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Friday, January 27, 2017

Making Connections

Making Connections. This is something so often talked about. I hear it in entrepreneur groups speaking of making meaningful connections with people in business. I hear it in my spiritual community in regards to making solid connections with our ancestors, spirit guides and deities. One is very much on the physical realm while the other is clearly on a more spiritual plane. As above, so below and thus both being of equal importance. 

Often times, spiritually minded people may neglect to nurture their relationships on the physical plane. We spend quite a bit of time connecting with our guides in meditation; and experience the incredible bliss that offers, that we spend more time seeking THAT and less time "dealing with people". 

Alternately, there are those who spend a great deal of time developing relationships "in real life" (or IRL, as I've come to know!) that they either neglect or just don't find time to work on nurturing their spiritual connections. The connections with other humans on this physical plane brings joy and a feeling of belonging. Furthermore, we actually LIVE on this plane of existence, and, let's face it.... our ideal clients are other humans, not spirit guides!! 

As a spiritually minded entrepreneur, I have come to realize the importance of finding a balance in our connections. For me, as an Evidential Medium and probably as an introvert; I find making those spiritual connections a whole lot easier than making those connections on the physical plane. But, I know for many others... (those more extroverted than me).... making spiritual connections and taking time to "just sit" and meditate can be as daunting for them as making physical connections can be for me!

What are some ways you find that balance between maintaining your spiritual connections and still nurturing and growing your physical connections?

Find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

Are you on Instagram??? Follow me at www.instagram.com/ravenhaze_healing_divination

Monday, January 23, 2017

Do You Talk To The DEAD?

Many people wonder how they can talk to their passed loved ones themselves... and I also hear many frustrations from people that DO talk to their loved ones, but don't seem to get a response! Let's take a look at some of the ways we can open up that communication!

The first thing we want to do is to actually reach out and make that connection with our passed loved ones. Let them know "hey, I'm here and would really love to hear back from you!". We can do this in a variety of ways. The simplest way is to just TALK to them! Talk out loud as though they are still with you. Now, if you want to get a little more intimate and really get the convo flowing, we can use a journal to write down our thoughts and questions that we have for our loved ones. We can also sit in meditation and mentally express ourselves. When sitting in meditation, ask any questions or express any concerns that you have at the time. And then sit and be still. 

So that's one part of the conversation! But communication is a two-way street baby!! And our ancestors definitely WANT to communicate... and they DO communicate... but we have to listen a little closer! You see, once they're dead, they don't communicate the same way as they did when they were living! They can't just come right out and make sounds with a voice box... because they are no longer a soul in a meat suit... they are now just a soul! 

So, they communicate in different ways. They may come to you in a dream. Now, they may NOT come to you in the dream looking as they looked when you remembered them! This is why it will help for you to keep a "dream journal" by your bedside. You'll want to jot down any details of your dreams and then take a look at them later to determine what the message is. 

Another way our ancestors may communicate with us is through symbols. We may see synchronicities in our lives. A butterfly lingering around, a dragon fly in an unusual area, finding dimes or pennies regularly, or even having a feather placed in your path. These are often signs that your loved ones have heard you and are reaching out to make contact, telling you that they are around. 

You may see repeating numbers throughout your day. These are sometimes called Angel Numbers and each number has significant meaning. So, if you find yourself seeing a particular number fairly regularly, chances are, someone in the spirit realm is wanting you to take a second look. You may see 11:11 when you look at the clock, or 4:50 each day. Whatever the number or combination of numbers happens to be; take a moment to research what it means. This is one way that our loved ones may respond to us! 

One of the best ways to tune in to the spirit world is to develop your clair-abilities. Spirit will often let you know that they are around with various scents that remind you of them; be it a cigar smell, perfume or cologne. You may get a "feeling" or "just know" something your relative may be trying to share with you. 

Some people don't feel as though their connection is that good and will seek out a Medium to be the "go between" for them. This is another way to effectively communicate with the dead. Using an outside source can be tremendously helpful in these cases! A Medium should provide EVIDENCE to you of WHO the spirit is that they are connecting with. This means they should be able to share with you details that they would not otherwise know- such as a name, favorite things to do, habits, cause of death, etc. 

Certainly, many people have communicated with the dead using physical devices throughout the years! The Ouija board is probably one of the oldest methods to open up those lines of communication. However, many people have also had less than desirable experiences with that, so it is super important to be sure you are well versed in the safety measures to put into place prior to using one! The biggest question with this method seems to be "how do I know it's my relative??" Well... same way really. Ask questions that only they would know. Get evidence! Other devices include various Instrumental Transcommunication methods such as Spirit Boxes. The most basic of these use radio waves to allow the spirits to communicate with us. 

