, we are all made up of cells and energy; energy that has the ability to affect other energetic beings. Thus, when you send out positive energy to someone, it can affect change at the molecular level. You can check out the "science" of it here: Sarah Petrunos Shamanism
If positive affirmations, thoughts and energy sent to a glass of water can alter those water molecules; just imagine the effect it can have on the human body. Making changes at the cellular level is the basis of healing; both physically and emotionally. These are the building blocks of our entire being.
Several months ago, my own husband came home with a huge gash on his finger - the result of an injury on the construction site. Now, most times, I will be the last person to tell anyone to seek medical treatment for anything if I am confident that I can fix it up at home with natural remedies! But, in this case I wasn't sure that gash would close up without stitches; so I encouraged him to go to the walk in clinic at least. Of course, he refused. Just had me bandage it up with a clean dry dressing and change it daily. I didn't even use antibiotic ointment; only because I didn't have any as I recall. What I did manage to do was three 30 minute sessions of Reiki healing to the injured finger that week. Remarkably, that finger is completely healed and you can't even tell there was ever an injury.
Do you have a Reiki Healing or Energy Healing story you can share? I'd love to hear about it!! Please share in the comments below!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook Page. Want a more discussion oriented group? Head over to the closed Facebook group at Raven Haze Group!
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Push Through the FEAR... Like a 9 Year Old!
For the past several MONTHS... (yes, you read that right... MONTHS) I have vacillated about doing LIVE videos in my Facebook group Raven Haze Healing and Divination Group. I seemed to have some sort of blockage or fear about doing it. I've been told that really there are only 2 different emotions that everything else stems from: FEAR and LOVE.
This fear really had no basis. I have no idea where it came from or why it decided to manifest in that way. You see, I had already posted videos in the group that were pre-recorded and I had already done live videos in one of my other groups for addiction recovery. So, why this mental blockage kept me from going live in this particular group was beyond me!
Then, one day after I had posted a pre-recorded video to the page, I had a newer member ask me if she could share it. And it seemed that the only way she could share the video was if it were posted to YouTube first so she could embed the link. Well, I'll be honest, she caught me off guard! But, I didn't even give myself TIME to think about it! I just went and quickly uploaded the video to my YouTube account and sent her the link.
So, since I had just "put myself out there" by posting a pre-recorded video to a public forum; I knew it was time to move forward and get that live video done! (And I did!)
What really intrigued me though was that when my 9 year old daughter came home from school that day; I told her that I had uploaded a video to YouTube. Now, this child has been harping on wanting to be a "YouTuber" for about a year now and I've been putting it off for just as long! Well, since I had just uploaded my own videos, I told her that I'd upload a video for her that day if she wanted.
Without batting an eyelash, she ran to the table, set up the iPad and began recording herself! No Fear!! No preconceived ideas of rejection ever entered her mind! Like the Nike commercial says... she "just did it!"
My personal mantra for the past several months has been something along the lines of "Push through the fear, because on the other side is SUCCESS". And that day my own 9 year old embodied that affirmation right before my eyes.
It isn't an easy thing to do by any means. I think the most important way to push through the fear has got to be to just dive right in! Try not to even think about the "what if's". You'll have plenty of time to do that afterwards!
Something to consider on the flip side. By letting those fears get the best of you; essentially you're allowing yourself to be controlled by them. You're giving the fear the power! And I don't know about you; but I want to be in control of myself... I don't want to allow some emotion to be the one in control!
Another way to help overcome the fear is to use certain crystals. Carry them with you, stick them in your pocket or bra, or if you're like me; stick them in the bun on the top of your head! Let yourself be guided to stones that are red in color as a general rule; such as Carnelian or Ruby.
Share an experience you've had where you've PUSHED THROUGH the fear and found success on the other side!!!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook. Looking for more discussions and interaction? Check out my closed Facebook group then: Raven Haze
This fear really had no basis. I have no idea where it came from or why it decided to manifest in that way. You see, I had already posted videos in the group that were pre-recorded and I had already done live videos in one of my other groups for addiction recovery. So, why this mental blockage kept me from going live in this particular group was beyond me!