So... let's try a challenge!! Grab a candle and a quiet space! Make sure you've got about 20-30 minutes to spend and make yourself comfortable. Light your candle and as you sit in the quiet of your space, focus on the flame a bit. Think about your loved one that you'd like to communicate with. Visualize them in your minds eye. Speak to them, either out loud or in your mind. If you ask a question, pay attention to the candle flame. Does it move side to side in a "no" direction? Or does it grow larger, upwards in a "yes" direction? Do you sense a presence with you? Pay attention to images that come into your mind or words that you may hear in your mind. These may sound like they are coming from YOU, but trust that they are coming from your loved one. If the images seem weird- know that spirit often communicates in symbols, so make note of what the image is and research the meaning later on. If you are visualizing your loved one, you can watch to see if your image shakes its head no or yes when you ask a question. 

Use your intuition. Use your Clair-abilities. And in time, you will be able to really open up those lines of communication!

Check out the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

And.. hey... if you're serious about this shit... head over to my web page and grab your FREE PDF on how to develop those Clair-abilities! www.ravenhaze.com

When Times Get Tough... The Tough KEEP GOING!

As I was meditating the other day and channeling the Goddess, it occurred to me that one of the common themes lately is that of perseverance. I'm being shown the importance of being steadfast, consistent and having tenacity! And I know that this message is as much for me as it is for others!

It wasn't too long ago that the theme I was getting was that of "pushing through the fear" and to "just do it!" And, being the procrastinator that I am, I'm guessing that was the theme because I just wasn't getting my ass in gear and DOING IT!! 

And so it is with the current theme of "sticking with it". Only, this time, I don't want to be stuck on the same theme for months on end; especially due to my own shortcomings! So, this time, I intend on actually DOING what the Goddess is suggesting! 

But, alas... let's delve deeper into what she actually means by perseverance! Looking at the actual definition of the word we can see that perseverance is: steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. 

What does this mean in terms of our spiritual life? In terms of waiting for things to manifest? Well, to me this means continuing to SHOW UP and be present-- even though we may not see immediate results that its been successful. Even though it may be hard to do because we are "too tired", "too depressed" or "too anything [insert excuse here!]

It means making a commitment to yourself to be determined in your efforts. NO. MATTER. WHAT. 

This concept seems so easy. I'm sure you're sitting there reading this and saying "well, duh!!!" But in our current society of instant results -- sometimes sticking with it is a little more challenging than it sounds. Sometimes "showing up" and "being present" isn't always the easy thing to do. 

For me, being consistent is a huge part of perseverance. And I think this is probably the biggest part of this concept that I fall short on. Maintaining regular contact with people in a meaningful way. And, so I work on this... and make lists each week and each day; reminding myself that I am committed and I am moving forward... albeit slowly! And part of those lists include my little reminders to "show up" and "be steadfast". 

I challenge you today to remind yourself to PERSEVERE by being consistent and "showing up", despite the perceived difficulties and despite the lack of perceived results... stay the course! I would love to hear your story! Share a time when you really weren't seeing the fruits of your labor and maybe, just weren't motivated to "show up"... what was it that motivated you to persevere and press on?

And then... check out the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination    and stop by the web site for some freebies!! www.ravenhaze.com

Friday, January 20, 2017

A Tale of 2 Chicks

There was this chick a few years ago who was sitting home in the depths of depression. Life had taken a huge turn-around for her. It was the TOWER tarot card in its full glory! (Along with his side-kick the MOON). Life went from one of few worries all the way to being a complete shit show! Friends were no where to be found. Life was crumbling all around her and she found herself burying her head in the sand as best she could.. anything to avoid looking at what her life had become. 

Then there was this other girl... She didn't let the crappy circumstances of life define her. She was "down" but not "out"! Well... not yet anyway! She took whatever oomph she had left inside her and pushed forward. Learned some new stuff. Re-learned some old stuff. Made some new friends and slowly.. ever so slowly... began to grow stronger. And she took control of her life like the MAGICIAN card; reaching for the STARS and gaining the WORLD in the process. 

What did it take? Some serious self-reflection like we see in the HERMIT along with major, inner transformation like we see in the JUDGEMENT card. Both of those, coupled with STRENGTH, allowed her to move forward and take the next step. (And a whole lotta time spent in meditation....)

Hey, come follow me on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination!