Then, one day after I had posted a pre-recorded video to the page, I had a newer member ask me if she could share it. And it seemed that the only way she could share the video was if it were posted to YouTube first so she could embed the link. Well, I'll be honest, she caught me off guard! But, I didn't even give myself TIME to think about it! I just went and quickly uploaded the video to my YouTube account and sent her the link.
So, since I had just "put myself out there" by posting a pre-recorded video to a public forum; I knew it was time to move forward and get that live video done! (And I did!)
What really intrigued me though was that when my 9 year old daughter came home from school that day; I told her that I had uploaded a video to YouTube. Now, this child has been harping on wanting to be a "YouTuber" for about a year now and I've been putting it off for just as long! Well, since I had just uploaded my own videos, I told her that I'd upload a video for her that day if she wanted.
Without batting an eyelash, she ran to the table, set up the iPad and began recording herself! No Fear!! No preconceived ideas of rejection ever entered her mind! Like the Nike commercial says... she "just did it!"
My personal mantra for the past several months has been something along the lines of "Push through the fear, because on the other side is SUCCESS". And that day my own 9 year old embodied that affirmation right before my eyes.
But How Do We Do It??
It isn't an easy thing to do by any means. I think the most important way to push through the fear has got to be to just dive right in! Try not to even think about the "what if's". You'll have plenty of time to do that afterwards!
Something to consider on the flip side. By letting those fears get the best of you; essentially you're allowing yourself to be controlled by them. You're giving the fear the power! And I don't know about you; but I want to be in control of myself... I don't want to allow some emotion to be the one in control!
Another way to help overcome the fear is to use certain crystals. Carry them with you, stick them in your pocket or bra, or if you're like me; stick them in the bun on the top of your head! Let yourself be guided to stones that are red in color as a general rule; such as Carnelian or Ruby.
Share an experience you've had where you've PUSHED THROUGH the fear and found success on the other side!!!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook. Looking for more discussions and interaction? Check out my closed Facebook group then: Raven Haze
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Are You Attracting The Good You Want into YOUR Life?
Manifesting Shmanifesting!! Why can't I get what I want?!?!
Well, let's start with these two questions to break this down a bit...
1. What sort of things do you WANT in your life?
and then...
2. What sort of things are you actually GETTING in your life?
If these two answers are not the same, then "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do!"
You see, the things that you WANT in your life, should most definitely be the things that you GET in your life! After all, you deserve it. And even more than that; we have the POWER to achieve it!
The fact is, it's all about energy, thoughts and emotions... all combined in a delicate balance...
We are all familiar with the concept of positive affirmations. Think positive thoughts and positive stuff will flow your way, right? Wrong. There's a bit more to it than that. Positive affirmations are wonderful, don't get me wrong. In fact, we should most definitely have our set of positive affirmations that we ingrain in our minds regularly. Our "mantra's" if you will. This is only a part of the equation though.
What you need to go along with the positive affirmations (brain work) is the emotional component (heart work). This means that you need to really feel what it is like as though you already have that which you desire.
So, here is where some visualization begins to come into play. Close your eyes and really visualize that you already have this thing/quality/etc. Consider what it would feel like if this were already true in your life. Think back to a time in your life where you HAVE experienced it and bask in that feeling for a bit. Own that feeling.
Don't even know what that might feel like? Maybe it's something that you truly have never experienced in the past. Well, you'll have to use your visualization techniques a little bit harder then! Imagine how you will feel. But when you do, don't imagine it as something happening in the future. Imagine it as something that has already manifested!
The third part of the equation has to do with energy. This is something that is two-fold. On one hand, it relates to the physical energy that you will put out into the universe in order to manifest your dream. This could mean, putting the energy into applying for particular jobs that get you closer to your goal; or taking whatever steps in the mundane world that you know will bring you that much closer.
On the other hand, it also speaks of spiritual energy. And in this way I am speaking of taking time to meditate and focus on your goal. Lighting a candle, using incense, holding certain crystals or stones... really making a ritual experience out of your time. You are basically doing the spell work needed to help manifest your desire. Putting your desires out into the universe and allowing the elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit to do what needs to be done!
What are some of the other ways that you have been successful in manifesting what you desire into your life? If you've had a difficult time with it in the past, I encourage you to follow this formula and share your results! If you have any questions, I'm only a click away!!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook!
You can also check out my "closed" Facebook group for more discussion at Raven Haze Closed Facebook Group!
Until next time!