Or check out Instagram! Raven Haze on Instagram!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Do you stay PRESENT even in the UNCOMFORTABLE times of life??

I can remember being pregnant with my fifth child and one of the biggest "lessons" I learned from that time. As so many people who have had children know, when you are pregnant with your first child everything is so new and "unknown"... Then as you are pregnant with subsequent children, you really FEEL everything so much more. You feel those Braxton Hicks contractions more. You seem to feel everything MORE

Well, during the time I was pregnant with my fifth and last child, I went through a period during the final three months where I was just done! I can remember feeling as though if I could just take this heavy belly OFF for a little while and pack it away in a closet... just for some relief. I was quite large... rotund... heavy.... ;) and I was tired! 

As I was driving in the car one day the thought occurred to me... 'this is where you're meant to be right now'. It was a tough pill to swallow at the time when I was FEELING all of the discomforts of pregnancy so vividly! But I let myself simmer with that thought for a bit and started to have a lovely realization. Yes, this IS where I am meant to be at this moment in life. I am exactly where I needed to be. And I could lament the discomforts... OR I could savor them, knowing that I would never be here again. 

Through the remainder of that pregnancy, I revisited that thought many more times... including when I was in labor! And it was then that I began to train my mind to be more PRESENT in each moment. EVEN the moments that don't seem comfortable! I began to really apply this principle to every area of my life. The good times AND the not so good times!

I am here and I am present. This moment in time may not be one of the most comfortable moments, but I am here for a reason. It may be a lesson to learn. It may only be to experience the contrasts in life. But it is THE MOMENT that I am meant to be in at this time in this life. And I will FEEL all of the feelings that come with that moment. And I will allow myself to experience those feelings in their fullest, being grateful... and appreciative... that I am able to experience this moment so fully. And I will own them... if only for that moment; because, good or bad,  I know that the moment will not last forever! 

I challenge you to acknowledge the moment in time that you are experiencing right now! Allow yourself to be totally present in the moment! 

Check out my website for a ton of useful information and free videos! www.ravenhaze.com and while you're at it... let's connect on Facebook!! www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination

Monday, January 16, 2017

Here's my why.... what's yours?

BORING material!!! UGH!!!

How many of you have sat in a class and found yourself practically falling asleep from boredom? And then years later, being shown that same subject and suddenly being inspired to learn more about it? 

Many moons ago I remember sitting in my high school history class, bored out of my mind. Oh, I passed the class alright, but it certainly didn't inspire a passion in me to learn more about history. 

Fast forward to my adult years, and I can tell you now that I LOVE history! So, what changed? Well, quite simply, watching channels such as The History Channel brought the subjects to life for me and inspired me to WANT to learn more. 

You see, it wasn't necessarily the subject matter that I found un-inspiring; but rather, it was the delivery! Had the material been presented differently, I'm sure I would have had that "spark" at a much earlier age! When someone brings that information to life for you and shows their own excitement for the material, it seems to ignite a flame within us as the students! 


How about this... have you ever sat through a course and just didn't "get it"? Maybe everyone else seemed to have complete understanding of the concepts, but you just felt lost somewhere? As students in any class we all want to come out on the other side successful. I've sat through so many classes where a few students, myself included, had a hard time grasping the concepts. And sometimes, we would have a teacher who would make it his or her mission to make sure we "got it". But other times, we were simply left by the wayside. The attitude seemingly, "hey, maybe if you just studied more....". 

Shouldn't every student be successful? I feel, as a teacher, that if even one student doesn't "get" the material, then maybe I need to take a second look at the way I am delivering the content. 

So, when I became a teacher of various subjects... I made it my personal mission to make sure that every one of my students was able to come out on the other side successful and with a good understanding of what I was teaching. I honestly didn't ever want anyone to feel that they were on the side-lines. And more importantly, I wanted to inspire a passion for the subject in the same way someone inspired that passion in me!

But, Why These Crazy Subjects???

I have this strong belief that, as human beings, we ALL have the innate ability to heal ourselves as well as others. I also have this crazy notion that we all have the ability to use our "sixth sense"... if only we would develop it. I really feel that these skills lie dormant in us. I know you've heard this statement: "If you don't use it, you lose it!" and that is pretty much my feelings on these special abilities that only a select few seem to hone. But I do believe that once you start to work on these abilities, not only will they develop, but we become so inspired to keep on growing with them! It's almost like unlocking a secret door that you just recently found and watching in child-like wonder at what's on the other side!