~ Heather
Well, let's start with these two questions to break this down a bit...
1. What sort of things do you WANT in your life?
and then...
2. What sort of things are you actually GETTING in your life?
If these two answers are not the same, then "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do!"
You see, the things that you WANT in your life, should most definitely be the things that you GET in your life! After all, you deserve it. And even more than that; we have the POWER to achieve it!
The fact is, it's all about energy, thoughts and emotions... all combined in a delicate balance...
We are all familiar with the concept of positive affirmations. Think positive thoughts and positive stuff will flow your way, right? Wrong. There's a bit more to it than that. Positive affirmations are wonderful, don't get me wrong. In fact, we should most definitely have our set of positive affirmations that we ingrain in our minds regularly. Our "mantra's" if you will. This is only a part of the equation though.
What you need to go along with the positive affirmations (brain work) is the emotional component (heart work). This means that you need to really feel what it is like as though you already have that which you desire.
So, here is where some visualization begins to come into play. Close your eyes and really visualize that you already have this thing/quality/etc. Consider what it would feel like if this were already true in your life. Think back to a time in your life where you HAVE experienced it and bask in that feeling for a bit. Own that feeling.
Don't even know what that might feel like? Maybe it's something that you truly have never experienced in the past. Well, you'll have to use your visualization techniques a little bit harder then! Imagine how you will feel. But when you do, don't imagine it as something happening in the future. Imagine it as something that has already manifested!
The third part of the equation has to do with energy. This is something that is two-fold. On one hand, it relates to the physical energy that you will put out into the universe in order to manifest your dream. This could mean, putting the energy into applying for particular jobs that get you closer to your goal; or taking whatever steps in the mundane world that you know will bring you that much closer.
On the other hand, it also speaks of spiritual energy. And in this way I am speaking of taking time to meditate and focus on your goal. Lighting a candle, using incense, holding certain crystals or stones... really making a ritual experience out of your time. You are basically doing the spell work needed to help manifest your desire. Putting your desires out into the universe and allowing the elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit to do what needs to be done!
What are some of the other ways that you have been successful in manifesting what you desire into your life? If you've had a difficult time with it in the past, I encourage you to follow this formula and share your results! If you have any questions, I'm only a click away!!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook!
You can also check out my "closed" Facebook group for more discussion at Raven Haze Closed Facebook Group!
Until next time!
~ Heather
Friday, September 2, 2016
8 Things You Can Use Your Pendulum For!
Pendulum dowsing has a long history of use in so many different cultures. As a child, I can remember using a ring attached to a string to determine how many children we were going to have and whether they would be boys or girls!
But did you know there are so many other uses for a pendulum??
This is the basic one that most people who know about pendulums would say is what they can be used for. In fact, when I do pendulum readings, this is the most common way that I use my pendulums! If you have a more detailed question or need to know the answer based on a set of choices, you could also make a pendulum chart to get those answers a little bit faster than going through each one and asking in a yes/no question way.
Lost something in your house? Can't find your keys for example? A pendulum can be used to determine where they are located! The other day my husband lost his keys... literally as cliche as it seems! We were able to use the pendulum to find out that he had left them in the TRUNK of the car of all places, just by asking a series of questions! You can use the pendulum to guide you in the direction you need to go to locate something by asking it to "show you north, east, south, west, and then; once calibrated; asking it to show you the direction you need to go to locate XYZ!
There are many ways to determine if your chakras are out of balance; but what many don't know is that you can check them out with a pendulum to get an idea of which chakras need some help! This can be done for yourself and for other people by holding the pendulum over the area of the body where each chakra is located and determining the direction it moves. Once you determine which ones need some balancing; you can do your meditation and chakra balancing in that area and then re-check with the pendulum!
One caveat here: It's always a good idea to see your healthcare practitioner! Don't let the pendulum be your sole diagnostic criteria! But, with that being said: you certainly can use it to get a better idea of where things might be going awry in your body! Let me give you an example... let's say you've been feeling "under the weather" and aren't really sure what area of your body to focus on healing first. It could be helpful to go over your body with the pendulum and get an idea of where you should focus your healing. Or maybe you just want to do a monthly or yearly "check-up" before you make your annual physical appointment. This could give you an idea of any areas of concern that you would want to question your healthcare provider about. If you do Reiki healing or any other energetic healing modality, often a pendulum can help determine where you would want to focus your healing energies on your client.
This technique can come in handy when dealing with pets as well. Especially since they can't tell us what's wrong! The other day my older cat had a bit of stomach sickness. This isn't something that happens with her very often at all. I had a few ideas of what may have caused it, but just to be sure, I ran the pendulum over her body to get the root cause of it. Now, I would have expected it to move in a positive direction over her abdomen... but alas, that was not the case. It did however move in a positive direction over her head. Oh, no worries, she isn't physically battling anything... in her case it's mental. She is severely passive aggressive and anti social... and we recently took in a stray kitten which has been distressing to say the least to the older cat! In this case, she spent the whole day sitting in the screened in porch (in the warm weather) in protest; which likely contributed to her stomach upset!
We all know the obvious ones! Certainly processed foods are toxic and fruits and veggies are not toxic, right? Well, maybe. You actually may use a pendulum to determine if an apple will be toxic to your body and get a positive answer! Hmmm... wonder why? Well, if that apple was sprayed with pesticides, that may be why you'd get that answer. Once you wash it off and recheck with the pendulum, odds are you'll get the answer that it's NOT toxic!
Another example might be to use the pendulum over foods with gluten to determine if your body would be sensitive to them. Or even to see if you should really be drinking that next glass of wine!
This is one can be tricky and not advisable unless you've been practicing and gotten good at using a pendulum! Taking a pendulum to the casino, you can effectively use it to figure out which table will offer you the best odds of winning!
So, you're doing a ritual or working with a deity or Saint and are unsure what type of offering you should leave... use your pendulum to determine what would be the best choice! Trying to influence someone in your favor and unsure if you should do a candle working or a honey jar? Consult your pendulum to determine the best choice for your situation!
This one may freak some people out, but it is a valid use for a pendulum! We have a female spirit lingering in our house and I will often use the pendulum to try to connect with her and figure out what she wants when she's clearly trying to get our attention! One time my son became frustrated because his electronics were "acting up". He came into the living room demanding that I "banish the ghost!" because in his eyes, she kept messing with his electronics! Of course, he's young and his wording was far from compassionate! Well, that night long after they went to bed; and as I was walking down the hall to go to bed myself; I noticed a small pile of his clothes sitting smack dab in the middle of the hallway! I reached for the pendulum and asked a few questions; realizing that my son most likely ticked her off a bit! We were able to talk to the spirit and ask her in a nicer way to leave the electronics alone and haven't had an issue since!
What are some of the other things you've used a pendulum for? I'd love to hear about them!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook
Interested in learning how to use your pendulum? I will have an upcoming workshop (done in an online format) in September through the Kera Center! Stay tuned!
But did you know there are so many other uses for a pendulum??
1. Asking Yes/No Questions... and even more detailed questions!
This is the basic one that most people who know about pendulums would say is what they can be used for. In fact, when I do pendulum readings, this is the most common way that I use my pendulums! If you have a more detailed question or need to know the answer based on a set of choices, you could also make a pendulum chart to get those answers a little bit faster than going through each one and asking in a yes/no question way.
2. Find things!
Lost something in your house? Can't find your keys for example? A pendulum can be used to determine where they are located! The other day my husband lost his keys... literally as cliche as it seems! We were able to use the pendulum to find out that he had left them in the TRUNK of the car of all places, just by asking a series of questions! You can use the pendulum to guide you in the direction you need to go to locate something by asking it to "show you north, east, south, west, and then; once calibrated; asking it to show you the direction you need to go to locate XYZ!3. Check your Chakras.
There are many ways to determine if your chakras are out of balance; but what many don't know is that you can check them out with a pendulum to get an idea of which chakras need some help! This can be done for yourself and for other people by holding the pendulum over the area of the body where each chakra is located and determining the direction it moves. Once you determine which ones need some balancing; you can do your meditation and chakra balancing in that area and then re-check with the pendulum!