When I first began to work on my abilities... the awe and excitement I experienced is something I hope that EVERYONE can experience! It has made such a significant difference in my life on so many levels that I want nothing more than to share that excitement with anyone who is open to it! And that is my why! Why I teach at all and why I teach the things I teach! To inspire YOU to grow! To inspire YOU to want to expand your mind and abilities! To instill in others that same excitement that I found when I was taught! 

What is YOUR why? Share in the comments below!!

Follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ravenhazehealingdivination  and find me on the web at www.ravenhaze.com

Monday, January 9, 2017

Manifesting and Acceptance... And how to screw that shit up!

As many of you know by now, I am a big believer in manifesting. By this I mean that I strongly believe in the power of positive affirmations, aligning your emotional experience and vibration to that which you desire to manifest in your life, and trusting in the universal response to acknowledge my desires and formulate them into my reality. 

Sounds totally crazy to anyone who isn't familiar with the whole manifesting process... but I've seen it work. Not just once, but many times over. And not just in others, but in my own life as well. 

Now, I've written about manifesting in the past and tried to explain the process in the easiest way I could at the time. I prefer that concepts... any concept... be broken down to the simplest format possible. In this way, it makes it easier for just about anyone to comprehend and master. 

Part of manifesting is using positive affirmations. But those alone will not get you what you desire. I can state every day that I have a million bucks, but that statement alone isn't going to cut it. I need to add substance. That substance is in the form of our emotions. I need to feel it. Feel what it WILL feel like when I have a million bucks. Feel it so deeply and so clearly that I KNOW that feeling and am comfortable with that feeling. And certainly we want to express gratitude to the universe for what we are manifesting... because we KNOW it IS coming. 

Now, as you simmer on that part of the manifestation process for a bit... let's take a look at some of the other parts. Some of the parts that can fuck up the whole process.....  
Because as much as I am able to manifest in my life... I am equally as good at fucking that shit up royally! 

The first way that I tend to screw up my manifestation is when I don't TRUST!
Let's look at this in this way... say I give someone a job to do... and then, before they are even finished, I take it back because maybe I feel like they aren't getting it done fast enough or maybe I'm just a control freak. Either way, I haven't even given them enough time to show me that they CAN get the job done! It's much the same with the universe. We have to trust that the universe CAN get that job done! And then give the universe TIME to actually do the work! 

The next big way to screw up the manifestation process is to allow FEAR to set in... Oh, not you, eh? Let's just see... 

How many times have you tried to manifest a loftier goal... only to have an option present itself that scared the shit out of you? Or... you've been working on manifesting something kind of lofty and an opportunity presented itself... and you went with it... following through... but all the while had this nagging sense of inadequacy and fear that kept creeping in?

It's said that there are really only two emotions: love and fear. And it's that fear that rears its ugly head in the form of anxiety, nervousness, shame, guilt and so many more of the "undesirable" emotions... 

It's so important that we face that fear, acknowledge it and push through it! "hey, fear... thanks for showing up... but you're not needed at the moment!" GTFO FEAR!!!

We can't deny it exists. But we can choose how we respond to it. And since it comes from within US... we can send it to the back seat! Now... even if you push through the fear... we can't let it linger even a little bit. Say you are going to do a TEDx talk. You realize the universe granted you this amazing opportunity! You've prepared for this and now the time has come. Of course fear decides to step up to the plate. Well, you know you're going to push through it and get on that stage anyway. BUT... if you let that fear linger even a bit... it could sabotage your whole speech! Your nerves and anxiety may show through in your words or your lack of enthusiasms. Because when you're focusing on fear... you aren't focusing on your objective. 

The third way we can screw up our manifestations is when we don't have a clear objective. Putting it out to the universe that you want a "good life" is too broad and too subjective. A good life to one person may be a simple cottage by the sea with a wood burning stove and herbs hanging from the ceiling. A good life to someone else may be more along the lines of a Mercedes in the driveway and a ten bedroom house. We need to explain a little bit more when it comes to manifesting. 

But, with that being said; we don't want to be SO specific that we limit the options that the universe has to bring us those desires!  If I wanted to manifest $5,000; I would have better luck simply trying to manifest that money without putting limitations on HOW that money is to come. In other words, I may choose to AVOID saying "I will manifest $5,000 from my job" because that would limit where that money comes from. 

What are some of the ways that YOU tend to mess up YOUR manifestation process? It's okay... you can share them here! Throw them in the comments below!

Don't forget to check out my web page at www.ravenhaze.com for some freebies and amazing deals on readings and healing classes! And be sure to connect with me on Facebook! (Raven Haze Fan Page) and (Raven Haze Group)