4. Locate areas of potential concern in your body or your pets body.
One caveat here: It's always a good idea to see your healthcare practitioner! Don't let the pendulum be your sole diagnostic criteria! But, with that being said: you certainly can use it to get a better idea of where things might be going awry in your body! Let me give you an example... let's say you've been feeling "under the weather" and aren't really sure what area of your body to focus on healing first. It could be helpful to go over your body with the pendulum and get an idea of where you should focus your healing. Or maybe you just want to do a monthly or yearly "check-up" before you make your annual physical appointment. This could give you an idea of any areas of concern that you would want to question your healthcare provider about. If you do Reiki healing or any other energetic healing modality, often a pendulum can help determine where you would want to focus your healing energies on your client.
This technique can come in handy when dealing with pets as well. Especially since they can't tell us what's wrong! The other day my older cat had a bit of stomach sickness. This isn't something that happens with her very often at all. I had a few ideas of what may have caused it, but just to be sure, I ran the pendulum over her body to get the root cause of it. Now, I would have expected it to move in a positive direction over her abdomen... but alas, that was not the case. It did however move in a positive direction over her head. Oh, no worries, she isn't physically battling anything... in her case it's mental. She is severely passive aggressive and anti social... and we recently took in a stray kitten which has been distressing to say the least to the older cat! In this case, she spent the whole day sitting in the screened in porch (in the warm weather) in protest; which likely contributed to her stomach upset!
5. Determine which foods won't be "toxic" to your body.
We all know the obvious ones! Certainly processed foods are toxic and fruits and veggies are not toxic, right? Well, maybe. You actually may use a pendulum to determine if an apple will be toxic to your body and get a positive answer! Hmmm... wonder why? Well, if that apple was sprayed with pesticides, that may be why you'd get that answer. Once you wash it off and recheck with the pendulum, odds are you'll get the answer that it's NOT toxic!
Another example might be to use the pendulum over foods with gluten to determine if your body would be sensitive to them. Or even to see if you should really be drinking that next glass of wine!
6. When gambling...
This is one can be tricky and not advisable unless you've been practicing and gotten good at using a pendulum! Taking a pendulum to the casino, you can effectively use it to figure out which table will offer you the best odds of winning!7. When determining which type of ritual or offering to give.
So, you're doing a ritual or working with a deity or Saint and are unsure what type of offering you should leave... use your pendulum to determine what would be the best choice! Trying to influence someone in your favor and unsure if you should do a candle working or a honey jar? Consult your pendulum to determine the best choice for your situation!
8. To communicate with spirits, demons and more.
This one may freak some people out, but it is a valid use for a pendulum! We have a female spirit lingering in our house and I will often use the pendulum to try to connect with her and figure out what she wants when she's clearly trying to get our attention! One time my son became frustrated because his electronics were "acting up". He came into the living room demanding that I "banish the ghost!" because in his eyes, she kept messing with his electronics! Of course, he's young and his wording was far from compassionate! Well, that night long after they went to bed; and as I was walking down the hall to go to bed myself; I noticed a small pile of his clothes sitting smack dab in the middle of the hallway! I reached for the pendulum and asked a few questions; realizing that my son most likely ticked her off a bit! We were able to talk to the spirit and ask her in a nicer way to leave the electronics alone and haven't had an issue since!
What are some of the other things you've used a pendulum for? I'd love to hear about them!
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook
Interested in learning how to use your pendulum? I will have an upcoming workshop (done in an online format) in September through the Kera Center! Stay tuned!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Women: Take Back Your Power! 5 Steps to Empowerment
There's a buzz word going around and it is "empowered". Now as a woman and small business owner, I have had many different experiences of being and feeling empowered. And that got me thinking... were these experiences just random? Or are there specific things I can do in my own life to feel empowered all the time? (Or at least MORE of the time!)
Let's take a look at some of the best tips for feeling empowered! Ladies, it's time we took back our power and lived in that reality!!
This one is something I've been working on lately myself. Oh, I am pretty good at setting my boundaries, but keeping them and sticking to them is another story all together! So, what this means is figuring out what you will and will not accept from others. We know that we can't change someone else, but we CAN change our response to other people. That's what is important. This means knowing when you need to say "no" to other people. Knowing what behaviors and actions from other people that you will or will not accept. The harder part of this, for me anyway, is sticking to these boundaries. What this involves is really standing up for yourself. Being able to verbalize that you are not able to do the thing that may be asked of you; and knowing that you don't owe anyone an explanation as to why that is!
What this means in a nutshell is - surround yourself with your tribe! These are the people that support you. The people that treat you as an equal and not as someone lesser than they are. And on those occasions when you do meet someone who tries to treat you "less than"; you'll have the backing of your tribe for support and to help you to feel more empowered. These are the people that will cheer you on in your endeavors!
You are beautiful and powerful! But that doesn't mean a damn thing if YOU don't believe it! It's important to realize your own worth and value. Accept that you are gorgeous in your own rite and own that! Take time during your day to work on YOU. That means taking time to become the best version of YOU that you can be. Maybe that means working out a bit, taking a course, or even just taking the time to relax in a quiet, soothing tub. Whatever you need to do to treat yourself the way you would expect a queen to treat herself is what you should be striving for here! You are worth it!!
We all have those negative thoughts that creep into our heads on a daily basis. "I can't do that because XYZ", "I'm just not that good yet", and so on. It's normal. But those thoughts don't define us and we don't want to dwell on them. Make a conscious effort that when those thoughts enter your mind, you'll replace them with a positive thought. For example: when the self defeating thought of "I can't possibly do a live video recording" pops into your mind; you'll want to recognize it as a self-defeating thought and replace it with a positive thought such as "I have worked hard and that training has absolutely equipped me with the knowledge and confidence I need to do a live video recording!". You control your mind!
What does it mean to know your truth? Well, that simply means that you accept who you are, what you do and what you hold true and dear. It means living authentically without concern for other peoples expectations for you. It involves being comfortable with those things and you won't feel guilty about what your truth is!
What are some other ways that you've stepped into your own empowerment? If you've done any of the things mentioned above; what were your results? Share your success stories in the comments below!
~ Heather
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook
Let's take a look at some of the best tips for feeling empowered! Ladies, it's time we took back our power and lived in that reality!!
1. Set your boundaries... and KEEP them!
This one is something I've been working on lately myself. Oh, I am pretty good at setting my boundaries, but keeping them and sticking to them is another story all together! So, what this means is figuring out what you will and will not accept from others. We know that we can't change someone else, but we CAN change our response to other people. That's what is important. This means knowing when you need to say "no" to other people. Knowing what behaviors and actions from other people that you will or will not accept. The harder part of this, for me anyway, is sticking to these boundaries. What this involves is really standing up for yourself. Being able to verbalize that you are not able to do the thing that may be asked of you; and knowing that you don't owe anyone an explanation as to why that is!
2. Surround yourself with other people who appreciate and respect your boundaries.
What this means in a nutshell is - surround yourself with your tribe! These are the people that support you. The people that treat you as an equal and not as someone lesser than they are. And on those occasions when you do meet someone who tries to treat you "less than"; you'll have the backing of your tribe for support and to help you to feel more empowered. These are the people that will cheer you on in your endeavors!
3. Treat YOURSELF like the Queen that you are!
You are beautiful and powerful! But that doesn't mean a damn thing if YOU don't believe it! It's important to realize your own worth and value. Accept that you are gorgeous in your own rite and own that! Take time during your day to work on YOU. That means taking time to become the best version of YOU that you can be. Maybe that means working out a bit, taking a course, or even just taking the time to relax in a quiet, soothing tub. Whatever you need to do to treat yourself the way you would expect a queen to treat herself is what you should be striving for here! You are worth it!!
4. Be your own best cheerleader!
We all have those negative thoughts that creep into our heads on a daily basis. "I can't do that because XYZ", "I'm just not that good yet", and so on. It's normal. But those thoughts don't define us and we don't want to dwell on them. Make a conscious effort that when those thoughts enter your mind, you'll replace them with a positive thought. For example: when the self defeating thought of "I can't possibly do a live video recording" pops into your mind; you'll want to recognize it as a self-defeating thought and replace it with a positive thought such as "I have worked hard and that training has absolutely equipped me with the knowledge and confidence I need to do a live video recording!". You control your mind!
5. Know your truth... and OWN it!
What does it mean to know your truth? Well, that simply means that you accept who you are, what you do and what you hold true and dear. It means living authentically without concern for other peoples expectations for you. It involves being comfortable with those things and you won't feel guilty about what your truth is!
What are some other ways that you've stepped into your own empowerment? If you've done any of the things mentioned above; what were your results? Share your success stories in the comments below!
~ Heather
Find me on the web at Raven Haze Healing and Divination and on Facebook
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